| - Santhou Lazith'chika was a male alien member of the Rebel Alliance and a major adviser of Lens and Mikka Reekeene, founders of Reekeene's Roughnecks. Lazith'chika had authority over several members of the Rebel Alliance, even though he was not a military officer. He was commonly involved in briefings and debriefings of the Roughnecks, including Tay Vanis and the Green squad. Although his goals and background remained obscure, Lazith'chika had earned the Reekeenes' respect and, as such, was treated with deference by the Roughnecks.
| - Santhou Lazith'chika was a male alien member of the Rebel Alliance and a major adviser of Lens and Mikka Reekeene, founders of Reekeene's Roughnecks. Lazith'chika had authority over several members of the Rebel Alliance, even though he was not a military officer. He was commonly involved in briefings and debriefings of the Roughnecks, including Tay Vanis and the Green squad. Although his goals and background remained obscure, Lazith'chika had earned the Reekeenes' respect and, as such, was treated with deference by the Roughnecks. A member of a humanoid, but cadaverous, species, Lazith'chika was considered to be frightening by Humans in his environment; however, he was a good-natured being; a trait that could be appreciated with a careful analysis of his behavior. Secretly Force-sensitive, Lazith'chika feared the Galactic Empire's hunters of Jedi, and thus he hid his powers pretending to be an eccentric, inoffensive being.