Torrential Dance (Taki no Mai, 滝の舞) is a technique used by Asari Ugetsu during his second fight with Takeshi Yamamoto during the Inheritance Succession Arc. By swinging his long sword once above him, he creates a barrier-like wall made of Rain Flames that reflects his image multiple times and makes his opponent lose track of him. Even though this mirror barrier works well on making realistic duplicates of himself, it can also be easily destroyed when the Flames are countered or extiguished. Asari Ugetsu came up with this technique in the space of a few seconds before he used it against Yamamoto.
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- Torrential Dance
| - Torrential Dance (Taki no Mai, 滝の舞) is a technique used by Asari Ugetsu during his second fight with Takeshi Yamamoto during the Inheritance Succession Arc. By swinging his long sword once above him, he creates a barrier-like wall made of Rain Flames that reflects his image multiple times and makes his opponent lose track of him. Even though this mirror barrier works well on making realistic duplicates of himself, it can also be easily destroyed when the Flames are countered or extiguished. Asari Ugetsu came up with this technique in the space of a few seconds before he used it against Yamamoto.
- Torrential Dance (Taki no Mai, 滝の舞) ist eine Technik von Asari Ugetsu, die er bei Yamamotos zweiter Prüfung in der Inheritance Succession Arc verwendet hatte. Bei dieser Technik schwingt Asari Ugetsu sein langes Schwert über sich hinweg, um einen Wall aus Regenflammen zu erzeugen. Dieser Wall erzeugt Spiegelbilder von ihm, wodurch der Gegner Schwierigkeiten bekommt, den echten Asari Ugetsu ausfindig zu machen. Dennoch kann die Technik leicht gekontert werden, indem man die Flammen kontert, wie auch Yamamoto bewiesen hat. Asari Ugetsu dachte sich die Technik während des Kampfes mit Yamamoto aus. Kategorie:Technik Kategorie:Inheritance Succession Arc Kategorie:TYL Arc Kategorie:Filler Kategorie:Asari Ugetsu Kategorie:Regen Element
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| - Erschaffen von Spiegelbildern
Anime Debut
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| - Torrential Dance (Taki no Mai, 滝の舞) is a technique used by Asari Ugetsu during his second fight with Takeshi Yamamoto during the Inheritance Succession Arc. By swinging his long sword once above him, he creates a barrier-like wall made of Rain Flames that reflects his image multiple times and makes his opponent lose track of him. Even though this mirror barrier works well on making realistic duplicates of himself, it can also be easily destroyed when the Flames are countered or extiguished. Asari Ugetsu came up with this technique in the space of a few seconds before he used it against Yamamoto.
- Torrential Dance (Taki no Mai, 滝の舞) ist eine Technik von Asari Ugetsu, die er bei Yamamotos zweiter Prüfung in der Inheritance Succession Arc verwendet hatte. Bei dieser Technik schwingt Asari Ugetsu sein langes Schwert über sich hinweg, um einen Wall aus Regenflammen zu erzeugen. Dieser Wall erzeugt Spiegelbilder von ihm, wodurch der Gegner Schwierigkeiten bekommt, den echten Asari Ugetsu ausfindig zu machen. Dennoch kann die Technik leicht gekontert werden, indem man die Flammen kontert, wie auch Yamamoto bewiesen hat. Asari Ugetsu dachte sich die Technik während des Kampfes mit Yamamoto aus. Kategorie:Technik Kategorie:Inheritance Succession Arc Kategorie:TYL Arc Kategorie:Filler Kategorie:Asari Ugetsu Kategorie:Regen Element