| - Mazeka ducked as a branch flew by above him. He jumped over another. The population of Spherus Magna loved the sport Akilini from the moment it was introduced to them. since he had little else to do, Mazeka had ended up on a team. His team, a mix of Ko-Matoran and Ice-Tribe Agori, were playing the Jungle-Tribe's team. Mazeka grabbed a vine that was hanging from a branch overhead and trapped his Kanoka disk between his feet. He swung up until the vine could swing no further. Then he let go, grabbing his Kanoka disc launcher he fell towards the hoop. He raised the launcher and fired. The disc flew straight through the hoop. "Nice one Mazeka!" called Kirina from the side of the arena where the spectators were. Mazeka hit the ground in a role and came up on his disc and was of again. he saw a Ga-metru disc floating through the air towards a hoop and searched for the user. He noticed a Le-Matoran standing around doing nothing and started moving towards him. Mazeka slid up a rock so that he was flying through the air. He landed in front of the Le-Matoran, who was so surprised that he fell back and lost concentration. His Kanoka fell from the air. Mazeka dodged round another Matoran and aimed his disc launcher at another hoop. Mazeka felt a pain in his back as something hit him. He just had time to clamp his Transport-Disc between his feet before he started floating up into the air, he'd been hit by a levitation disc! "Oh no, that doesn't look good," said Bruantor. "How's he going to get down?" asked Kirina. "The effects will wear off," replied Bruantor. "That's still going to hurt when he falls." Mazeka looked up to see a Branch above him. He flipped in the air so that he was upside-down. His feet made contact with the underside of the branch and he stopped rising. The other team had scored another point, it was 19 all, however got the next point would win. Mazeka grabbed his launcher and aimed at a hoop. he fired, his disc flying straight towards the hoop. Another Kanoka disc flew straight into his, knocking it off course. His disc had been intercepted by a defender. At that moment the crowd cheered, the other team had one! And then, when Mazeka thought it couldn't get any worse, the levitations disc's power wore of and he fell towards the ground.