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- |-|Bestiary= |-|Misc= Ancient of Wonders • Battle Arena • Bazaar Goods • Difficulty • Experience • Known Bugs • Mystery Note • Chocobo Breeding • Treasure Location |-|Categories= • |} __NOEDITSECTION__
- På svenska: hjälmar Helmets are the second important item in Equipment. They provide less defence than Armors, but helmets are cheaper and more common than Legs with the same armor value. Most low-level Players use Soldier Helmet, middle-levels Warrior Helmet or Crown Helmet (especially mages because of it's low weight) and high-levels use Royal Helmet or Demon Helmet which is part of Rare Set. The strongest helmet is the Golden Helmet, also known as the Helmet of The Stars (HOTS). The strongest helmet in Rookgaard, the newbie island, is the Legion Helmet.
- Helmets in StoneAge2 are bought from vendors in towns or made by pals through the Combination process. Helmets comes in different forms, pure defense, light headgear (crowns and bandannas) and heavy helmets (energy requirement and speed reduction).
- A helmet is a piece of armor for the head.
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- Armor in DCS does not by default come equipped with a helmet, and primarily they only serve as a cosmetic accessory as far as dice are concerned. However they do grant a very minimal amount of protection and so those who wish to wear one can choose to do so. Unlike normal armor, helmets have a small penalty that applies to visual based rolls rather than those relying on dexterity or mobility.
- Helmets are the second important item in Equipment. They provide less defence than Armors, but helmets are cheaper and more common than Legs with the same armor value. Most low-level Players use Soldier Helmet, middle-levels Warrior Helmet or Crown Helmet (especially mages because of it's low weight) and high-levels use Royal Helmet or Demon Helmet which is part of Rare Set. The strongest helmet is the Golden Helmet, also known as the Helmet of The Stars (HOTS). The strongest helmet in Rookgaard, the newbie island, is the Legion Helmet.
- Helmets are the second important item in Equipment. They provide less defence than Armors, but helmets are cheaper and more common than Legs with the same armor value. Most low-level Players use Soldier Helmet, middle-levels Warrior Helmet or Crown Helmet (especially mages because of it's low weight) and high-levels use Royal Helmet or Demon Helmet which is part of Rare Set. The strongest helmet is the Golden Helmet, also known as the Helmet of The Stars (HOTS). The strongest helmet in Rookgaard, the newbie island, is the Legion Helmet.
- This page contains a list of all the types of helmets in ADOM. The PV of equipped helmets reduces the damage taken from stone block traps. While equipped, helmets made out of iron cause 2 points of damage per turn to mist elf PCs. Iron helmets are marked with a gray background in the list below.
- Helmets are worn upon your head as protection. You can obtain these through monster drops,shops in Towns, or from the Auction House. Legendary Helmets will not be included on this page, as their stats vary by Tier, and they are all better than any armors on this page. Finally finished! Some of the 99 Epic Helmets don't have pages though, so they're red linked. I would appreciate if someone could make those pages. Also, sorting from low to high should work, but expect errors when sorting high to low. --Lukutiss 23:25, February 18, 2012 (UTC)
- Helmets are unique collectible Relics in Tomb Raider (2013). There are two Helmets in the game.
- Helmets are in the game Enemy 585. They also appear as and in the game Nitrome Must Die.
- Helmets are the second important item in Equipment. They provide less defence than Armors, but helmets are cheaper and more common than Legs with the same armor value.
- Helmets are the second important item in [[|items|Equipment]]. They provide less defence than Armors, but helmets are cheaper and more common than Legs with the same armor value. Most low-level Players use Soldier Helmet, middle-levels Warrior Helmet or Crown Helmet (especially mages because of it's low weight) and high-levels use Royal Helmet or Demon Helmet which is part of Rare Set. The strongest helmet is the Golden Helmet, also known as the Helmet of The Stars (HOTS). The strongest helmet in Rookgaard, the newbie island, is the Legion Helmet.
- Click [Expand] to see the whole table. Tables can be sorted by clicking on one of the boxes on the top row.
- Los Helmets son el segundo item mas importante en el equipamento. Dan una defensa menor a la de una armadura, pero aun asi ofrecen gran defensa ante el daño enemigo. generalmente los niveles bajos usan unos cascos de defensa baja, ya sea por que son lo mayor que pueden adquirir o su peso, al igual que los Sorcerers y Druids que usan armaduras livianas ya que estos tienen poca capacidad. En cambio un Knight usa armaduras pesadas ya que tienen una gran defensa. El casco mas fuerte es el Golden Helmet, tambien conocido como Helmet of The Stars (HOTS).
- These are general use helmets for all jobs and races: These helmets can be used by a certain job of any race (All of these are visible):
- Helmets (often truncated to simply "helms") are armour for one's head. Without a helmet, serious injury to the head - and therefore certain death - can occur in the heat of battle. Numerous types of helmets have appeared throughout the ages, and hereafter follows a list of all known variations:
- Equipable magic items worn on the head. Caster Level: 8th Construction Requirements: Craft wondrous Item, At least 4 knowledge skills, 6,000hl Price: 12,000 hl This futuristic visor sits over your eyes and glows with a red intensity. While wearing the Analysis scope, you can make knowledge checks to determine enemy's weaknesses untrained. You also gain the 3rd level technique "Full Analysis" that you can perform if you can perform 3rd level techniques. Caster Level: 15th Construction Requirements: Craft wondrous Item, Giga Heal, Angel, 40,000hl Price: 80,000 hl Price: 16,000 hl Price: 10,000 hl
- Helmets are the second important item in Equipment. They provide less defence than Armors, but helmets are cheaper and more common than Legs with the same armor value. Most low-level Players use Soldier Helmet, Warrior Helmet, Crown Helmet, or Hat of the Mad. The best obtainable helmets are the following: