| - A specific species of Anti-Villain: a creature that could be called monstrous, but can't actually be viewed as evil, since it lacks any actual malice. This is not to say that they're not a threat; they're usually a literal monster, and if they're not dealt with, many people will die. It's just that, in theory, options besides killing the monster exist. See also Monster Is a Mommy, a Sub-Trope of when the monster in question is fully justified or even doing objective good in its monstrous actions. See also Why Isn't It Attacking? When the non-malicious behavior is noticed.
| - A specific species of Anti-Villain: a creature that could be called monstrous, but can't actually be viewed as evil, since it lacks any actual malice. This is not to say that they're not a threat; they're usually a literal monster, and if they're not dealt with, many people will die. It's just that, in theory, options besides killing the monster exist. Note the difference between a Reluctant Monster and a Non-Malicious Monster is that the Non-Malicious Monster is always an antagonist; the Reluctant Monster can be a protagonist. In addition, the Reluctant Monster is usually sapient or can sense people's responses to its monstrosity (see, e.g., Casper the Friendly Ghost). The Non-Malicious Monster is more along the lines of a completely instinctive beast with no sapience; in other words, it's just reacting to stimulus in incredibly dangerous ways without bearing malice towards anyone. Imagine a 100-foot-tall rottweiler, if you will. If they do have any sapience, it's a case of being Obliviously Evil. Typically True Neutral. Sometimes compared to a Complete Monster or a Corrupt Corporate Executive type to make the distinction between "monster" and "evil" more explicit and obvious. Expect early victims to be Assholes for the usual reasons: we don't feel as bad about a giant dick being killed, and it doesn't hurt any sympathy we may have with the monster. See also Monster Is a Mommy, a Sub-Trope of when the monster in question is fully justified or even doing objective good in its monstrous actions. See also Why Isn't It Attacking? When the non-malicious behavior is noticed. Examples of Non-Malicious Monster include: