| - thumb|330px|Avatar de Khaela Mensha Khaine en la batalla.Uno de los Dioses Eldar, Kaela Mensha Khaine, normalmente abreviado como Khaine, se asocia al asesinato, la violencia, la destrucción y la guerra. Muchos estudiosos creen que es una manifestación de la pasión de la raza Eldar expresada en la batalla y la guerra. "Kaela Mensha", traducido aproximadamente como "el de la Mano Ensangrentada", no forma parte del nombre de Khaine, sino que es un epíteto añadido en referencia a la sangre que gotea eternamente de sus manos como recuerdo de su asesinato del antiguo héroe Eldar Eldanesh. La palabra Khaine representa la esencia del asesinato.
- Khaine is the God of the Eldar associated with battle, war and conflict. Many Imperial scholars believe him to be a manifestation of the Eldar's racial passion as manifested in battle and warfare. "Kaela Mensha" is not technically part of Khaine's name, but is actually a title he bears. It roughly translates from the Eldar Lexicon as "Bloody-Handed", a reference to the blood which eternally drips from his hands as a reminder of his murder of the ancient Eldar hero Eldanesh. During the War in Heaven between the Old Ones and the Necrons millions of Terran years ago, Khaine fought and defeated the C'tan known as the Nightbringer, shattering his Necrodermis, although the resulting metal shards pierced his flesh, tainting his form with "the aspect of the Reaper." It is also said that this event
| - Khaine is the God of the Eldar associated with battle, war and conflict. Many Imperial scholars believe him to be a manifestation of the Eldar's racial passion as manifested in battle and warfare. "Kaela Mensha" is not technically part of Khaine's name, but is actually a title he bears. It roughly translates from the Eldar Lexicon as "Bloody-Handed", a reference to the blood which eternally drips from his hands as a reminder of his murder of the ancient Eldar hero Eldanesh. During the War in Heaven between the Old Ones and the Necrons millions of Terran years ago, Khaine fought and defeated the C'tan known as the Nightbringer, shattering his Necrodermis, although the resulting metal shards pierced his flesh, tainting his form with "the aspect of the Reaper." It is also said that this event precipitated the eventual fall of the Eldar: The Nightbringer planted the fear of death within all mortal creatures except the Orks, which enhanced their deep-desire for self-preservation as a race. In the depths of the Warp, the beings of pure psychic energy created within the Immaterium during the turmoil of the War in Heaven would feast on these feelings and grow to sentience, setting into motion a chain of events that would close the Path of Rebirth for Eldar souls forever. Khaine is one of the three surviving Gods of the Eldar. Khaine is believed to have been assaulted, defeated, and dominated by Slaanesh sometime after Slaanesh's awakening in the 30th Millennium of the Imperial Calendar following the Fall of the Eldar. Following this, Khorne, the Chaos God of war and murder, battled Slaanesh for Khaine, claiming the Eldar deity as his property by right since they represented the same metaphysical forces. During the struggle between the Chaos Gods, Khaine was driven into the material world, where his psychic core shattered into a thousand pieces. Each piece came to rest at the heart of an Eldar Craftworld, where it hibernated within the Craftworld's Infinity Circuit, but could be animated again to possess an Eldar body and go to war when needed by the Craftworld. By sacrificing an Exarch to Khaine on the eve of battle, this newborn Avatar of Khaine becomes a fiery, animated manifestation of the God, including the blood dripping from his hands, and the Avatar leads the Eldar army of that Craftworld into battle. Khaine's precise nature in the Eldar cosmology is not defined, although due to his interaction with the Chaos Gods, he appears to be an entity of the Warp, although as a servant of Order rather than Chaos. Recent information acquired by the Imperium implies that Khaine and the rest of the Eldar Gods may have been members of the first sentient species in the galaxy known to the Eldar as "the Ancients" and to the Imperium as the Old Ones, who were the creators of the Eldar and many of the other intelligent species of the galaxy. Some Imperial savants believe that the Eldar Gods' mythological roles were then assigned to them in later eras by the Eldar as an expression of that species' culture and psychological needs. But the Eldar themselves insist that their Gods were real and are not simply mythological expressions of the role played by their ancient creators.
- thumb|330px|Avatar de Khaela Mensha Khaine en la batalla.Uno de los Dioses Eldar, Kaela Mensha Khaine, normalmente abreviado como Khaine, se asocia al asesinato, la violencia, la destrucción y la guerra. Muchos estudiosos creen que es una manifestación de la pasión de la raza Eldar expresada en la batalla y la guerra. "Kaela Mensha", traducido aproximadamente como "el de la Mano Ensangrentada", no forma parte del nombre de Khaine, sino que es un epíteto añadido en referencia a la sangre que gotea eternamente de sus manos como recuerdo de su asesinato del antiguo héroe Eldar Eldanesh. La palabra Khaine representa la esencia del asesinato. Durante la Guerra Celestial, Khaine combatió contra el Portador de la Noche y lo derrotó, machacando su necrodermis, aunque las esquirlas de metal que salieron despedidas hirieron su piel y contaminaron su forma con "la senda del Segador". También se dice que este suceso precipitó la caída final de los Eldar: el Portador plantó el miedo a la muerte en todas las razas, excepto a los Krorks, padres de los Orkos, lo que desarrolló sus emociones hacia la supervivencia. En las profundidades de la Disformidad, los seres creados durante los tumultos de la Guerra Celestial se alimentarían de estos sentimientos y alcanzarían la autoconsciencia, poniendo en marcha una cadena de eventos que cerraría la Senda del Renacimiento para las almas Eldar eternamente. Khaine es uno de los tres dioses Eldar supervivientes. En el antiguo panteón, sólo estaba por debajo de Asuryan en poder, y a menudo aparecía como enemigo de Vaul. Asimismo, es el dios más violento y temerario. Asuryan quedó tan horrorizado por su asesinato de Eldanesh, un mortal, que maldijo a Khaine e hizo que sus manos gotearan eternamente con la sangre de Eldanesh para que todos recordasen lo que había hecho. También se cree que Khaine fue asaltado, derrotado y dominado por Slaanesh en algún momento tras su despertar en el M29 (según el calendario imperial). Tras esto, Khorne, Dios del Caos de la guerra, se enfrentó a Slaanesh por Khaine, reclamándolo como su propiedad. Durante la lucha, Khaine fue empujado al mundo material, donde se rompió en mil pedazos. Los temidos Avatares de Khaine son sólo fragmentos del antiguo dios de la guerra, que pueden ser invocados mediante el sacrificio de un Exarca elegido para ser el Joven Rey, que es absorbido por la esencia de Khaine y convertido en el nuevo Avatar, que blande el poder del mismísimo Dios de la Guerra. Las Sendas del Guerrero seguidas por los Guerreros Especialistas Eldar representan los distintos aspectos o facetas de Khaine: cada tipo de Guerrero sigue de cerca un aspecto en particular mediante un largo entrenamiento y una gran dedicación, y cada uno cumple un papel distinto en la batalla. Los mayores guerreros Eldar pueden, si surge la necesidad, ofrecer sus vidas como sacrificios para despertar a un Avatar de Khaine, una de las unidades Eldar más poderosas.