As the name suggests, the equipment set is often related to Dragon-type enemies or the Dragoon character class. The equipment pieces usually resist Fire, Ice, and Lightning damage. The most common weapon of this set is the Dragon Whisker.
Attributes | Values |
| - Dragon Equipment
- Dragon equipment
- Dragon equipment
- Dragon equipment
- Dragon equipment
| - As the name suggests, the equipment set is often related to Dragon-type enemies or the Dragoon character class. The equipment pieces usually resist Fire, Ice, and Lightning damage. The most common weapon of this set is the Dragon Whisker.
- Dragon weapons are some of the most powerful weapons. Like dragon armour, (except the dragon square shield) they are not smithable. All dragon weapons require level 60 Attack (or Ranged in the case of dragon darts and dragon arrows) to wield. All dragon weapons (except for the dragon darts) have special attacks; each weapon has its own abilities and functions. Most dragon weapons require the completion of a specific quest to be wielded. They were created by the Dragonkin, as revealed by Mr. Mordaut in a Postbag from the Hedge. Dragon weapons are very popular with new members with level 60+ Attack, as Lost City is very easy to complete and is the only other requirement besides level 60+ Attack to wielding the dragon longsword and dragon dagger.
- De er {{#8B0000]]røde.
- Dragon equipment, in het Nederlands Draken uitrusting, is een van de sterkste uitrustingen van RuneScape. Het is enkel beschikbaar voor members. Dragon equipment heeft een donkerrode kleur (de enige uitzonderingen zijn dragon arrows en dragon darts). Het equipment werd gecreëerd door een oud en erg machtig ras, vermoedelijk de Dragonkin. Niet elk onderdeel bestaat al in het dragon metaal: zo is er geen dragon sword of dragon warhammer. Jagex heeft wel bevestigd dat ze uiteindelijk van plan zijn om van elk wapentype en onderdeel van een harnas een dragon versie zullen maken.
- Since their initial release, dragon weapons have profoundly affected the economy of the game. They have affected the economy for weapons in many ways - specifically runite weapons. At one point, runite items were the best in the game, but the introduction of dragon items encouraged players to save for and obtain them instead of runite, reducing demand and causing the prices of those items to fall.
- By RsZagoArcher, found in YouTube
* File:Dragon equipment by DaEliminator.png By DaEliminator, found in YouTube
* File:Dragon equipment by DaEliminator 2.png By DaEliminator, found in YouTube and deviantART
* File:Dragon equipment by s4nta1991.png By s4nta1991, found in YouTube
* File:Dragon equipment by Aelzard.png By Aelzard, found in YouTube and deviantArt
* File:Dragon equipment by Tiberious125.png By Tiberious125, found in YouTube
- Since their initial release, Dragon equipment has had a profound effect on the economy of the game. For a long time, Runite equipment was the best available to players and was highly sought-after for that reason. The introduction of the rarer and significantly-better Dragon items caused Rune to permanently fall in price. Dragon equipment has declined in price over time as higher-level items have become available. Many Dragon items have settled at around their high-alchemy price, however some items, such as the Dragon full helm and the Dragon platebody, have remained valuable due to their rarity, cosmetic appearance, and prestige.
- thumb|right|Nais puolisella pelaajalla Dragon fullit päällä. Lohikäärme haarniskat (eng. Dragon armour) on yksi RuneScapen vahvimmista haarniskoista. Se on jäsenille ja jotta niitä voi käyttää, pelaajalla pitää olla 60 defence. Dragon haarniskoista on olemassa myös ruoste-versio (corrupt) se katoaa 30:n käyttöminuutin jälkeen.
| - 454(xsd:integer)
- 1132(xsd:integer)
| |
| - 114(xsd:integer)
- 288(xsd:integer)
- 367(xsd:integer)
- 447(xsd:integer)
| - 376(xsd:integer)
- 447(xsd:integer)
- 576(xsd:integer)
- 735(xsd:integer)
- 765(xsd:integer)
- 894(xsd:integer)
- 1341(xsd:integer)
| |
| |
| - +0
- +46
- +50
- +9
- +65
- +82
- +252
| - +17
- +48
- +52
- +66
- +9
- +93
- +285
| - -46(xsd:integer)
- -21(xsd:integer)
- -15(xsd:integer)
- -6(xsd:integer)
- -3(xsd:integer)
- +5
| - -4(xsd:integer)
- -3(xsd:integer)
- -1(xsd:integer)
- +0
- +5
| - +16
- +45
- +50
- +9
- +81
- +68
- +269
| - +18
- +48
- +63
- +9
- +41
- +277
- +98
| |
| |
| - Bolt
- Crush
- Slash
- Arrow
- Stab
- Thrown
| |
| |