| - Flag Territory In the mirror universe, the Klingon-Cardassian Alliance was a coalition government formed by the Klingon Empire and the Cardassian Union in 2295 as a counter to the Terran Republic, the short-lived successor state of the Terran Empire, as neither power alone possessed the strength of arms to defeat the Imperial Starfleet. The key to such an alliance between these two nations was the Republic of Bajor, whose role as a power-broker ensured a level of equality that otherwise would not have been able to exist. The Alliance defeated and conquered the Terran Empire, already weakened by the reforms of Terran Emperor Spock, and condemned all non-Alliance races and cultures to slavery. (DS9 episode: "Crossover")
- In the mirror universe, the Klingon-Cardassian Alliance was the dominant military and political power of the Alpha Quadrant, after its overthrow of the Terran Empire. The Klingons agreed to this alliance after the explosion of Praxis (Glass Empires, The Gift).
- Bajor became a sovereign planet in the Alliance by the late 24th century, after the Alliance liberated Bajor from the Terran Empire. In the latter half of the 24th century, a Terran rebellion against the Alliance was created due to interference from individuals from the primary universe. (DS9: "Crossover")
- Origin No information Foundation No information Headquarters No information Commanders No information Agents No information Powers/Skills No information Goals No information Type of Villains No information The Klingon-Cardassian Alliance is an unholy alliance between the Klingons and the Cardassians in the Mirror Universe which is part of the Star Trek Multiverse.
- In the mirror universe, the Klingon-Cardassian Alliance was a coalition government formed by the Klingon Alliance and the Cardassian Union in the 2290s as a counter to the Terran Empire, as neither power alone possessed the strength of arms to defeat the Terran Starfleet. The key to such an alliance between these two nations was the Republic of Bajor, whose role as a power-broker ensured a level of equality that otherwise would not have been able to exist. The Alliance defeated and conquered the Terran Empire, already weakened by the reforms of Spock, and condemned all non-Alliance races and cultures to slavery.
- The Alliance was the historic union of two former enemies, the Klingons and the Cardassians, in the face of aggression from the Terran Empire. The Alliance itself was led by a Regent, who delegated authority to various Intendants who administrated the individual sectors of Alliance territory. As of 2372, the Alliance was ruled by Regent Worf. The Alliance conquered the Terran Empire, following a series of reforms by Spock, the leader of the Empire, that had left it vulnerable to attack. When the Alliance was finished, the Terrans and the Vulcans were reduced to a slave race filling the mines of various Alliance planets.