Your maximum Health becomes 500, your maximum Energy becomes 40, you have +4 Energy regeneration, your primary attribute is reduced to 0, and you may only attack with attack skills. Concise: You have 500 maximum Health, 40 maximum Energy, +4 Energy regeneration, 0 for your primary attribute, and you may only attack with attack skills.
Attributes | Values |
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| - Your maximum Health becomes 500, your maximum Energy becomes 40, you have +4 Energy regeneration, your primary attribute is reduced to 0, and you may only attack with attack skills. Concise: You have 500 maximum Health, 40 maximum Energy, +4 Energy regeneration, 0 for your primary attribute, and you may only attack with attack skills.
- Yuletide is one of the seasons often used by the GM to release a new winter-themed adventure, sometimes a , sometimes permanent.
- {Christmas-esque opening credits roll. Joel is wearing a red cap insteaed of a blue one, and when it shows all the characters, it is snowing} {Joel and Phil are standing by a Christmas tree. The caption on the bottom of the screen says "Christmas 1999"} PHIL: Did you get me a present? JOEL: No. PHIL: Did you get me a present? JOEL: No. PHIL: {Obviously peeved} It's time for some generic Christmas revenge! JOEL: Now, Elly. This is the gift that keeps on giving. JOEL: Now, you may not understand it now, but soon you shall. ELLY: Um, where're you going? Where am I anyway? The goat's cave? PHIL: Yes. I do.
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Episode Title
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Episode Date
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| - Lights
- Cap 1,2,3,4
- Jacket 1,2
- Pants 1,2
- Stocking
- Tree 1,2,3
- Wreath 1,2,3
| - Your maximum Health becomes 500, your maximum Energy becomes 40, you have +4 Energy regeneration, your primary attribute is reduced to 0, and you may only attack with attack skills.
episode guide
| - :Category:Bonus_stage_Episodes
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| - How do the Bonus Stage characters enjoy the holidays? If I told you the answer... well, you'd probably still watch. Actually, you can probably guess the answer right now. Ask me if you need a hint.
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| - Seasonal Brand sold during Christmas period.
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| - You have 500 maximum Health, 40 maximum Energy, +4 Energy regeneration, 0 for your primary attribute, and you may only attack with attack skills.
| - {Christmas-esque opening credits roll. Joel is wearing a red cap insteaed of a blue one, and when it shows all the characters, it is snowing} {Joel and Phil are standing by a Christmas tree. The caption on the bottom of the screen says "Christmas 1999"} PHIL: Did you get me a present? JOEL: No. PHIL: Did you get me a present? JOEL: No. PHIL: {Obviously peeved} It's time for some generic Christmas revenge! JOEL: Now, Elly. This is the gift that keeps on giving. JOEL: Now, you may not understand it now, but soon you shall. ELLY: Um, where're you going? Where am I anyway? The goat's cave? RUSTY DUCK CLAN MEMBER: Now, your mission is to save Santa Claus. DOUG: Well, where is he? I don't see him. RDC MEMBER: Uh, right down there is good. You have 10 minutes. DOUG: Well, I don't know. That jump is kind of...intimidating. RDC MEMBER: Look, if you jump, angels will carry you down. I mean, that's what Satan said to Jesus, and Jesus? He's the reason for the season. {Zoom-in on Doug's face} DOUG: Well, okay. I guess I'll do it. RDC MEMBER: Good luck, soldier. Uhh, a brief...flash of pain is...normal. PHIL: Uuuh, is this the place where I buy Christmas trees? ...Helloooo? TREELOR: You fool! You have entered the lair of Treelor, god of Christmas! PHIL: What is that, a cult? TREELOR: You mock Ornamentalism, our sacred religion? PHIL: Yes. I do. TREELOR: Than you may not have a tree. PHIL: Okay. {turns and starts walking away} TREELOR: W-w-wait. First you must pass three tests. The Test of the Agile. TREELOR: Can you evade the falling rocks in a troubling cave about to collapse? TREELOR: The Test of the Brave. Can you defeat the mighty Fraggles of Fraggle Rock? {Sign changes to a half note, a quarter note, and two eighth notes} TREELOR: The Test of Music Theory. This is an optional test. TREELOR: The Test of the Wise. Dare you solve the demon Picross puzzle? TREELOR: Well? Are you prepared? PHIL: Uh, no. F{Bleep}k that. {walks away} TREELOR: I'm so lonely. JOEL: Merry Christmas, Phil. PHIL: Yyyyeaaahhhh. JOEL: So, Phil, what'd you get me? PHIL: NOTHING! AH HA HA HA HA! JOEL: {Off-screen} Okay. PHIL: Didja get me a present? JOEL: No.
- Your maximum Health becomes 500, your maximum Energy becomes 40, you have +4 Energy regeneration, your primary attribute is reduced to 0, and you may only attack with attack skills. Concise: You have 500 maximum Health, 40 maximum Energy, +4 Energy regeneration, 0 for your primary attribute, and you may only attack with attack skills.
- Yuletide is one of the seasons often used by the GM to release a new winter-themed adventure, sometimes a , sometimes permanent.