| - Whenever Chameliac scanned and cloned the Galaxy Rangers' powers and abilities (including as the Lights of Orion), he was able to use it against them. Each time Chameliac would confront a Ranger, a panel on his helmet with the corresponding color would slide into place, allowing him to use that Ranger's fighting style. In the first battle, Chameliac was too powerful for the Rangers as he was able to copy and counter everything they could do. However, Leo realized that he could be confused by switching things up a bit so the Rangers attacked him using each other's fighting styles. The move worked and Chameliac was unable to counter the Rangers. Once he was wounded, Leo hit him with the Red Capsular Cycle's Fireball Mode, defeating Chameliac who grew giant in response. After Chameliac grew, the Rangers called upon the Galaxy Megazord to fight him. Chameliac was surprised when the Megazord was formed as Villamax was supposed to destroy it with his laser, but the weapon had been destroyed by Mike Corbett as the Magna Defender. Chameliac was easily able to counter the Galaxy Megazord as he did the Rangers' individually so Leo called upon the Stratoforce Megazord. However, while Chameliac was prepared to counter its boomerang attack, the Stratoforce Megazord was instead armed with the Centaurus Megazord's laser cannon. Like when the Rangers switched fighting styles, Chameliac was confused by the change-up and the Stratoforce Megazord was able to use the laser cannon to weaken him. The Galaxy Megazord then powered up using the Lights of Orion and finished off Chameliac with a strike from its saber.