Shay Jelavan was a Human male native of Taris who was the younger brother of Jedi Padawan Shad Jelavan. Orphaned as a young boy in 3966 BBY, Jelavan lived in Taris' Middle City with his older sister, Shel, supported by Shad's stipend. In 3964 BBY, Shad was murdered with three of his classmates by their Jedi Masters, who believed that one of them would bring about the fall of the Jedi Order—fellow Padawan Zayne Carrick, Shad's best friend, escaped the carnage and was officially blamed for the murders. Although Shad's death left them with no one to support them, the Jelavans received a large amount of money from a mysterious benefactor, enough for Shay to be sent offworld to live with his grandparents on the planet Ord Mantell.
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- Shay Jelavan
- Shay Jelavan
| - Shay Jelavan vivió en Taris en el 3.964 ABY. Era el hermano menor de Shad y Shel Jelavan. Sus padres murieron en el 3.966 ABY en un trágico accidente. Cuando Zayne Carrick, el compañero padawan y mejor amigo de Shad, así como el interés romántico de Shel, fue capturado y devuelto a Taris, Shay Jelavan estuvo presente para atestiguar su desgracia. Después de que los Jedi se fueron de Taris y comenzaron motines en las calles, Shel obtuvo una gran cantidad de dinero de una fuente desconocida y envió a Shay con sus abuelos en Ord Mantell. Posteriormente se reveló que la fuente del dinero era el mismo Zayne.
- Shay Jelavan was a Human male native of Taris who was the younger brother of Jedi Padawan Shad Jelavan. Orphaned as a young boy in 3966 BBY, Jelavan lived in Taris' Middle City with his older sister, Shel, supported by Shad's stipend. In 3964 BBY, Shad was murdered with three of his classmates by their Jedi Masters, who believed that one of them would bring about the fall of the Jedi Order—fellow Padawan Zayne Carrick, Shad's best friend, escaped the carnage and was officially blamed for the murders. Although Shad's death left them with no one to support them, the Jelavans received a large amount of money from a mysterious benefactor, enough for Shay to be sent offworld to live with his grandparents on the planet Ord Mantell.
- Kun Shad osallistui tapahtumaan, jossa hänet olisi korotettu jediritariksi, hänen mestarinsa tappoivat hänet ja lavastivat paikalta paenneen Zayne Carrickin, Shadin hyvän ystävän ja padawankumppanin, syylliseksi. Lopulta palkkionmetsästäjä Valius Ying sai Zaynen kiinni ja saavuttuaan Tarikselle, Shay oli paikalla katsomassa veljensä murhasta syytettyä Zaynea.
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- Shay Jelavan
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- Shay Jelavan
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| - Kun Shad osallistui tapahtumaan, jossa hänet olisi korotettu jediritariksi, hänen mestarinsa tappoivat hänet ja lavastivat paikalta paenneen Zayne Carrickin, Shadin hyvän ystävän ja padawankumppanin, syylliseksi. Lopulta palkkionmetsästäjä Valius Ying sai Zaynen kiinni ja saavuttuaan Tarikselle, Shay oli paikalla katsomassa veljensä murhasta syytettyä Zaynea. Kun jedit poistuivat Tarikselta ja tätä seuranneet katumellakat alkoivat, Shel sai tuntemattomasta lähteestä rahaa pankkitililleen. Tämän ansiosta hän saattoi lähettää Shayn isovanhempiensa luokse turvaan. Myöhemmin ilmeni, että rahojen lähettäjä oli Zayne.
- Shay Jelavan vivió en Taris en el 3.964 ABY. Era el hermano menor de Shad y Shel Jelavan. Sus padres murieron en el 3.966 ABY en un trágico accidente. Cuando Zayne Carrick, el compañero padawan y mejor amigo de Shad, así como el interés romántico de Shel, fue capturado y devuelto a Taris, Shay Jelavan estuvo presente para atestiguar su desgracia. Después de que los Jedi se fueron de Taris y comenzaron motines en las calles, Shel obtuvo una gran cantidad de dinero de una fuente desconocida y envió a Shay con sus abuelos en Ord Mantell. Posteriormente se reveló que la fuente del dinero era el mismo Zayne.
- Shay Jelavan was a Human male native of Taris who was the younger brother of Jedi Padawan Shad Jelavan. Orphaned as a young boy in 3966 BBY, Jelavan lived in Taris' Middle City with his older sister, Shel, supported by Shad's stipend. In 3964 BBY, Shad was murdered with three of his classmates by their Jedi Masters, who believed that one of them would bring about the fall of the Jedi Order—fellow Padawan Zayne Carrick, Shad's best friend, escaped the carnage and was officially blamed for the murders. Although Shad's death left them with no one to support them, the Jelavans received a large amount of money from a mysterious benefactor, enough for Shay to be sent offworld to live with his grandparents on the planet Ord Mantell.