| - Astro Smurf's spaceship was a vehicle created by Astro Smurf in the comic book version of "The Astro Smurf" and by Dreamy Smurf in the cartoon show episode of the same name. It was a primitive-looking rocket ship that was powered by a foot pedal in the cockpit that turned a propeller at the bottom of the ship, with the intention that the propellers would lift the ship off from the ground. In "The Astro Smurf", when Dreamy first attempted to use the rocket in order to travel to another world, he found out to his dismay that it was unable to lift off from the ground. Papa Smurf then set forth a plan in motion to make Dreamy believe that Handy had fixed his ship and it was now able to work properly. This required putting Dreamy to sleep with a raspberry potion, dismantling his ship and delivering him and the ship into an extinct volcano, reassembling the ship, and using a magic potion to transform himself and his little Smurfs into Swoofs. In "Dreamy's Pen Pals", Handy had built a platform underneath the rocket ship to simulate the shaking of the ship, and had a constantly scrolling display of clouds attached to one of its windows to simulate its taking off from the ground. The spaceship appears in several one-page gags in non-English Smurf comic books where Astro Smurf has tea with Smurfette and mistakenly took her aquarium in place of his helmet. And the Space ship can be seen in the background of a comic gag where he deliberately is hurting himself so he sees stars in an effort to recognize the stars and constellations more clearly in preparation of his next space journey. They also show him working with a smaller version of his rocket which takes off by means of a big coil spring, needless to say it doesn't get very far. The rocket makes an appearance in the Smurfs Game, where the user can access to Planet Swoof. However, this rocket uses rockets to fly, and the large propellor is missing.