| - The Survivor title is granted to any character who can avoid death while building up experience. In order for a death to count, damage or degeneration must take the character to 0 Health. The character begins to show progress when reaching Level 5; the first tier is reach at L20 and the title is maxed at the equivalent of approximately L102. Before the update of thurstday 3 March 2011, it was one of only two titles whose progress may be halted, thus making the title unattainable for that character. However, since the update, the progress will not be halted permanently when the character dies, but simply reset to 0.
| - The Survivor title is granted to any character who can avoid death while building up experience. In order for a death to count, damage or degeneration must take the character to 0 Health. The character begins to show progress when reaching Level 5; the first tier is reach at L20 and the title is maxed at the equivalent of approximately L102. Before the update of thurstday 3 March 2011, it was one of only two titles whose progress may be halted, thus making the title unattainable for that character. However, since the update, the progress will not be halted permanently when the character dies, but simply reset to 0. The three survivor tiers are: {| class="stdt" |- align="center" valign="top" ! Title !! Experience gained without dying: !! Equivalent Level |- align="center" | Survivor || 140,600 || 20 |- align="center" | Indomitable Survivor || 587,500 || 52 |- align="center" | Legendary Survivor(Max level) || 1,337,500 || 102 |} Not every death counts against the title; progress only stops when a character's health reaches 0 due to damage or degeneration. Thus, most forced deaths do not count against the title. When in doubt, avoid any type of death by skipping cutscenes, walking in Sulfurous Haze, etc.