| - Ashaar Khorda was an Annoo-dat Prime revolutionary. Sometime before 27 BBY, he tried to seize control of his homeworld, Annoo, only to have the Galactic Republic end his rebellion. Khorda developed a great hatred for the Republic as a result. He fled the planet and began to form a group that shared his contempt. Khorda also located the Infant of Shaa, an ancient artifact that was rumored to have the power to destroy a planet, although once he had found it, the object was stolen from him. He hired the bounty hunter Jango Fett to retrieve it and, once it was back in his possession, went ahead with his plan to destroy Coruscant—the capital of the Republic and, in his view, a planet that was ripe with corruption and injustice.
- Ashaar Khorda fue un revolucionario annoo-dat prime. Un tiempo antes de 27 ABY, intentó tomar el control de su planeta natal, Annoo, pero solo consiguió que la República Galáctica finalizara su rebelión. Como resultado, Khorda desarrolló un gran odio hacia la República. Abandonó el planeta y comenzó a formar un grupo que compartiera su desprecio. Khorda además localizó el Infante de Shaa, un antiguo artefacto sobre el que se rumoreaba que tenía el poder de destruir un planeta, aunque una vez que lo encontró, el objeto le fue robado. Khorda contrató al cazarrecompensas Jango Fett pare recuperarlo y, una vez que estuvo nuevamente en su posesión, se apresuró a concretar su plan para destruir Coruscant—la capital de la República y, en su opinión, un planeta lleno de corrupción e injusticia.
| - Ashaar Khorda was an Annoo-dat Prime revolutionary. Sometime before 27 BBY, he tried to seize control of his homeworld, Annoo, only to have the Galactic Republic end his rebellion. Khorda developed a great hatred for the Republic as a result. He fled the planet and began to form a group that shared his contempt. Khorda also located the Infant of Shaa, an ancient artifact that was rumored to have the power to destroy a planet, although once he had found it, the object was stolen from him. He hired the bounty hunter Jango Fett to retrieve it and, once it was back in his possession, went ahead with his plan to destroy Coruscant—the capital of the Republic and, in his view, a planet that was ripe with corruption and injustice. Khorda and his most devoted comrades made their way to Coruscant's power relay, located at the planet's core. There, they intended to destroy the Infant, creating an explosion that would consume Coruscant. However, they were opposed by Fett, the huntress Zam Wesell, and Jedi Master Yarael Poof. Fett shot and killed Khorda, while Poof stopped the Infant from exploding, ending the short-lived insurrection.
- Ashaar Khorda fue un revolucionario annoo-dat prime. Un tiempo antes de 27 ABY, intentó tomar el control de su planeta natal, Annoo, pero solo consiguió que la República Galáctica finalizara su rebelión. Como resultado, Khorda desarrolló un gran odio hacia la República. Abandonó el planeta y comenzó a formar un grupo que compartiera su desprecio. Khorda además localizó el Infante de Shaa, un antiguo artefacto sobre el que se rumoreaba que tenía el poder de destruir un planeta, aunque una vez que lo encontró, el objeto le fue robado. Khorda contrató al cazarrecompensas Jango Fett pare recuperarlo y, una vez que estuvo nuevamente en su posesión, se apresuró a concretar su plan para destruir Coruscant—la capital de la República y, en su opinión, un planeta lleno de corrupción e injusticia. Khorda y sus camaradas más devotos se dirigieron al retransmisor de energía de Coruscant, localizado en el núcleo del planeta. Allí pretendían destruir al Infante, creando una explosión que podría consumir Coruscant. Sin embargo, se vieron enfrentados por Fett, la cazarrecompensas Zam Wesell, y el Maestro Jedi Yarael Poof. Fett disparó y mató a Khorda, mientras que Poof impidió que el Infante explotase a costa de su propia vida, finalizando así la breve insurrección.