| - ([#])There is nothing of interest here. ([#])This does not concern my quest. ([#])I have no time to trifle with that. ([#])Have you seen my baseball? ([#]CONFUSED AND PERPLEXED) What is this? ([#]TRIUMPHANT) Aha! ([#]FRUSTRATED) This will not work. ([#])I have no need for that anymore. ([#]MATTER-OF-FACTLY) I am not close enough. ([#])I am in no danger; there is no need for weapons here. ([#])I have no cause to ready my weapon. ([#]SLIGHTLY FRUSTRATED) 'Tis beyond my reach. ([#]SLIGHTLY FRUSTRATED BUT RESOLUTE) A weapon will not help me here. ([#]MATTER-OF-FACT) I am not near anything to climb. ([#])I don't see anything here to climb. ([#])'Tis empty. This is a blue adamant. I carry a chunk of amberglow. An amulet with deciphering abilities. I bear ashes from a torch. I carry the tongue of a basilisk. I carry a large silver bell. I have acquired a black diamond, the black heart of a dragon. I possess a hefty brass key. I carry a sacred flame. I carry the Chalice of Order. I have fetched a large key. A currency of gold coins. A crystal with healing properties. I carry a clouded crystal shard. A small crystal pyramid dimmed by a mysterious darkness. I carry Lord Azriel's key. This is Queen Freesa's crystal scepter. I have acquired the Feather of Truth. I have found a feather. I have a glowing fire gem. I possess a square golden key. This is a slice of golden mushroom. I have a circular golden key. I bring with me a hearing horn. I carry a hero's ring. The severed hand of an evil creature of darkness. I possess a lever made of ice. I carry a shard of ice. This lock is made of iron. I have found a jailor's key. This is the Key of Light. I carry the Key of Order. I bear the Key of Truth. I possess a golden ladle. I have the Lever of Life. This lodestone has magnetic qualities. I bear a piece of the Mask of Eternity. I carry a small medallion depicting the Mask of Eternity. What is the source of this errant golden object? I have found all five pieces of the Mask of Eternity. I have found the first of five pieces of the Mask of Eternity. I now possess four of five Mask of Eternity pieces. I possess two of five pieces of the Mask of Eternity. Three of five Mask pieces are now in my possession. This is a stout shaft of magical metal. I have fetched some green mold. A mushroom with curative properties. I bear the sacred Stone of Order. I have found a pipe cap. This potion will reveal for me objects of deception, illusion, or invisibility. This potion will help shield me against all attacks. This potion will render me invisible to those lesser evil beings who would attack me. The Elixir of Life possesses valuable healing properties. This potion will increase my strength during battle. This small crystal pyramid sparkles brilliantly. I possess a magical Ring of Illumination. A rock could be very useful. I have found a key of granite. A rope and a hook could prove useful for climbing. I hold a round key. A piece of iron shield, covered in rust. This iron lock is covered with rust. Sacred water contains excellent healing qualities. I carry a broken piece of iron shield. I bring with me a skull. A scroll of magical instruction for a Spell of Might. I carry a square key. I have heavy protection with a full suit of armor. The protective value of my armor. I do not yet possess any protective armor. This is a sharp axe. I am fully protected by the Armor of Light. I possess a bow and arrows. I am well protected by bronze plate. This is an efficient broadsword. I carry a large battle-axe. I am protected by a full suit of chain mail. I carry a fine dagger. I possess my two fists to fight. I possess a fiery flame bow. I possess a searing flame sword. I bear the Sword and Shield of Truth. The value of my gold currency. This is a heavy compound crossbow. This crossbow shoots bolts of ice. I carry a sword of the lake. I am lightly protected by leather. I carry a powerful long bow. This is a powerful longsword. I possess a heavy mace. I possess light chain mail. I possess a magic map. I do not yet possess a map. I yet carry no ranged weapons. This pike has a sharp tip of black diamond. I possess solid plate mail. My inventory of rocks. I am armed with a crossbow. I bear a small compound crossbow. I have a small hand-held crossbow. I own a powerful double-edged sword. I possess Azriel's throwing hammer. This is a fierce war hammer. The Tablet of Knowledge void of its precepts. The Tablet of Knowledge with the precept of Truth. The Tablet of Knowledge with the precepts of Truth and Light. The Tablet of Knowledge with the precepts of Truth, Light, and Order. I bear a parchment inscribed with the symbol of the planet Jupiter. I have obtained a chunk of tree root. I possess a triangle key. I carry a magnificent horn of a unicorn. (READING THESE WORDS ON A SCROLL) PERMANENT SPELL OF MIGHT - NEED: A morsel of giant golden mushroom, a blue adamant, the tongue of a basilisk. Combine these under the blast of a lightning bolt. By using my magic map I can travel to another realm. Magical travel is not possible within the same realm. (EXCITED) How now! The gnomic terramancer was right! Here, indeed, is a new exit! I have not yet discovered a place of magical transport here. (ASTOUNDED) Zounds! (OR SOME OTHER SUCH SOUND OF ASTONISHMENT, SURPRISE, AND POSSIBLY A LITTLE FEAR WHEN CONNOR "SUDDENLY" FINDS HIMSELF BEING MAGICALLY "WHISKED AWAY" TO ANOTHER LAND.) ([#]WITH FERVOR) I vow you freedom from this evil imprisonment. ([#]WITH EMOTION AND CONVICTION) I vow you freedom from this evil imprisonment. I shall not stop until this madness is destroyed. ([#]PUZZLED, CURIOUS) What could be the function of this peculiar device? ([#]REMEMBERING, MUSING TO HIMSELF) I have seen such before... (REALIZATION; SUDDENLY MAKES SENSE; ELATED) Lo, a place to use my map! Later on, I may be able to magically transport from here. ([#]REALIZATION; SUDDENLY MAKES SENSE; ELATED) Lo, a place to use my map! I can magically transport from here.