Kloonisotien aikana Merrik oli liitossa Pre Vizslan kanssa, joka suunnitteli herttuatar Kryzen sieppaamista.
Tal Merrik was the Senator of Corellia during the Clone Wars.
Tal Merrik era un senador Mandaloriano de Kalevala que asistió a la Duquesa Satine Kryze. En realidad, era acólito de la Guardia de la Muerte, y por extensión, la Confederación de Sistemas Independientes durante las Guerras Clónicas. En un intento de asesinato de la duquesa Satine Kryze a bordo del Coronet (nave) murió a manos de Anakin Skywalker.
Tal Merrik is an evil Demon general that brings hate to the Galaxy. He was once a Mandalorian Senator who betrayed the Duchess of Mandalore and tried to use Assasin Droids to kill the Jedi and the Republic. He was killed by Anakin Skywalker who used a lightsaber stab in the back. His body was dumped into deep space and after many years Darth Grievous wrapped his body into a cocoon which hatched into another cape wearing Demon General. Tal Merrik was also responsible for the Death Trooper project. He died at the end of the battle of Korriban.
[Source] Tal Merrik était un sénateur de la République Galactique et secrètement un membre de la Death Watch.
*República Galáctica
**Senado Galáctico
**Nuevos Mandalorianos
***Consejo de Sistemas Neutrales
**Guardia de la Muerte
*Confederación de Sistemas Independientes