| - * HARRIET REMI, stop looking at old picture of Pheonix its only going to make it worse * BanditoFrank Remi NOPE TOO LATE * BanditoFrank Remi LOCKS HIMSELF IN THE APARTMENT. * HARRIET FINE * HARRIET is now known as Brown * BanditoFrank is now known as Remi * Remi B(* Brown gives Remi some space to mope but comes back later to break into Remi's apartment >BY * Remi only has a cellphone of photos anyhow. He doesn't know how to send them to computers or put them on SD cards or print them out. B( Instead, he sits on his floor with a bottle of cheap liquor, and said cellphone of memories. * Remi The counters are probably covered in all the gdamn boxes of tea Phoenix got him, because he needed an excuse to reorganize those anyways. Seriously, between Phoenix and Frankie he doesn't know what to do with all this tea. * Brown gave Remi better locks but not so good that he can't break into his place in an emergency. he cloaks and picks the lock. * Remi reshuffles teaboxes, puts the kettle on, and then forgets about it between drinking and sitting on the couch looking at photos. He thinks he hears his door clicking, but he's not sure. BTc * Brown slowly opens the door a crack and uses a mirror to check the room. "...Remi, are you still moping?" >BV * Remi isn't moping! He's mourning appropriately. >B( People do this sometimes for friends. "Fuck off." That's a yes. * Brown invites himself in. "now before you throw something at me." he uncloaks and holds up a bottle of fine scotch. BU * Remi PICKS UP SOMETHING TO THROW. >8( Unfortunately, he's got booze, a cellphone, and a gamebox controller, none of which he wants to throw. He picks up his back pillow threateningly!! ...And puts it down when he realizes he brought more booze. B(* Remi is pleased by this offering. You may enter. * Brown "This seat taken?". He opens the bottle and comes to sit next to Remi. He does a quick scan of all the items hanging around, takes the booze from remi's hand and replaces it with the bottle of scotch. * Remi starts to protest when Brown takes his booze away!! And then quiets down again when it's replaced by better booze. He unceremoniously opens the bottle without a glass in sight. This requires both hands, so he puts down everything else he's holding. * Brown TOO HELPFUL * Remi REALIZES IT'S ALREADY OPEN? PERHAPS HE'S DRUNKER THAN HE THOUGHT. * Remi TRIES TO DOWN THAT SHIT. * Brown takes the opportunity to take the phone and sighs. "Remi, your a mess." * Remi just about spills the scotch in his attempt to keep Brown from stealing his phone. He reaches out to try and take it back. "M'not." * Brown raises an eyebrow at him and shows him the picture on the phone. "Do you think Pheonix would want to see you like this?" * Remi scowls his best death-glare and reaches out again to both take the phone back and cover Phoenix's judging face. He mutters some nonsensical retort. * Giffy is now known as Miss_Daily * Brown holds the phone out of Remi's grasp, stupid long arms coming in handy. "can't be doing your eyes good either." He takes out his work phone and inserts a cable into Remi's. Just gonna copy your data. no biggie. probably a slightly INVASIVE way to access your pictures but its pretty fast. * Remi isn't even sure what he's doing, so he sets the scotch down (with surprising gentleness!) and tries to stop that shit. "Don't," are you stealing his pictures don't steal his pictures they're his. He's all drunken hands and slurring. BU * Brown watches the upload counter, just a minute more, come on. "don't worry, I'm not deleting anything. I would never do that to you. Trust me... please." * Remi can't really say no to that face; Brown's plea placates him. He simmers down and turns his attention away, picking up the controller again. God knows what he's trying to play, but it's not going well. This box has just been collecting dust. * Brown takes out the cable and hands Remi his phone back. see, Pheonix is still there. He eyes the game controller. "Do you miss game night?" yes, stupid question but he's not good at this sort of thing. Remi was fine and now he's suddenly NOT FINE. * Brown wonders if Remi had not been ok for a while and his feelings are bubbling over, or if something recently triggered this and what that trigger was. B[c * Remi isn't in any state of mind to answer these burning questions. Obviously he doesn't have Brown's capacity to bury things. Maybe he does to some extent, and this is the explosive result. He looks up and suddenly ignores the game controller in lieu of holding and staring forlornly at the phone. Made slightly hilarious by his lack of glasses--forlorn squinting, rather. All at once his shoulders just slump, and he sets the phone down in his lap and stares at the floor. He mutters a gruff "yeah", but it verges on a choked croak. Where'd the booze go. * Brown snoops in the cloned copy of Remi's phone, checking pictures. He thinks about making physical copies for Remi. He knows Remi and technology don't really go hand in hand. He stops immediately when he hears Remi's voice. He takes Remi's hand and squeezes it. "do you want to play video games together?" * Remi also videogames now sounds like this heartfelt proposal "*TAKES HANDS LOVINGLY* DO YOU WANT VIDEOGAMES" "U HAVE MADE ME SO HAPPY *TEAR*" * Yzarc snuggles everyone * Remi would like that. He would like that a lot. If anything, it'll at least be easier on his eyes. He looks down at Harold's hand in wobbly, solemn confusion and makes a sound that was either a sob or a drunken hiccup. He'd really rather a hug, but even drunk he knows he's probably not going to get that much out of Brown. Videogames aren't a horrible second. He tries a nod. And also holds out the scotch with his free hand. B(* Brown takes the scotch and has good swig of it before handing it back to Remi. He sits up, albeit slowly, scotch is pretttty strong stuff! to set up the video game console. its been a while but these things are made for kids, can't be that complicated? right? "what would you like to play?" probably not a good idea to play the last game in the machine. * Remi unfortunately has to let go of Brown's hand for him to change the videogame, so he takes the bottle back and sets it in his lap, next to the phone. He rattles off some Step City version of a popular game. Which is probably already the last game in the machine. WHOOPS. He's a sombre little drunk and curls up on the couch with his booze, controller and phone, and waits for Brown to figure out Technology for him. * Remi has gotten used to holding his hand while Harold's drunk; he kinda just wants Harold to do the same for him. B(<~Cross> cross had wireless ones and ALWAYS LEFT THEM AT PEOPLE'S HOUSES. <~Cross> SORRY. * Brown looks around for the right game only to find its already in the machine. Well, this is going well. He gathers all the controllers he finds lying around and turns them on/plugs them in. He sits back down next to Remi and holds his arm in a way that is HOPEFULLY comforting and not annoying for using a controller. * Remi gets frusterated playing video games /sober/. How long will it take drunk. He immediately leans into the arm-holding and tries to navigate the start menu. It's not going well. He might need help to get to the actual game. * Brown catches on quick that Remi doesn't know what he's doing. He moves closer and leans against Remi to use his controller. With his free hand he navigates the menus and setting screens. "do you want to continue game or start a new one?" * Remi doesn't know. He contemplates this deep question, and to help the thought process along, picks up the bottle of scotch again. He can swig it better than Brown. ...Which is not a good thing. He coughs loudly afterwards. "New." What if Phoenix has a game?? He doesn't want to mess with it. * Brown starts the game up "here, let me take that so you can access the buttons better." He takes the bottle from Remi and places it just out of his reach. He wants to control how much booze he's getting. "You know what's missing from this game night? Pizza." hopefully this won't result in Remi being violently sick. * Remi AJ squint * Remi grumbles his displeasure at him when he tries to take the bottle away, but when confronted with the choice of controller versus scotch, he decides to go with the controller. For now. The opening-game tutorial starts up, with all the exposition. Remi furrows his brows hard at the screen and complete ignores the NPC trying to teach him to shoot. He remembers Phoenix bouncing around and ignoring said NPC too. Pewpew gonna shoot at the ceiling. He hops the railing after one too many tries and jumps around a lot. B( "Cshhubby Checkers," he slurs in response. * Brown will just assume that pizza is a good idea and just order a couple while Remi runs around shooting things. He sighs at... whatever the hell Remi just said. its going to be a long night isn't it? Well, might as well get comfy. He lets go of his arm for a moment to take off his shoes so he can sit with his legs on the sofa. * Brown doesn’t return to holding Remi’s arm but instead rests his arm on the top of the sofa, just over Remi’s shoulders. He looks over towards the kitchen and notices all the tea. “Couldn’t decide what kind of blend to have?” * Remi just made himself sad again. He hadn't returned to the bakery since Phoenix died. It was a nice place, but he couldn't justify the trip if he had no bro to visit at work. He manages his token sinister snicker as he shoots one of the tutorial-givers and manages to sic the entire spaceship on his ass. It's tempered with a wobbly breath, and he realizes everything's blurry because he's got tears in his eyes again. He also realizes Brown's not holding his arm anymore and turns to stare pointedly at him--only to then turn his attention to the kitchen. "No." He tries to word something, manages "Phi," and then shrugs uselessly. * Remi just made himself sad again. He hadn't returned to the bakery since Phoenix died. It was a nice place, but he couldn't justify the trip if he had no bro to visit at work. He manages his token sinister snicker as he shoots one of the tutorial-givers and manages to sic the entire spaceship on his ass. It's tempered with a wobbly breath, and he realizes everything's blurry because he's got tears in his eyes again. He also realizes Brown's not holding his arm anymore and turns to stare pointedly at him--only to then turn his attention to the kitchen. "No." He tries to word something, manages "Phi," and then shrugs uselessly. * Brown looks from the tea back to Remi. Oh bugger, he's set him off hasn't he? "Phi? ....pheeeeonix??" he's probably made this worse. He tries petting Remi's hair? its that creepy? Remi doesn't tend to like his hair being touched does he? Brown thinks to himself, Remi tends to come across pissed off whenever Brown fixes his hair. * Brown stop and tries to give Remi a tissue instead. * Remi doesn't want to string together a full sentence to explain the tea. But he manages a nod, and starts to wipe his face with his free hand. He's apparently lost whatever spark of grump he was holding on to and just accepts the awkward hair-petting and then the tissue handed to him. Unfortunately, all this distraction has killed him in the game; he wipes his eyes and starts to pull his legs up onto the couch in some sort of attempt at mimicking Brown. Can he have the scotch back now? <~Cross> i have done nothingggg * Brown tries resting his head on Remi's shoulder and holding his arm again. That worked before, that should be ok right? "Would you like me to get rid of the tea? I'm more of a tea drinker than you, I could help de-clutter if you'd like" * Brown is not gonna give you the scotch, unless he completely fucks this up. which he is. * Remi tenses for a moment and then rests his head against Harold's. He nodes, even if Harold can't fully see the action. Good hands. Phoenix was Harold's friend too, he can share the tea with him. "I died." He stares at the television screen. Yup, still sucking at videogames. * Remi AJ handsonhips. * Remi AJ FILPS HAIR. * Remi AJ takes it out of ponytail first. * Remi AJ FLIPS HAIR EXTRA HARD. * Luna|Zzzz (LunaZzzz@MagicStar-F6793A33.cg.shawcable.net) has joined #StepCity * HARRIET reaches over and presses the button to continue. He's at a loss at what else to do. He feels terrible because he wasn't as close to Pheonix as Remi was. He generally thought of Pheonix as Remi's best friend. Sure He had known him for longer, they did Mafia work together but makes him more of a dance partner or ally. * Miss_Daily Giffy lies in a puddle of tears * Remi mumbles something like a thank you and starts to relax again. Having Brown with him helps, especially as a booze-buffer; he tries to actually pay attention to the tutorial this time through. It's not as much fun, but at least he doesn't start crying again. "You were good at drums," he mutters out of the blue. * HARRIET KISSES REMI BETTER * Remi swoons a little.