| - Nguyen Ai Quoc was the alias of Nguyen Sinh Cung from French Indochina when he met Indiana Jones whilst living in Paris in 1919. Many years later he was to become world famous as the leader of Vietnam and known as Ho Chi Minh.
- Falta información.frame|Ho Chi Minh en el río Lijang.
- Born on cow patty in the backwaters of the French colony of Vietnam, Honolulu Chicago Minneapolis contracted the Plague at a very early age and survived. He was the twin brother of Colonel Sanders and third cousin of Mr. T. At the age of eight, children started picking on Ho because of his name. This is where Ho learned to hate Americans, and build nasty guerrilla warfare booby-traps in the jungle. Them things hurt. This prompted him to change his name to Charlie, but his name-change forms were rejected by the Vietnamese governor, Vin Diesel, and rumors persist to this day that it was personal. From then on, Americans would make fun of Ho by calling him Charlie, which evolved into a general name for all Chinamen fighting in triple-canopy jungle.
- Tips for: backpackers • business travelers • luxury/exotic travel • hitchhikers • families • seniors • LBG travelers • pet owners
- Hồ Chí Minh 19 May 1890 – 2 September 1969, born Nguyễn Sinh Cung and also known as Nguyễn Tất Thành and Nguyễn Ái Quốc, was a Vietnamese communist revolutionary leader who was prime minister (1945–1955) and president (1945–1969) of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam (North Vietnam). He was a key figure in the foundation of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam in 1945, as well as the People’s Army of Vietnam (PAVN) and the Việt Cộng (NLF or VC) during the Vietnam War.
- Not much is know of Ho Chi Minh's early life, born Nguyen Sinh Con, the son of a government official who had refused to work with the French governance, Ho Chi Minh recieved a European education in France. He petitioned the council of Versailles following WWI, to grant Vietnam (French Indochina) independence from colonail rule, but wasn't allowed to speak. This move however attracted media attention, and gained him favor among Vietnamese nationalists. He became one of the founding members of the French Communist Party in the year 1920. He would go on to travel to Moscow to recieve training in order to be an advocate of communism. Once he had traveled to various countries, he returned to his native land, which was still under French dominion. It was here, that he began his campaign for a fr
| - Nguyen Ai Quoc was the alias of Nguyen Sinh Cung from French Indochina when he met Indiana Jones whilst living in Paris in 1919. Many years later he was to become world famous as the leader of Vietnam and known as Ho Chi Minh.
- Falta información.frame|Ho Chi Minh en el río Lijang.
- Hồ Chí Minh 19 May 1890 – 2 September 1969, born Nguyễn Sinh Cung and also known as Nguyễn Tất Thành and Nguyễn Ái Quốc, was a Vietnamese communist revolutionary leader who was prime minister (1945–1955) and president (1945–1969) of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam (North Vietnam). He was a key figure in the foundation of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam in 1945, as well as the People’s Army of Vietnam (PAVN) and the Việt Cộng (NLF or VC) during the Vietnam War. He led the Việt Minh independence movement from 1941 onward, establishing the communist-ruled Democratic Republic of Vietnam in 1945 and defeating the French Union in 1954 at the battle of Điện Biên Phủ. He officially stepped down from power in 1955 due to health problems, but remained a highly visible figurehead and inspiration for those Vietnamese fighting for his cause—a united, communist Vietnam—until his death. After the war, Saigon, capital of the Republic of Vietnam,
- Not much is know of Ho Chi Minh's early life, born Nguyen Sinh Con, the son of a government official who had refused to work with the French governance, Ho Chi Minh recieved a European education in France. He petitioned the council of Versailles following WWI, to grant Vietnam (French Indochina) independence from colonail rule, but wasn't allowed to speak. This move however attracted media attention, and gained him favor among Vietnamese nationalists. He became one of the founding members of the French Communist Party in the year 1920. He would go on to travel to Moscow to recieve training in order to be an advocate of communism. Once he had traveled to various countries, he returned to his native land, which was still under French dominion. It was here, that he began his campaign for a free, independent Vietnam. When Japan came in, taking French Indochina, his followers where among the few nationalist to resist, seeing the Japanese as another wave of occupiers. When starvation brought on by Japanese policy became too much to bare, with the people having to eat rats, and becoming skin, and bone; the farmers of the land united with him. The United States sent OSS officer Archemedies Patti to assist Ho Chi Minh's group, however Japan shortly surrendered following the bombing of Nagasaki. When the Emperor of Vietnam abdicated his throne, Ho Chi Minh read the Proclamation of Independence of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam. Which was followed by a fly over by an American aircraft, to which, the people rejoiced. Saigon was established as the nation's capital. Ho sent an appeal to Truman, but did not recieve a reply, for the president had yet to formulate a policy on Indochina. With time, Vietnam again found it's self flooded by foriegn forces; those from Republic of China (Taiwan), and those from the UK. The British, began rearming the French, with intent to hand the land back to the nation, believing a strong France was needed for the rebuilding of Europe. They began forcing the Vietnam nationals northward, and the Vietnam resisted, but had not the weapon power to hold thier own. Thus, the nation became split; the north housing the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, and the south, under French occupation. However, even in the north the nationals faced an issue; the Republic of China (Taiwan) had been sent to disarm the Japanese, and where intent to remain. Ho Chi Minh negotiated with the French, and in 1946; came to an agreement. He allowed French troops to remain, so as to expell the Chinese, and Japanese. in exchange, the French recognized the new state. The gamble was that the French would not try to take power, and that a long term agreement could be achieved. A truce was signed, and French troops remained, only to be evacuated as soon as possible. Ho had traveled to France to continue negotiations only to find the French Cabinate had collapsed, and thus, he had no one to negotiate with, having to tour France till a new Cabinate could be formed. During this time, the French forces in Southern Vietnam, acting without government demand, declared Southern Vietnam seperate from the Democratic Republic of Vietnam; a violation of their agreement. He had considered leaving, but was assured the new French government would handle the situation, and in that same year (1946) he was greeted by Parisian Vietnamese, and French Citizens, who had turned out for a national welcome of Vietnam's first president. The new government welcomed him formally, it it's self, holding a number of communist officials. However, despite these formalities, the French government insisted that Soutern Vietnam, was part of France. Negotiations deteriorated, to the point of direct threats being made upon the Vietnamese delegation; mostly involving a boast that it'd only take six days to clean the nationalists out of Vietnam. War, soon came, as the French attempted to do just what they said; push the nationalist forces back, and retake Vietnam as part of France.
- Born on cow patty in the backwaters of the French colony of Vietnam, Honolulu Chicago Minneapolis contracted the Plague at a very early age and survived. He was the twin brother of Colonel Sanders and third cousin of Mr. T. At the age of eight, children started picking on Ho because of his name. This is where Ho learned to hate Americans, and build nasty guerrilla warfare booby-traps in the jungle. Them things hurt. This prompted him to change his name to Charlie, but his name-change forms were rejected by the Vietnamese governor, Vin Diesel, and rumors persist to this day that it was personal. From then on, Americans would make fun of Ho by calling him Charlie, which evolved into a general name for all Chinamen fighting in triple-canopy jungle.
- Tips for: backpackers • business travelers • luxury/exotic travel • hitchhikers • families • seniors • LBG travelers • pet owners