| - __NOINDEX__ The University of Western Ontario Debating Society, founded in 1896, is the oldest student association at the University of Western Ontario in London, Ontario, Canada. It was originally part of the student union at the university, and was separated in 1915 and named "The New Areopagus of Western University", after the supreme tribunal of Athens. It was given its present name in the 1950s. Today, the Society competes internationally and is one of the founding members of the Canadian University Society for Intercollegiate Debate (CUSID).
| - __NOINDEX__ The University of Western Ontario Debating Society, founded in 1896, is the oldest student association at the University of Western Ontario in London, Ontario, Canada. It was originally part of the student union at the university, and was separated in 1915 and named "The New Areopagus of Western University", after the supreme tribunal of Athens. It was given its present name in the 1950s. Today, the Society competes internationally and is one of the founding members of the Canadian University Society for Intercollegiate Debate (CUSID). The Society is located in University College at the University of Western Ontario. Although sponsored by the university, its activities, including all hosted tournaments, national and international debates, are entirely student-run. Its executive committee is elected annually by the membership, and consists of a President, six Vice Presidents, and a Tournament Director. It was for many years the annual host of the Central Canadian Novice Debating Championship and is the originator of the North American Open Championship.