| - Ryan: “Man, this is hard work. I mean, I’ve walked with a crutch before, but I guess never for this long.” Ryan (wincing once): “Hmm….still not healed fully, but not as bad as before.” Ryan: “What’s that?” Ryan (pointing): “Hey, Anthony, where do you think all those Pokemon are coming from?” Anthony: There’s a cave up there called Frost Cavern, home of all sorts of ice type Pokemon. Ryan: “Then they must be from Frost Cavern! Something must’ve gone on there to drive them out like this. Let’s go check it out.” Quilladin: “Quill.” Ryan: “Maybe it was just an avalanche or something. Ryan: “True.”
| - Ryan: “Man, this is hard work. I mean, I’ve walked with a crutch before, but I guess never for this long.” Ryan (wincing once): “Hmm….still not healed fully, but not as bad as before.” Ryan: “What’s that?” Ryan (pointing): “Hey, Anthony, where do you think all those Pokemon are coming from?” Anthony: There’s a cave up there called Frost Cavern, home of all sorts of ice type Pokemon. Ryan: “Then they must be from Frost Cavern! Something must’ve gone on there to drive them out like this. Let’s go check it out.” Quilladin: “Quill.” Ryan: “Coming? You don’t have to, but if I end up in a battle, It’d be nice to have a partner I could tag in if everyone in my party goes down.” Anthony: Of course I’m coming. I’m just wondering why all the Pokemon have left Frost Cavern. Ryan: “Maybe it was just an avalanche or something. Ryan: “True.” Ryan: “Maybe someone, or something, drove them out!” Anthony:I’m still trying to figure out the cause. A little while later, they arrive in Frost Cavern. It’s dead silent. Ryan: “Wow, eerie isn’t it?” Anthony: They always are.Is this your first cave? Ryan: “Not that, I mean the fact that there’s no sounds of activity from Pokemon. That’s what I’m finding eerie.” Anthony: We saw them some time ago, running away from here. Anthony: Ow. Anthony: Be careful here Ryan. Ryan: “Obviously….sorry. Didn’t mean to be so bitter.” Ryan: “And for the record, I was just making an observation.” Ryan: “OW!” As he sits up, some Pokemon rush up. The trainer pulls out his Pokedex. Pokedex: “Avalugg, the Ice Type Iceberg Pokemon. Avalugg’s ice-covered body is as hard as steel. An Avalugg’s cumbersome frame crushes anything in its way.” Pokedex: “Abomasnow, the Ice/Grass Type Frost Tree Pokemon. Abomasnow blanket wide areas in snow by whipping up blizzards. Abomasnow is also known as ‘the ice monster’.” Ryan: “We’re in trouble.” Anthony: They are both very strong. We best be on our guard. Ryan: “Right.” Ryan: “What happened here? Why are all those Ice Types leaving Frost Cavern?” Abomasnow: “Bom Snow Abomasnow!” Ryan: “You kicked them out!?” Avalugg: Lugg Avalugg Ava. Avalugg. Ryan: “I am not going to let you push Pokemon around like that! Let’s battle, here and now! If I win, you two have to let the other Ice Types come back. Do we have a deal?” Pumpkaboo: ‘Pump!” Ryan: “Confuse Ray!” Ryan: “Razor Leaf on Avalugg!” Ryan: “Dodge it!” Ryan: “This won’t work! Pumpkaboo, return!” Froakie: “Kie.” Ryan: “Quick Attack!” Avalugg: Lugg, Avalugg Avalugg. Ryan: “You can try, but you’ll be sorry! Water Pledge!” Anthony: Do you need my help? Ryan: “Oops, sorry Quilladin.” Ryan: “Anyway, I just realized a way I might be able to win!” Delphox: “Delphox!” Ryan: “Be careful Delphox, we don’t want to cause an avalanche. Now, Ember both Avalugg and Abomasnow!” Anthony: With both Pokemon knowing moves Delphox is weak against, this isn’t going to easy. Ryan: “No kidding. ‘Secret Weapon’!” Ryan: “Hyper Beam!” Anthony: You need to be more coordinated. Think of it as a double battle, not a single battle. Ryan: “Right. Psybeam both of them at once!” Ryan: “You’ll let the other Ice Types return as promised right? Abomasnow: “Bom.” Ryan: “Look you two. I didn’t really want the battle to get to this point. That is, where I exhausted you both. I just didn’t like how you we treating your fellow Pokemon, and I just reacted without thinking. I’m sorry. Are you two willing to forgive and forget?” Avalugg: Lug, Avalugg Ava. Lugg Lugg Ug Avalugg. Anthony: That seemed bitter sweet. Ryan: “Well, at least it didn’t get worse.” Ryan: “Ow-ow-ow-ow okay, okay not working.” Ryan: “Whoa!” Ryan: “Thanks Abomasnow.” Abomasnow: “Snow.” Ryan: “Right, now we’re ready to head to Anistar City.” Narrator: While traversing into Frost Cavern, Ryan and Anthony found Avalugg and Abomasnow, who have caused all the ice types to leave the cave. Ryan battled Avalugg and Abomasnow, even though he didn’t want to, and now Avalugg and Abomasnow welcome the ice types. Now, Ryan, Anthony and Quilladin head off towards Anistar City.