| - A rhino like spinosaur related to the spinosaurus and Irritator, Angaturama had a spine sticking out from the back. This creature is a bad beast when he gets easily tempered.
- Angaturama (« lézard noble ») est un dinosaure théropode, nommé d’après un mot indien Tupi qui signifie “noble, brave”. Il vivait au Brésil (Formation Santana) dans les régions proches du Chapada de l'Araripe, dans le Ceará, au cours du Crétacé inférieur (Aptien 125 à 112 millions d’années).
- Angaturama ((Tupi Indian) angaturama meaning "noble, brave") is a genus of spinosaurid theropod from the Early Cretaceous Santana Formation of northeastern Brazil. The type specimen was discovered in a limestone nodule and consisted of the incomplete anterior portion of a skull. A description of the new species, A. limai by Alexander W.A. Kellner and Diogenes de A. Campos was published in February 1996. It was named after Angaturama, a protective spirit in the aboriginal Tupi Indian culture of Brazil, and paleontologist Murilo R. de Lima, who informed Kellner of the specimen in 1991. Later research uncovered 60% of the complete skeleton, allowing a replica to be made and mounted for exhibit at the Federal University-owned Rio de Janeiro National Museum.Angaturama was diagnosed by the very
| - Angaturama ((Tupi Indian) angaturama meaning "noble, brave") is a genus of spinosaurid theropod from the Early Cretaceous Santana Formation of northeastern Brazil. The type specimen was discovered in a limestone nodule and consisted of the incomplete anterior portion of a skull. A description of the new species, A. limai by Alexander W.A. Kellner and Diogenes de A. Campos was published in February 1996. It was named after Angaturama, a protective spirit in the aboriginal Tupi Indian culture of Brazil, and paleontologist Murilo R. de Lima, who informed Kellner of the specimen in 1991. Later research uncovered 60% of the complete skeleton, allowing a replica to be made and mounted for exhibit at the Federal University-owned Rio de Janeiro National Museum.Angaturama was diagnosed by the very strong lateral compression of the snout, and a thin sagittal crest (shape unknown) on top of the premaxillae. Fish may have formed a large part of its diet. However, a pterosaur fossil was found with an Angaturama tooth embedded in it, pointing to possible predation. Angaturama was originally described as "the first remain of a dinosaur skull described from Brazil." However, as the paper describing Angaturama was in press, a partial spinosaurid skull from Brazil, bought from illegal fossil dealers, was published under the name Irritator. Many paleontologists suspect Angaturama and Irritator are the same dinosaur, in which case the name Irritator has priority.
- Angaturama (« lézard noble ») est un dinosaure théropode, nommé d’après un mot indien Tupi qui signifie “noble, brave”. Il vivait au Brésil (Formation Santana) dans les régions proches du Chapada de l'Araripe, dans le Ceará, au cours du Crétacé inférieur (Aptien 125 à 112 millions d’années). Le spécimen type a été découvert dans un nodule de calcaire et consiste en la portion antérieure incomplète d'un crâne. Alexander W.A.Kellner et Diogenes de A. Campos publièrent une description en février 1996. Angaturama doit son nom à un esprit protecteur appartenant à la culture Tupi, et au paléontologue Murilo R. de Lima. Angaturama est caractérisé par la compression latérale très forte du museau, et une crête sagittale mince (forme inconnue) sur le prémaxilliaire. Contrairement à la majorité des carnivores, il possédait les narines en partie derrière la tête, en face des yeux. Le poisson pourrait avoir formé une grande partie de son régime. Cependant, plusieurs vertèbres d'un grand ptérosaure Ornithocheiridae ont été trouvés, dans la même formation, percées d'une dent de Spinosaurinae (peut être Irritator) ce qui permet de dire qu'il se nourrissait, au moins occasionnellement, de ptérosaures vivants ou des carcasses de ptérosaures.
- A rhino like spinosaur related to the spinosaurus and Irritator, Angaturama had a spine sticking out from the back. This creature is a bad beast when he gets easily tempered.