Touched by an Uncle is an Emmy-award winning television series created, directed, and produced by Weird Al Yankovic. It ran on NBC for twenty-seven seasons between 1983 and 2009 and has been aired in numerous countries and on at least three other planets. The show's premise was based around bringing to justice the perpetrators of the heinous crimes that were the show's subject matter. Originally, the show's writers wanted to embrace an optimistic outlook with regards to the abused main characters, but Yankovic fired them for failing to embrace the gritty horror the subject matter entailed, more often than not leaving the abused with physical, mental, and emotional scars that forever haunt them. The program brought increased worldwide attention to the problems outlined in the show and resul
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| - Touched by an Uncle is an Emmy-award winning television series created, directed, and produced by Weird Al Yankovic. It ran on NBC for twenty-seven seasons between 1983 and 2009 and has been aired in numerous countries and on at least three other planets. The show's premise was based around bringing to justice the perpetrators of the heinous crimes that were the show's subject matter. Originally, the show's writers wanted to embrace an optimistic outlook with regards to the abused main characters, but Yankovic fired them for failing to embrace the gritty horror the subject matter entailed, more often than not leaving the abused with physical, mental, and emotional scars that forever haunt them. The program brought increased worldwide attention to the problems outlined in the show and resul
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| - Touched by an Uncle is an Emmy-award winning television series created, directed, and produced by Weird Al Yankovic. It ran on NBC for twenty-seven seasons between 1983 and 2009 and has been aired in numerous countries and on at least three other planets. The show's premise was based around bringing to justice the perpetrators of the heinous crimes that were the show's subject matter. Originally, the show's writers wanted to embrace an optimistic outlook with regards to the abused main characters, but Yankovic fired them for failing to embrace the gritty horror the subject matter entailed, more often than not leaving the abused with physical, mental, and emotional scars that forever haunt them. The program brought increased worldwide attention to the problems outlined in the show and resulted in Yankovic's nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2014. While new episodes are no longer in production, syndicated reruns currently air on TNT (they know drama) between CSI: Boise and Everybody Tolerates Raymond.