| - Two arms, two legs, one head. That sets Anrae into the vast panopoly of human-like alien species, but she is by no means human. One of the very alien Almedae, she shares many of the species's basic traits: long limbs, a nearly sexless build, an extra joint on each finger and, like the Timonae, solid, pupiless eyes. Female, she has wide hips and a narrow torso, giving her a somewhat triangular shape. As all Almedae, she is mute and strongly psychic, though she often speaks with the aid of a synthesized voice and her computer system when her own species's psionic communication is not an option.
| - Two arms, two legs, one head. That sets Anrae into the vast panopoly of human-like alien species, but she is by no means human. One of the very alien Almedae, she shares many of the species's basic traits: long limbs, a nearly sexless build, an extra joint on each finger and, like the Timonae, solid, pupiless eyes. Female, she has wide hips and a narrow torso, giving her a somewhat triangular shape. As all Almedae, she is mute and strongly psychic, though she often speaks with the aid of a synthesized voice and her computer system when her own species's psionic communication is not an option. While most Almedae are a bit etherial, 'Rae takes that to extremes. Thin, almost painfully so, and overcautious, she is a fragile, physically frail member of her species, though she retains their characteristic grace. Covered in short white fuzz, with shockingly (very artifically) red hair and solid, pupiless cobalt-blue eyes, she is a startling sight on the predominantly human Versailles. Serving as adjunct and assistant to the dignitary Eessah, a member of the Almedae ruling Family, she is little more than an Ensign despite nearing the end of her term of duty with her home fleet.