| - EFFECTIVE: 20 MAY, 2010 The Blackhawk Corps has been disbanded. I'm fed up with Moon Guard. Perhaps I'm the one in need of a thicker skin, but when it's all said and done, listening to all you argue and bicker, accusing each other of meta-gaming, god-modding or RP-moderating isn't my idea of fun, and definitely not worth $15 a month. Half of you idiots don't even know the definitions of these terms you and your brain dead friends so rightfully throw around. The other half... I don't even know where to begin. I hate you, Moon Guard!
| - EFFECTIVE: 20 MAY, 2010 The Blackhawk Corps has been disbanded. I'm fed up with Moon Guard. Perhaps I'm the one in need of a thicker skin, but when it's all said and done, listening to all you argue and bicker, accusing each other of meta-gaming, god-modding or RP-moderating isn't my idea of fun, and definitely not worth $15 a month. Half of you idiots don't even know the definitions of these terms you and your brain dead friends so rightfully throw around. The other half... I don't even know where to begin. I hate you, Moon Guard! File:Placeholder The Blackhawk Corps is a private, multi-race, para-military organization created to act as a deterrent to internal threats from within the Alliance itself. "The Corps" as it's known in most circles, operates as the clandestine hand of the Alliance Martial Provost under a lateral parternship. It also maintains itself as a lower auxiliary unit under SI:7 with a single lead field operative in command; giving the Corps limited operational autonomy in certain areas of civillian and military law enforcement. Raised traditionally as a militia, the Blackhawk Corps is a relatively small unit comprised of highly specialized individuals recruited from all walks of life. The wide range of combat, medical, technical and academic skills posessed by each member augments the Corps as an extremely flexible fighting-force capable to adapting themselves to nearly any type of mission. Under the current roguish leadership of Field Operative 1st Grade Aden Hawke, The Blackhawk Corps has been known for engaging in questionable vigilante activites, perpetrated under their martial authority, in the name of deterrence and defense of Stormwind and the Alliance proper.