They did succeed in retrieving his rifle, but it ... decayed. He held out two small bottles. One had an old, brownish sticker on it with a faded date and the words Rifle and Pasternack on it. It was filled with a yellowish and unhealthy looking dust. Passing that to Mrs. Carson, he pulled out another identical bottle, except this one had a new sticker on it with a current date and the words Door and Tennyo on it. The contents looked similar. “What... what does this mean?” “The effects of Tennyo’s punches on those doors, which didn’t look at all like doors when we found them, was the same as the effect of whatever Mr. Pasternack ran into these many years ago. Don’t worry, the proper way to decontaminate the area where they were dumped was already recorded in the files that came with M
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| - They did succeed in retrieving his rifle, but it ... decayed. He held out two small bottles. One had an old, brownish sticker on it with a faded date and the words Rifle and Pasternack on it. It was filled with a yellowish and unhealthy looking dust. Passing that to Mrs. Carson, he pulled out another identical bottle, except this one had a new sticker on it with a current date and the words Door and Tennyo on it. The contents looked similar. “What... what does this mean?” “The effects of Tennyo’s punches on those doors, which didn’t look at all like doors when we found them, was the same as the effect of whatever Mr. Pasternack ran into these many years ago. Don’t worry, the proper way to decontaminate the area where they were dumped was already recorded in the files that came with M
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| - They did succeed in retrieving his rifle, but it ... decayed. He held out two small bottles. One had an old, brownish sticker on it with a faded date and the words Rifle and Pasternack on it. It was filled with a yellowish and unhealthy looking dust. Passing that to Mrs. Carson, he pulled out another identical bottle, except this one had a new sticker on it with a current date and the words Door and Tennyo on it. The contents looked similar. “What... what does this mean?” “The effects of Tennyo’s punches on those doors, which didn’t look at all like doors when we found them, was the same as the effect of whatever Mr. Pasternack ran into these many years ago. Don’t worry, the proper way to decontaminate the area where they were dumped was already recorded in the files that came with Mr. Pasternack’s samples. We had that done immediately. I’d have thought you’d have received notice of it by this time. We assumed you wouldn’t want us to hesitate and went ahead and authorized it. If we were wrong I apologize.”