| - Alice Hill was a Canadian actress who appeared in Jim Henson's 1969 TV play The Cube. She played the dual roles of the mother-in-law and Mrs. Stratton, the cocktail party guest who explains "projection" to the Man in the Cube. Hill began her career in Toronto in professional stock companies, but by the 1930s she had shifted to radio, where she became a frequent presence in CBC broadcasts. She was heard in Shakespeare adaptations, including As You Like It (Celia, 1938), Julius Caesar (Portia, 1946), and A Midsummer Night's Dream (Helena, 1948).
| - Alice Hill was a Canadian actress who appeared in Jim Henson's 1969 TV play The Cube. She played the dual roles of the mother-in-law and Mrs. Stratton, the cocktail party guest who explains "projection" to the Man in the Cube. Hill began her career in Toronto in professional stock companies, but by the 1930s she had shifted to radio, where she became a frequent presence in CBC broadcasts. She was heard in Shakespeare adaptations, including As You Like It (Celia, 1938), Julius Caesar (Portia, 1946), and A Midsummer Night's Dream (Helena, 1948). She played many leads on the Stage anthology series (which began as Stage '44 and was rechristened to match the current year) and Curtain Time (opposite Lorne Greene as narrator). She was a regular on the long-running farm serial The Craigs (1939-1964, as daughter Janice Craig) and the Wayne and Shuster-scripted sitcom The Johnny Home Show (1945, as Rosemary, Johnny's girlfriend). Hill appeared on-camera in Arch Oboler's 1960 anthology film One Plus One, did voices for the puppet series Maggie Muggins, and on the anthology series GM Presents, General Motors Theatre, and Festival.