| - NC: Hello, I’m the Nostalgia Critic. I remember it so you don’t have to. And welcome to another rendition of “Old vs. New.” (The “Old vs. New” title card is shown, featuring an old man crossing his cane with a little boy’s baseball bat, as O Fortuna plays and lightning strikes) NC: Seeing how we’re so close to Thanksgiving, I thought it’d be great if we talked about a pair of Thanksgiving movies. (Pauses) You know, ‘cause it’s kind of religious. I think...Moses carved a turkey once. Ah, forget it. It’s “The Ten Commandments.” NC: (pauses) Interesting choice.
| - NC: Hello, I’m the Nostalgia Critic. I remember it so you don’t have to. And welcome to another rendition of “Old vs. New.” (The “Old vs. New” title card is shown, featuring an old man crossing his cane with a little boy’s baseball bat, as O Fortuna plays and lightning strikes) NC: Seeing how we’re so close to Thanksgiving, I thought it’d be great if we talked about a pair of Thanksgiving movies. (Pauses) You know, ‘cause it’s kind of religious. I think...Moses carved a turkey once. Ah, forget it. It’s “The Ten Commandments.” NC (voiceover): In 1956, one of the greatest directors of all time, Cecil B. Demille, made one of the most famous films of all time, “The Ten Commandments.” Actually, it was a remake of his already popular epic from the 1920s. I guess he just wanted to up the epic-ness. And I know I should probably do an “Old vs. New” on these two films, but seeing how they both had the same director, I think that’s kind of cheating. The ’56 version is, of course, considered a classic, and no major studio would dare try to top it. That is, until Dreamworks came along and tried to tell the same story as an animated musical. NC: (pauses) Interesting choice. NC (voiceover): When you hear “Bible” mixed with “musical” and “Disney-style animation,” you automatically think “disaster,” but “The Prince of Egypt” was actually a decent remake. It wasn’t telling the exact same story; it had different angles, a different scale, and a different spin on the main characters. And, in my opinion, it’s a very underrated animated film. NC: But still, which one holds up the best? The original classic or the animated re-imagining? Well, let’s dive right into the land of milk and honey… (An image of a Honeycomb cereal box is shown briefly) …that would be nice, but I’m talking about the movies. This is “Old vs. New: Ten Commandments vs. The Prince of Egypt.” (The opening sequence features footage from both movies while playing snippets of musical scores from each of them, ending with the title card “The Ten Commandments VS. The Prince of Egypt”) NC: It’s hard to find someone to play one of the most holy people in all of the Bible, so we’ll just settle for the human from “Planet of the Apes” and Ice-Man from “Top Gun.” Solid. Let’s take a look at Best Moses.