Millennium (ミレニアム, Mireniamu) is a fictional Nazi organization from the manga series Hellsing by Kouta Hirano. They serve as the primary antagonists in the series. Its name is a reference to the "Thousand Year Reich" which Adolf Hitler sought to establish during World War II. Within the series, the mysterious group pools its resources after the war and with, for unknown reasons, substantial help from the Vatican (which later broke away from it upon seeing the error of their ways), is able to relocate to Brazil to go into hiding. Millennium's researchers discover a way to transform humans into vampires through unknown means (although it is suggested that some kind of surgery is involved), and monitors the implanted computer chips.
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| - Millennium (ミレニアム, Mireniamu) is a fictional Nazi organization from the manga series Hellsing by Kouta Hirano. They serve as the primary antagonists in the series. Its name is a reference to the "Thousand Year Reich" which Adolf Hitler sought to establish during World War II. Within the series, the mysterious group pools its resources after the war and with, for unknown reasons, substantial help from the Vatican (which later broke away from it upon seeing the error of their ways), is able to relocate to Brazil to go into hiding. Millennium's researchers discover a way to transform humans into vampires through unknown means (although it is suggested that some kind of surgery is involved), and monitors the implanted computer chips.
- Origin No information Foundation No information Headquarters No information Commanders No information Agents No information Powers/Skills No information Goals No information Type of Villains No information Millennium is a Nazi organization from the anime/manga series Hellsing by Kouta Hirano whose members serve as the primary antagonists in the series. Its name is a reference to the "Thousand Year Reich" which Adolf Hitler sought to establish during World War II. Within the series, the mysterious group pools its resources after the war and, with substantial help from the Vatican, is able to relocate to Brazil to go into hiding.
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| - Plunge the world into an endless state of war and push humanity to the brink of extinction
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| - Missiles
- FREAK Chips
- Firearms & Explosives
- Modified and Advanced Firearms
- Vampire Army
- Zeppelin Fleet
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| - The Millennium Organization
| - Airships
- Advanced Weaponry
- Artifical Vampire Army
- Military Resources
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| - South America
- Nazi Germany
- Zeppelin Commandship
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| - The Doctor, The Captain, Rip van Winkle, Zorin Blitz, Schrödinger, Tubalcain Alhambra, Luke and Jan Valentine, Walter C. Dornez, Mina Harker, Waffen SS Vampires and other Vampire Soldiers
type of villains
| - Nazis, Vampires, Destroyers
| - Millennium (ミレニアム, Mireniamu) is a fictional Nazi organization from the manga series Hellsing by Kouta Hirano. They serve as the primary antagonists in the series. Its name is a reference to the "Thousand Year Reich" which Adolf Hitler sought to establish during World War II. Within the series, the mysterious group pools its resources after the war and with, for unknown reasons, substantial help from the Vatican (which later broke away from it upon seeing the error of their ways), is able to relocate to Brazil to go into hiding. Millennium's researchers discover a way to transform humans into vampires through unknown means (although it is suggested that some kind of surgery is involved), and monitors the implanted computer chips.
- Origin No information Foundation No information Headquarters No information Commanders No information Agents No information Powers/Skills No information Goals No information Type of Villains No information Millennium is a Nazi organization from the anime/manga series Hellsing by Kouta Hirano whose members serve as the primary antagonists in the series. Its name is a reference to the "Thousand Year Reich" which Adolf Hitler sought to establish during World War II. Within the series, the mysterious group pools its resources after the war and, with substantial help from the Vatican, is able to relocate to Brazil to go into hiding. Millennium's researchers have discovered a way to transform humans into vampires through unknown means, though it is suggested that some kind of surgery is involving implanting computer chips.
is Affiliations
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