| - The RPD is a light machine gun featured in Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, Call of Duty: Black Ops (Nintendo DS), Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3: Defiance, Call of Duty: Black Ops II, Call of Duty Online and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered. It was cut from Call of Duty: Black Ops and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3. It serves as the main light machine gun used by the Russian forces.
- The RPD is a machine gun developed in the Soviet Union. It is used by para-military gangs such as the Crachá Preto. It is first seen in Alive If Not Exactly Well, being used by the Comando Sombra who try to shoot Max from boats. Later it it seen in The Great American Savior of The Poor, being used by Cracha Preto.
- The RPD is a machine gun with 100 ammo in a clip, and 100 ammo in stock.
* Caliber: 7.62*39 mm
* Kickback: 5
* Max. Kickback: 28
* Damage: 70
* Fire Rate: 10 shots/sec
- The RPD is a weapon in Soldier of Fortune II: Double Helix. It is a mounted machine gun with a very high rate of fire. It can kill common troops in one to two hits.
- The RPD is a light machine gun that was produced and possibly used in limited numbers by the Soviet Union during World War II.
- La RPD peut être obtenue dans la boite mystère et une fois améliorée grâce à la machine Sacré Punch, elle est nommée Engin punitif relativiste et possède 125 munitions pour 750 en réserve. Catégorie:Armes Catégorie:Armes de Call of Duty: Black Ops II Catégorie:Armes du mode Zombies Quand la RPD n'est pas améliorée, elle possède 100 munitions pour 400 en réserve. C'est un redoutable Fusil Mitrailleur qui est d'une grande efficacité. Son seul défaut serait son rechargement... TRES LONG. C'est pour cela qu'il est conseillé de prendre l'atout Cola Énergisant si vous avez la RPD pour éviter de se faire bloquer en rechargant. Après, quand on l'a en main, elle est certes très lente mais puissante. C'est finalement un très bon' Fusil Mitrailleur en mode Zombie.
- The RPD is a machine gun.
- The RPD (or Ruchnoy Pulemyot Degtyaryova) is a 7.62mm light machine gun developed in the Soviet Union by Vasily Degtyaryov for the intermediate 7.62x39mm cartridge. It was created as a replacement for the DP machine gun chambered for the 7.62x54mmR rifle round. It is a precursor of most SAWs. The RPD had first started development in the final stages of World War II. The RPD was designed to use the new 7.62x39mm round which had been originally designed for the SKS. The RPD would replace the DP and its variant the DPM as a squad machine gun. It would stay in use until the unveiling of the RPK, a AK style light machine gun. Although the RPD has fallen out of use in the in the former USSR and its satellite nations, it can still be seen in the hands of irregular forces throughout the world.
- The RPD appears in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Rogue Spear as a terrorist-exclusive weapon. It is seen in the Hong Kong mission of the game, and is modeled without a bipod.
- The RPD is a Light Machine gun in Black Ops 2 zombies. It has 100 bullets in a belt, and 400 outside. It is incredibly effective, dealing moderate damage per shot. It has a fair rate of fire, and a lenghty reload that is common with Light Machine Guns. However, the RPD's reload is much longer than the reload of the HAMR, to be effective in later rounds it should be paired with the Speed-Cola perk for a faster reload.
- RPD (ros: РПД, Ручной Пулемет Дегтярева) – radziecki lekki karabin maszynowy konstrukcji Wasilija Diegtiariowa. Występuje w Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, Call of Duty: Black Ops (Nintendo DS), Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3: Defiance i Call of Duty: Black Ops II.
- The RPD (Russian: ручной пулемёт Дегтярёва Ruchnoy Pulemyot Degtyaryova, English: hand-held machine gun of Degtyaryov) is a 7.62mm light machine gun developed in the Soviet Union by Vasily Degtyaryov for the intermediate 7.62x39mm M43 cartridge. It was created as a replacement for the DP machine gun chambered for the 7.62x54mmR Mosin rifle round. It is a precursor of most squad automatic weapons.
- Die RPD ist ein leichtes Maschinengewehr das Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, Call of Duty:Black Ops(Nintendo DS version) und Call of Duty: Black Ops II vorkommt. Es ist das standard LMG der Ultranationalisten.
- RPD: DESCRIPCION: RPD era un toa del magnetismo que actualmente es uno de los mejores soldados en especial en misiones o en guerras VIDA TEMPRANA: RPD con el elemento fuego y nacio con otros super soldados en un laboratorio en el espacio.el actualmente difunto GOKUTA lo creo especialmente para ser un heroe para que nadie notara los crimenes que su padre o creador habia dejado.durante la gran explosion que crearon sus llamados "HERMANOS" cuando se rebelaron hizo que fallara el sistema y se hizo al asesino y un toa del magnetismo.su padre al ver que habia fallado en su mision decidio en viarlo para que el no sea visto.en la guerra en la que RPD lo conocio, el se hizo pasa por uno de sus hermanos,el termino entregandole su mascara que al tocar a RPD se transformo en la mascara de la premedita
- HUD icon HUD icon Unlocked at Unlock cost To unlock Faction Kit Inventory slot Firemodes Rate of fire Accuracy Speed Stability Ammunition type Magazine size Reserve ammunition Starting ammunition Maximum ammunition Reload time Effect Damage Damage multipliers Velocity Bullet drop Suppression Health restored Armor restored Durability Range of weapon Maximum range Blast radius Recoil First shot recoil multiplier Recoil decrease per second Spread zoomed Spread unzoomed Spread increase per bullet Spread decrease per second Inaccuracy movement modifier Special feature Special features Unlocks Attachments Dogtag(s) Sound(s) ani Source of statistics In Battlefield Vietnam, the RPD is issued uniquely to the NVA Assault kit. It has a 100 round capacity, high recoil, high damage and low accuracy.
- RPD ( Ruchnoi Pulemyot Degtyaryev ) De RPD was één van de wapens die ontwikkeld zijn aan de hand van de ervaringen uit de tweede wereldoorlog door Rusland. Het is een licht machinegeweer dat tot op afstanden van 800 meter nauwkeurig kan vuren en was in gebruik in de Russische infanterie van begin jaren '50 tot de jaren '60. In de jaren '60 werd het geleidelijk aan vervangen door de RPK. Het wapen werd heel veel geëxporteerd naar pro-Sovjetlanden en regimes (Cuba, Irak, Syrië, Somalië,...) en schijnt populair te zijn bij veel guerillastrijdkrachten in Azië, Zuid-Amerika en Afrika.
- In 1943, Three prominent Soviet engineers were asked to submit their own designs: Vasily Degtyaryov, Sergei Simonov andAlexei Sudayev. Among the completed prototypes prepared for evaluation, the Degtyaryov design proved superior and was accepted into service with the Soviet armed forces as the 7.62 mm RPD (Ruchnoy Pulemyot Degtyaryova or "Degtyaryov light machine gun") model 1944. Although the RPD was ready for mass production during the final stages of World War II, large scale delivery of the weapon did not begin until 1953. During the Vietnam War, the RPD served the Vietcong as their standard light machine gun. After the introduction of the RPK and PK in the 1960s, the RPD was withdrawn from most first-tier units of the former Warsaw Pact. However, the RPD remains in active service in m