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| - Armor Piercing
- Armor piercing
| - Armor Piercing is a Heroic Perk. __NoToC__
- Armor piercing is a design characteristic of bullets and shells. Armor-piercing shells are designed in a way that optimizes the delivery of its explosive charge through the armor plating of its target. To this end, AP shells are designed with a hardened cap to withstand the shock of impacting on the target's armor.
- Exactly 10 units in the game possess Armor Piercing by default. 2 are Fantastic Creatures, 5 are Normal Units, and 3 are Heroes. There is no way to add the Armor Piercing ability to any unit that does not already possess it, though it is possible to enchant a Magical Item with the "Lightning" bonus and give that item to a Hero - adding Armor Piercing Damage to only one of the Hero's attacks.
- Conjured and physical damage decreases the armor of armored enemies. Wizard Skills Storm Skills — Charged Bolt • Thunderstruck • Empowered Magic • Lightning Speed • Storm Armor • Frost Nova • Deep Freeze • Power Armor • Static Charge • Electrocute • Ray of Frost • Lethal Energy • Improved Charged Bolt • Static Residue • Blizzard • Storm Power • Epic Storms • Shattering Ice • Tornado Arcane Skills — Magic Missile • Arcane Power • Efficient Magics • Penetrating Spells • Disintegrate • Wave of Force • Arcane Armor • Arcane Weakness • Arcane Speed • Arcane Orb • Slow Time • Arcane Distortion • Mana Recovery • Improved Magic Missile • Temporal Armor • Teleport • Greater Mana • Mana Burst • Runic Might Conjuring Skills — Spectral Blade • Spell Speed • Weapon Mastery • Damage Resistance • Stone
- Armor piercing, or AP, bullets are specifically designed with a single purpose: to penetrate armor. AP bullets usually have a sharp point, and are coated in copper. They are generally tipped with a solid metal, such as copper or steel, and have cores filled with tungsten carbide, hardened steel or even depleted uranium. In Fallout, AP bullets have the effect of lowering the target's Damage Resistance (DR), while decreasing the overall damage that weapon does.
- Level: Crossbows/Firearms Light and Heavy 5 Spell Resistance: no Firing a blast of energy into the ground, you launch your foes skyward before using your gun like a jet pack and dashing through all of them at break neck speeds. As a full attack action, Make a single attack against one enemy per 4 levels, none of which can be further than 30 feet away from one another. If you hit you deal normal damage as well as 1d6 force damage per level. Enemies must make a fortitude saving throw DC:15+Dexterity modifier or have all of their damage reduction stripped away from them for 1 round.
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| - Conjured and physical damage decreases the armor of armored enemies. Wizard Skills Storm Skills — Charged Bolt • Thunderstruck • Empowered Magic • Lightning Speed • Storm Armor • Frost Nova • Deep Freeze • Power Armor • Static Charge • Electrocute • Ray of Frost • Lethal Energy • Improved Charged Bolt • Static Residue • Blizzard • Storm Power • Epic Storms • Shattering Ice • Tornado Arcane Skills — Magic Missile • Arcane Power • Efficient Magics • Penetrating Spells • Disintegrate • Wave of Force • Arcane Armor • Arcane Weakness • Arcane Speed • Arcane Orb • Slow Time • Arcane Distortion • Mana Recovery • Improved Magic Missile • Temporal Armor • Teleport • Greater Mana • Mana Burst • Runic Might Conjuring Skills — Spectral Blade • Spell Speed • Weapon Mastery • Damage Resistance • Stone Skin • Mirror Image • Conjured Armor • Conjured Health • Duplicate Conjuring • Meteor Storm • Acid Cloud • Conjured Power • Conjured Duration • Improved Spectral Blade • Hydra • Magic Weapon • Magical Impact • Slowing Strikes • Armor Piercing
- Armor Piercing is a Heroic Perk. __NoToC__
- Level: Crossbows/Firearms Light and Heavy 5 Spell Resistance: no Firing a blast of energy into the ground, you launch your foes skyward before using your gun like a jet pack and dashing through all of them at break neck speeds. As a full attack action, Make a single attack against one enemy per 4 levels, none of which can be further than 30 feet away from one another. If you hit you deal normal damage as well as 1d6 force damage per level. Enemies must make a fortitude saving throw DC:15+Dexterity modifier or have all of their damage reduction stripped away from them for 1 round. Empower: By expending another technique per day, you can double this technique's range.
- Armor piercing is a design characteristic of bullets and shells. Armor-piercing shells are designed in a way that optimizes the delivery of its explosive charge through the armor plating of its target. To this end, AP shells are designed with a hardened cap to withstand the shock of impacting on the target's armor.
- Exactly 10 units in the game possess Armor Piercing by default. 2 are Fantastic Creatures, 5 are Normal Units, and 3 are Heroes. There is no way to add the Armor Piercing ability to any unit that does not already possess it, though it is possible to enchant a Magical Item with the "Lightning" bonus and give that item to a Hero - adding Armor Piercing Damage to only one of the Hero's attacks.
- Armor piercing, or AP, bullets are specifically designed with a single purpose: to penetrate armor. AP bullets usually have a sharp point, and are coated in copper. They are generally tipped with a solid metal, such as copper or steel, and have cores filled with tungsten carbide, hardened steel or even depleted uranium. In Fallout, AP bullets have the effect of lowering the target's Damage Resistance (DR), while decreasing the overall damage that weapon does. Fallout 3 doesn't have AP bullets, but has three armor penetrating weapons. These are the player created Unarmed deathclaw gauntlet, the unique ranged microwave emitter, and the unique melee Man Opener. They are not the strongest weapons in the game, but they have the unique property of ignoring target armor, which make them as effective against an adversary in power armor as they would be against an unarmored raider. Fallout: New Vegas features the return of rounds with varying degrees of armor penetrating abilities. Rounds specifically designed for this purpose reduce a target's Damage Threshold (DT) by 15 at the expense of a slight reduction overall damage and the difficulty in finding AP rounds; however, other types of specialized ammunition have some armor piercing abilities despite not being specifically engineered to do so (.357 Magnum JFP, .44 Magnum semi-wadcutters and 9mm +P rounds are examples). With the version 1.02 patch, all energy weapon ammunition gain innate armor-piercing capabilities, with over charge and max charge cells offering better AP characteristics. As of patch 1.5, standard 5mm rounds reduce DT by 10 and AP 5mm rounds reduce it by 25.
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