| - In early 2014, with the advent of SAMP 0.3z, BW became notorious for being too effective at its job, combining the then-new lag compensation system with their infamous "cop tank" method to effectively dominate cop work on the ground. Many other cop teams have since followed this example. This played a key part in giving birth to the "cops are overpowered" movement in 2014. As of February 2015, the team has experienced a large drop in activity. As of April 2016, the team's official commander is longtime member HawkbitAlpha (formerly known as PrinceDarkstar), who had previously acted as a de facto leader after Sinisa's disappearance in mid-2015. Due in part to Hawkbit's more militant approaches, the team has gone through a process of reformation - as part of this process, any members sighted joining adversary groups are subject to immediate removal from the team. This practice, however, was officially ended in March 2016. Hawkbit has also ended the signature BW practice of cop tanking, opting instead to mix small-number units on the ground with Rustler support.