Needle Trax has stores in Downtown and the North Point Mall, Vice Point respectively. By 1986, the Downtown store becomes a Rock City location, while the mall location is a Vinyl Countdown. There is also a store located in Portland View, Liberty City in 1998. The name of the business is a reference to the term needle tracks, which refers to the discolored marks on a heroin user's arm after the injection site becomes infected. It is also a reference to the "tracks", or grooves, on the surface of a vinyl record which the needle runs through.
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- Needle Trax
- Needle Trax
| - Needle Trax es una tienda de música que estuvo presente en 1984 (Grand Theft Auto Vice City Stories). Hay muchos locales repartidos por Vice City, pero solo uno es accesible: el que se encuentra en North Point Mall.
- Needle Trax has stores in Downtown and the North Point Mall, Vice Point respectively. By 1986, the Downtown store becomes a Rock City location, while the mall location is a Vinyl Countdown. There is also a store located in Portland View, Liberty City in 1998. The name of the business is a reference to the term needle tracks, which refers to the discolored marks on a heroin user's arm after the injection site becomes infected. It is also a reference to the "tracks", or grooves, on the surface of a vinyl record which the needle runs through.
- thumb|300px|Needle Trax w Downtown, 1984 Needle Trax – mała sieć sklepów muzycznych, występuje w Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories i Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories. Sieć ta jest konkurencją dla Vinyl Countdown – obie sprzedają płyty winylowe. W Liberty City są dwa oddziały tej sieci: jeden w Portland View, naprzeciwko Punk Noodles z Chinatown, drugi — w Bedford Point, niedaleko King Knuts. W Vice City Needle Trax spotkamy w Vice Point Mall, dokładnie na środku we wschodniej części (vis-à-vis Vinyl Countdown) oraz w Downtown, pomiędzy siedzibą V-Rock a kamienicą przy stadionie.
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| - thumb|300px|Needle Trax w Downtown, 1984 Needle Trax – mała sieć sklepów muzycznych, występuje w Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories i Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories. Sieć ta jest konkurencją dla Vinyl Countdown – obie sprzedają płyty winylowe. W Liberty City są dwa oddziały tej sieci: jeden w Portland View, naprzeciwko Punk Noodles z Chinatown, drugi — w Bedford Point, niedaleko King Knuts. W Vice City Needle Trax spotkamy w Vice Point Mall, dokładnie na środku we wschodniej części (vis-à-vis Vinyl Countdown) oraz w Downtown, pomiędzy siedzibą V-Rock a kamienicą przy stadionie. Do 1986 roku, sieć ta zamyka swoje oddziały w Vice City. Ten w centrum handlowym North Point przejmuje SALE. Pomiędzy 1998 a 2001 rokiem, Needle Trax znika także z Liberty City. Lokal w Portland View przejmuje sieć Klasyczny Manicure.
- Needle Trax es una tienda de música que estuvo presente en 1984 (Grand Theft Auto Vice City Stories). Hay muchos locales repartidos por Vice City, pero solo uno es accesible: el que se encuentra en North Point Mall.
- Needle Trax has stores in Downtown and the North Point Mall, Vice Point respectively. By 1986, the Downtown store becomes a Rock City location, while the mall location is a Vinyl Countdown. There is also a store located in Portland View, Liberty City in 1998. The name of the business is a reference to the term needle tracks, which refers to the discolored marks on a heroin user's arm after the injection site becomes infected. It is also a reference to the "tracks", or grooves, on the surface of a vinyl record which the needle runs through.