| - Common modifications include:
* Cosmetic and ergonomic modifications
* Replacement or alteration of grips or stocks
* Changing of sights, such as the adjustable iron sights or a telescopic sight
* Adding or removing weight to ease carrying, alter balance, or help moderate recoil
* Metal engraving or custom woodwork
* Checkering or stippling wood or metal
* Altering the metal finish, using techniques such as blueing, electroplating, or parkerizing
* Use of a shorter barrel to reduce size and weight, or a longer barrel to increase velocity
* Caliber conversions
* Rechambering or rebarreling for a new caliber, such as conversions made to chamber a wildcat cartridge
* Use of a caliber conversion sleeve or other readily removable insert to fire a smal
| - Common modifications include:
* Cosmetic and ergonomic modifications
* Replacement or alteration of grips or stocks
* Changing of sights, such as the adjustable iron sights or a telescopic sight
* Adding or removing weight to ease carrying, alter balance, or help moderate recoil
* Metal engraving or custom woodwork
* Checkering or stippling wood or metal
* Altering the metal finish, using techniques such as blueing, electroplating, or parkerizing
* Use of a shorter barrel to reduce size and weight, or a longer barrel to increase velocity
* Caliber conversions
* Rechambering or rebarreling for a new caliber, such as conversions made to chamber a wildcat cartridge
* Use of a caliber conversion sleeve or other readily removable insert to fire a smaller, less expensive cartrdige
* Operating mechanism conversions
* Muzzleloading or paper cartridge to metallic cartridge conversions, such as the Allin conversion or Lund conversion
* Conversion from fully automatic or select fire to semiautomatic only or manual operation, or vice versa
* Short recoil to blowback conversions, used in various .22 Long Rifle conversions, such as the Colt Ace and J. A. Ceiner conversion kits.
* Conversion from handgun to carbine or rifle
* Addition of a rifled barrel to a shotgun to allow it to better fire shotgun slugs
* Accurizing
* Sporterizing Some commonly customized firearms include the Ruger 10/22 carbine, the M1911 pistol, and the AR-15 rifle, all of which have large numbers of aftermarket parts suppliers. Shooting disciplines such as bullseye pistol and benchrest shooting also rely extensively on custom-built and modified firearms to achieve top accuracy.