| - Sura was an athletic red-skinned female, Twi'lek who, during the Galactic Civil War, worked on Centerpoint Station for the Five Brothers Resort and Casino. She worked renting equipment on Conical 6, a mountain located on Centerpoint and at one stage sent one of her employees, Jek Bannon up the mountain to capture several promotional images. Bannon was saved after he collapsed from heat exhaustion by a group of spacers who also climbed the mountain, and Sura was extremely thankful for their help.
- thumb Sura to wojwnicy, którzy dysponują potężną demoniczną magią. Profesja będąca pomiędzy wojownikiem a szamanem. Walczy tylko mieczami jednoręcznymi, ale nadrabia to mocną magią.
- Sura (sir-ah) is a thin female polar bear with sharp teeth.__TOC__
- A Sura (also spelled Surah, Arabic: سورة sūrah plural سور suwar) is a "chapter" of the Qur'an, traditionally arranged roughly in order of decreasing length. Each Sura is named for a word or name mentioned in one of its ayat (sections).
- El sura es un personaje bastante completo, se trata de una mezcla entre un guerrero y un mago y dependiendo de la rama que elijamos [magia negra o armas mágicas] se parecerá más a uno o a otro, en el caso del sura magia negra estaremos hablando de un mago ya que sus ataques son mágicos. Como en cualquier juego de rol, los magos hacen uso de mana [SP] en grandes cantidades ya que sus ataques lo usan, por tanto, es obvio que si queremos tener buen ataque [o simplemente para desarrollarlo correctamente] los puntos de estado deben ir a intelecto [INT], sin descuidar la defensa y la vida [HP]. Con esto y por lógica, se entiende que a este tipo de personaje los puntos deben repartirse entre INT y VIT en primera instancia.
- In order to obtain even greater power, one must set aside their humanity, and become a Ghost; this is the principle of being a Sura. In order to become an absolute martial artist, one must forget their weakness; weakness of being merciful to their enemies. By walking the lone path, they further increase their prowess, and by forgetting their humanity, they become weapons of war; relentless, merciless, ruthless. If you ever have to face a Sura in battle, prepare, as the last sight you will be seeing are the Gates to Hel.
| - Sura was an athletic red-skinned female, Twi'lek who, during the Galactic Civil War, worked on Centerpoint Station for the Five Brothers Resort and Casino. She worked renting equipment on Conical 6, a mountain located on Centerpoint and at one stage sent one of her employees, Jek Bannon up the mountain to capture several promotional images. Bannon was saved after he collapsed from heat exhaustion by a group of spacers who also climbed the mountain, and Sura was extremely thankful for their help.