| - 1) Aura of the Lich has a 45 second recharge. You need another minion spell or two. 2) AotL gives +1 to death magic, so you decide to take a bunch of curses spells? I'm not seeing the logic. 15:18, 12 December 2008 (EST) AotL is all the Minion you need. I tried AotL + Vamp horrors. I barely had Vamps because AotL fueled me like maed. --›Image:Many srs beans.png Srs Beans R Srs 15:20, 12 December 2008 (EST) Air of Superiority is pretty useful in this build - kill at the most 10 enemies and your bar is recharged. Mazza558 16:01, 12 December 2008 (EST) Plus it recharges Curses nukes too. Synergies amirite. 16:15, 12 December 2008 (EST) Might want to add Glyph of Swiftness to optionals to help the recharge of AotL for the few people who don't have AoS. Justin6 Image:Justing6 siggypic.png 15:16, 13 December 2008 (EST) If you can get Glyph of Swiftness,you have Eye of the North, therefore, you can get AoS. But your idea is true, Arcane Echo Mabye? --Xilarth The Wise Image:Xilarth The Wise Sig.jpg 17:41, 13 December 2008 (EST) I made this build 19 minutes earlier than thsi one and posted it and yet it wouldnt show up in testing section for hours :(, o well delete mine then Image:Muffin.jpgPWNAGEMUFFIN crabs 17:47, 13 December 2008 (EST) With the Glyph of swiftness note I meant the people who haven't gotten that far in EotN (me tbh). Justin6 Image:Justing6 siggypic.png 18:54, 14 December 2008 (EST) The "O Brave New World" quest chain can be done in about 45 minutes, provided you have access to Rata Sum and Gadd's Encampment. 05:40, 19 December 2008 (EST)