| - The Corellian Run was one of the largest hyperspace routes running through the galaxy, mapped between 25,000 BBY and 24,000 BBY. It contributed in making Corellia an economic superpower. Corellians held substantial power in the sectors around it. When the Kyyr system supernova obsoleted the Ootmian Pabol in 4000 BBY, the spaceports along the Run overshadowed Nal Hutta, which thrived up until then.
- The Corellian Run may refer to:
- Corellian Run oli galaksin vilkkain hyperavaruuskauppareitti, joka johti läpi koko galaksin. Reitti alkoi Coruscantista, kulki läpi keskikehän, pysähtyi Corelliassa, jatkui sieltä Nubiaan ja pysähtyi lopulta Ulkokehän loppupuolelle. Reitti oli täysin verottamaton. Ulkokehällä reitin planeettoihin kuuluivat Tynna Cularin, Rodia, Drackenwell, Tatooine, Geonosis, Ryloth ja Shimia. Viimeiset pysähdykset olivat ulkoreunan planeetoilla Rothana ja Lamaredd.
- The Corellian Run was a major hyperspace route running through the galaxy, mapped between 25,000 BBY and 24,000 BBY. It began at Coruscant, going around the Deep Core to reach Corellia, where the Corellian Trade Spine branched off. From Corellia, it proceeded to Nubia, its final stop in the Core Worlds before it traversed the other major regions of the galaxy. It ended near the distant Outer Rim worlds of Rothana and Lamaredd. Along with the famed Perlemian Trade Route, it defined the region of the galaxy nicknamed The Slice.
- The Corellian Run was a major hyperspace route running through the galaxy, mapped between 25,000 BBY and 24,000 BBY. It began at Coruscant, going around the Deep Core to reach Corellia, where the Corellian Trade Spine branched off. From Corellia, it proceeded to Nubia, its final stop in the Core Worlds before it traversed the other major regions of the galaxy. It ended near the distant Outer Rim worlds of Rothana and Lamaredd. Along with the famed Perlemian Trade Route, it defined the region of the galaxy nicknamed The Slice. From SW1ki, a Wikia wiki.