| - Monsters drop 4 different DNA fragments: A, T, G, and C. You need all four from one monster and a Binding Protein in order to create that monster's DNA. DNA is basically the summon's EXP, which you need to level it up. 1 DNA = 1 EXP
* Level 1 -> Level 2: Requires 29 DNA pieces
* Level 2 -> Level 3: Requires 99 DNA pieces
* Level 3 -> Level 4: Requires 199 DNA pieces MAX(30,CEILING(120-90*Number_of_pets_unlocked/98,10))
| - Monsters drop 4 different DNA fragments: A, T, G, and C. You need all four from one monster and a Binding Protein in order to create that monster's DNA. DNA is basically the summon's EXP, which you need to level it up. 1 DNA = 1 EXP
* Level 1 -> Level 2: Requires 29 DNA pieces
* Level 2 -> Level 3: Requires 99 DNA pieces
* Level 3 -> Level 4: Requires 199 DNA pieces Once the monster gains enough DNA to level up, you can now summon the monster. A monster needs to be at least Level 1 in order to be unlocked for summoning. Once summoned, the monster will be out for a maximum of 30 seconds. Every monster shares the same cooldown, which can be lowered by filling up your Achievement Progress bar. As of now on iRO2, the Base Cooldown starts at 120 sec, and can be lowered to a minimum of 30 sec. The current formula for the Base Cooldown of the pets is: MAX(30,CEILING(120-90*Number_of_pets_unlocked/98,10))