| - Mayfly is a Magnus in Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean.
- Mayfly was a Heavy in the Bonehunters. She was part of Gesler and Stormy's squad. She had a broken nose which she had the habit of readjusting. She was described as easily confused but as tough as they came.
- Mayfly was contracted by Ares Buchanan to assassinate Wonder Woman and Flash. With her superhuman speed, she was able to put up a good fight with the heroes, but was inevitably defeated. When imprisoned, Mayfly accidentally killed herself while trying to escape. She suffered from a rare form of hemophilia, and was obsessed with death.
- Mayfly (カゲロウ Kagerou) is a Wind Move Card. It is similar to Ninja Attack.
- [[Category:Breath of Fire III s|Mayfly]][[Category:Breath of Fire III |Mayfly]][[Category:Breath of Fire Residents|Mayfly]][[Category:Breath of Fire |Mayfly]][[Category:Breath of Fire II |Mayfly]][[Category:Breath of Fire III |Mayfly]][[Category:Breath of Fire IV |Mayfly]][[Category:Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter |Mayfly]] Mayfly is a character within Breath of Fire III.
- is a jutsu used by Zetsu to travel through the earth.
- The Mayfly is an infiltration technique, which is a signature characteristic of White Zetsu and its clone siblings, due to being infused with the cells of Hashirama Senju.
- Mayfly is a female MudWing doctor described to have mud-brown scales and a wide, flat head . Her back leg and the back half of her tail are covered with, as described by Winter, "unmistakable" frostbreath scars. Her back leg also has two missing claws. She appears to be kind, except towards IceWings, whom she seems to have a slight grudge against, most likely due to her injuries she likely accumulated during the War of The SandWing Succession. She is a doctor in Possibility where Hailstorm, Winter, Qibli, and Moon went in search of help for Kinkajou after being injured by Chameleon in his NightWing form, Shapeshifter. She was said by Meerkat to be the best doctor in all of Possibility, but it is unknown how many others there are, or if there are any other doctors at all.
- It allows him to merge his body with the ground and flora and travel at very high speeds; however, it is noted not to be as fast as Space–Time Ninjutsu such as Kamui. His insectivorous plant-like shell has the ability to merge with the ground, because it is tinged with his chakra. Then, using the underground network of organic matter, consisting of things like plant roots and water veins, he can travel everywhere with high speed. Using this technique he can conceal himself in such things as trees and even sand. Once merged, his presence is completely concealed, making it almost impossible to detect him, even for sensor type ninja like Karin. This makes this technique perfect for close-ranged spying.
- Mayflies are relatively primitive insects and exhibit a number of ancestral traits that were probably present in the first flying insects, such as long tails and wings that do not fold flat over the abdomen. They are aquatic insects whose immature stages (called "naiads" or "nymphs") live in fresh water, where their presence indicates a clean, unpolluted environment. They are unique among insect orders in having a fully winged terrestrial adult stage, the subimago, which moults into a sexually mature adult, the imago.
- Mayflies resembled a spindly Earth mayfly, hence the name. They started life as eggs which would be implanted inside a host. They needed an extremely healthy host to survive, which meant that they would produce a chemical which would cure every known disease. Once the host was cured, the larvae would start eating each other until only one was left. If the host died in the meantime, the larvae could leave the body and find a new host. Eventually, they would reach a length of about a foot and try to leave the body. The adults could reach several metres long.