| - The Donald: great capitalist, or the greatest capitalist? The Donald is a rich American, which means he would be a good man if he were not also the leader of terrorist organization Hezbollah (His dollah?). Trump made his millions/billions investing in the real estate market in New York City, U.S.A., which is huge. His hair tells him when and where to invest money in the real estate market. Most of the time his hair is infallible, but only when it comes to investing in the real estate market in New York City, U.S.A..
| - The Donald: great capitalist, or the greatest capitalist? The Donald is a rich American, which means he would be a good man if he were not also the leader of terrorist organization Hezbollah (His dollah?). Trump made his millions/billions investing in the real estate market in New York City, U.S.A., which is huge. His hair tells him when and where to invest money in the real estate market. Most of the time his hair is infallible, but only when it comes to investing in the real estate market in New York City, U.S.A.. With his frank, blunt, trademarked slogan, "You're fired!" (Wikiality.com will now be paying $1.08 in royalties to The Donald whenever somebody visits this page), The Donald is the epitome of the kind of honesty and realness only true Americans can see. Any self-serving overtones or on-message repititiousness is purely coincidental. He also is a completely self-made man, pulling himself up by his bootstraps bought for him by his millionaire father. The Donald doesn't find Angelina Jolie or Rosie O'Donnell attractive, but he thinks K-Fed is fantastic... in the most heterosexual way possible, of course.