| - Caber: I'll be sure to give you a call when we get there, Mom. Emily: Thanks, sweetie. Take care, but most importantly... Have fun! Caber: I will. Emily: And Sugar, make sure my son stays as chipper as you can get him to be, okay? Sugar: Okay! Big Faye: Gosh, Sugar, Mrs. McToss really seems to like you. Polly: Yeah. Wonder why? Sugar: I dunno. (thinks to herself) Oh I hope she doesn't know about my crush on Caber. Amy: (noticing) Um, you okay, Sugar? Sugar: Yeah. Amy: Then... Why's your face red? Sugar: Uh.... Caber: Why doncha let me talk to her, Amy? Amy: Oh, um, okay. Caber: So... What's the problem, Sugar? Sugar: Nothing. Caber: Sugar, you and I both know it's not nothing. And anway, we're both far enough away from the others that you can tell me what's wrong, without anyone learning about your... you-know-what with me. Okay? Now why's your face all red? (Sugar looked back and could see that they both were far enough away from the others, so they could talk, just like Caber had said. She took a breath before she decided to speak.) Sugar: Do you think your mom knows I have a crush on you? Caber: (pause) What makes you think that? Sugar: She seemed to like me. A lot. Caber: Ah... Well, I never told her about your crush on me, personally. But... she may have noticed how you always cheer for me in my battles. Sugar: (blushing) Yeah. I do do that, don't I? Caber: Yeah. Not that I don't appreciate it, of course. Sugar: Oh. (smiles) Caber: Honestly, I don't know if my mom knows you have a crush on me. But if she does, she's not saying. But even if she does know, I'm sure she wouldn't want to embarrass either of us. Know what I mean, Sugar? Sugar: Yeah, you're right. (smiles) Caber: Feel better about it, now? Sugar: Mm-hmm! Caber: Oh good. Voice: Incoming! Brynn: Wow, that hurt. (picks herself up) Others (minus Amy): Brynn Johnson. Amy: Uh, who? Sugar: Oh yeah, she's Caber's rival! Brynn: Hey guys, it's been a while. (notices Amy next to Joel) Whoa, never saw you before. Amy: Oh. Um, I'm Amy. Brynn: Ooooh, did Joel here just find himself a girlfriend? Brynn: You are, aren't you? Joel: I-I-I don't know what you're talking about. Brynn: (singsongy) Joel and Amy sittin' in a tree... Caber: (clears throat) Um, anyway, Brynn, how many Badges have you got now? Brynn: Oh yeah, I finally got eight Badges. Polly: Really? Caber does too. Brynn: Really? That's AWESOME! Brynn: Say, uh, if you guys are going to the Silver Conference, would ya mind if I tag along for a while? Sugar: Sure! Caber? Caber: Eh, why not? Brynn: Thanks, guys. (noticing Caber's Mega Ring) Say, that's a Mega Ring, isn't it? Caber: Why yes. My Charizard has a Charizardite X and can Mega Evolve. Why? Brynn: Cool! I got one too! (shows it off) My Charizard has a Charizardite Y, so now he can Mega Evolve too. Sugar: Ooh! Polly: (disappointedly) Aw... Big Faye: Something wrong, Polly? Polly: I didn't wanna say this, but I have a hard time trying to know which Charizard is which. I mean, both Caber's Charizard and Brynn's Charizard look exactly the same. And the only time I knew Caber's Gyarados was his own was because his Gyarados is red, while Clair's Gyarados is blue. Sugar: Luckily, the Mega Evolved forms look different. Polly: They do? How do you mean, Sugar? Sugar: Mega Charizard X is black and blue, right, Caber? Caber: Right, Sugar. And Mega Charizard Y is mostly the same color as a regular Charizard. Polly: (understandly) Ohhh. Whew! That's a relief, because if Caber and Brynn have to face each other in the Silver Conference, I'll be definately be able to tell their Charizard apart if they Mega Evolve. Sugar: And they probably will. Brynn: Well I hope so. Cause I don't plan to lose. Caber: Neither do I. Caber: (chuckles) One time, my mom was so focused on something she was making she didn't notice a pot of glue was knocked over and spilled a puddle of it around her feet. And when she tried to move, she found she could only lift her feet a couple of inches off the floor before the glue pulled her feet back down again. Sugar: (shocked) No way! Caber: Way! Took me and Grandpa a while to get her unstuck and to get the glue off her feet and the floor. Polly: Hey, Caber? I noticed your Mom was sometimes barefoot more than she was wearing her sandals. Is there a reason for it? Caber: Because she was kind of a hippy when she was younger. Never cared much in the way of shoes. Nowadays, she still doesn't care for shoes. Which is why she sometimes forgets to wear those sandals she sometimes wears. She likes to wear shoes to allow her feet to breathe, y'know. Amy: Like me. (wiggles her toes from her sandals) Joel: Well, naturally, since you're originally from the Alola region. Amy: True. (giggles) Caber: But, enough about me and my family. What about you, Sugar? I know about your Grandma and your sister, and your deceased brother. But what about your parents? Sugar: Umm.... Polly: C'mon, Sugar. Sugar: Well... Sugar: Okay, okay! I don't know. Caber: (concerned) You don't know... Where your parents are? Is that what you're trying to say? Big Faye: Why didn't you tell us? Caber: Y'know what? It doesn't matter. She'll tell us when she's ready. Right, gang? Sugar: Thanks, you guys. Y'know, you guys are like family to me, too. Polly: Really, Sugar? Sugar: Mm-hmm. Amy: Guys, look! Sugar's egg! Joel: It's starting to hatch! Sugar: (gasps) Oh my gosh! Sugar: It's so cute! Squirtle: (yawns) Squirtle... Squirtle? (Mommy?) Sugar: Aw, isn't it sweet? The little cutie thinks I'm her mommy. Cupcake: (nods) Ivysaur. Sugar: You'll help look after little Confetti here, right, Cupcake? Cupcake: (nods) Saur. Caber: Confetti? Sugar: (smiles) Yep, that's my name for her. Confetti! Cupcake: Saur! Confetti: Squirtle-Squirt!