| - Biplanes are mid-sized, dual axis, tri-engine, tactical dive bombers capable of high-alpha maneuvers and exceptional speeds. Invented by Hiroshi Sato, the first biplanes were used by Equalists during the Anti-bending Revolution. Following the radical revolutionaries' defeat, Asami Sato repurposed the planes to a more commercial goal and used Future Industries to perfect them. Since then, biplanes have become a more widespread vehicle and are an integral part of the United Forces' Air Force.
- Fighter with 1 combat strength of 1.
- The Biplane is an item in FarmVille that will instantly grow a farmer's entire crop.
- Like all air units in the Fighter line, Biplanes are much more effective against units than against buildings.
- Biplane is an aircraft wing configuration mainly used in early 20th Century and most recently in acrobatic aircraft, it basically consists in a two-wing set one under and other over the top of the plane being over each other. It's also the oldest airplane type ever known, which means a lot for aviation history since Wright Flyer, the first airplane in history featured this wing type.
- The Biplane is an airplane featured in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories, serving as one of only two controllable airplanes in the game, the other being the Skimmer.
- When the Great War began, biplanes were the standard air craft of the day. In the early months of the war, they were used for reconnaissance, but quickly turned to combat roles to assist the army in their attacks and defence. After the war, biplanes continued to make up the front line fighters of all major air forces until the late 1930s with the introduction of newer and faster monoplanes.
- The Biplane was a vehicle involved in Timesplitters: Future Perfect. It had only appeared in Scotland the Brave, and it dosen't attack Cortez or Captain Ash, so it was just cannon fodder for Ash and Cortez. The British Navy used the normal biplane while the foreign troopers utilised 'sea-plane' versions, launched from a hidden cave. One can be seen taking off, without a pilot, after going down the lift the Urnsay Tank spawned from. It was also used in the challenge Plainly Off His Rocker as a target by Captain Ash's MG nest, alongside UFOs.
- The Biplane is an aircraft that appeared in Crash Bandicoot: Warped. Coco owns a pink one and Crash owns a blue one. Coco flew hers first, trying to shoot down Cortex's blimps in Bye Bye Blimps. Then, Crash flew his to shoot down Cortex's airplanes in Mad Bombers. In the final level, Rings of Power, Crash flew it through rings.
- Biplane – samolot występujący w Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories. Nie jest zbyt szybki. Jest używany do wykonywania ewolucji w powietrzu, ale nie jest zbyt wytrzymały, jedno uderzenie zazwyczaj kończy się jego wybuchem. Biplane przypomina samolot kaskaderski z GTA San Andreas.