Trade Route More Info Needed From SW1ki, a Wikia wiki.
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The Sanctuary Pipeline was a top secret Imperial hyperspace route used during the Galactic Civil War, built using a technology known as S-thread boosters. The Alliance to Restore the Republic learned of the route's existence and used it to move the Alliance Fleet from the planet Sullust to the Forest Moon of Endor, where they launched the Battle of Endor that successfully destroyed the Death Star II and killed Darth Sidious, the ruler of the Empire. Numerous rebel leaders were awed after learning of the route's existence, knowing that such an endeavor would normally bankrupt several star systems.
Trade Route More Info Needed From SW1ki, a Wikia wiki.
Trade Route More Info Needed
The Sanctuary Pipeline was a top secret Imperial hyperspace route used during the Galactic Civil War, built using a technology known as S-thread boosters. The Alliance to Restore the Republic learned of the route's existence and used it to move the Alliance Fleet from the planet Sullust to the Forest Moon of Endor, where they launched the Battle of Endor that successfully destroyed the Death Star II and killed Darth Sidious, the ruler of the Empire. Numerous rebel leaders were awed after learning of the route's existence, knowing that such an endeavor would normally bankrupt several star systems.