In the original configuration of starships, the torpedo launching structure also housed the ship's main phaser banks. On several starships, the torpedo launchers themselves doubled as directed energy weapon emitters. The aft launchers had phaser banks, the Klingon and the Romulan forward launchers had disruptors. (TOS: „Arena”; VOY: „Dragon's Teeth”; DS9: „The Way of the Warrior”, „Tears of the Prophets”) In the pop-up Starfleet torpedo launchers, installed to Deep Space 9 in 2372, the torpedo tubes were surrounded by a phaser array ring. (DS9: „The Way of the Warrior”, „Call to Arms”)
In the original configuration of starships, the torpedo launching structure also housed the ship's main phaser banks. On several starships, the torpedo launchers themselves doubled as directed energy weapon emitters. The aft launchers had phaser banks, the Klingon and the Romulan forward launchers had disruptors. (TOS: „Arena”; VOY: „Dragon's Teeth”; DS9: „The Way of the Warrior”, „Tears of the Prophets”) In the pop-up Starfleet torpedo launchers, installed to Deep Space 9 in 2372, the torpedo tubes were surrounded by a phaser array ring. (DS9: „The Way of the Warrior”, „Call to Arms”) In the original version of TNG: „Darmok”, the forward torpedo launcher of the USS Enterprise-D was depicted as having an integrated phaser bank as well. The effect was however replaced in the remastered release of the episode with the phaser blasts coming from the saucer section phaser array.