Shalla Nelprin was a female Human X-wing pilot from Wraith Squadron who was selected for her proficiency in hand-to-hand combat, and for her knowledge of Imperial Intelligence doctrine and tactics.
Shalla Nelprin was a female Human X-wing pilot from Wraith Squadron who was selected for her proficiency in hand-to-hand combat, and for her knowledge of Imperial Intelligence doctrine and tactics.
Shalla Nelprin, lidská žena z Inga, byla pilotkou X-wingu v eskadře Wraith, do níž byla vybrána pro svou zkušenost v boji beze zbraně a znalost Imperiální doktríny a taktiky.
Shalla Nelprin was a female Human X-wing pilot from Wraith Squadron who was selected for her proficiency in hand-to-hand combat, and for her knowledge of Imperial Intelligence doctrine and tactics.
Shalla Nelprin, lidská žena z Inga, byla pilotkou X-wingu v eskadře Wraith, do níž byla vybrána pro svou zkušenost v boji beze zbraně a znalost Imperiální doktríny a taktiky.