| - Back to Idealist.org Silicon Valley | Organizers Page | 3/18 Meeting Main Page Sunday, February 25, 2007 2:00 PM - 4:30 PM, Coffee Society Attendance: Aaron Chavira, Aaron Wilcher, David Wright, Hien Tran, Leo Romero, Lynn Austin Note taker: Hien Tran Next organizers meeting: Sunday, March 4, 2007 at 7pm venue TBD
| - Back to Idealist.org Silicon Valley | Organizers Page | 3/18 Meeting Main Page Sunday, February 25, 2007 2:00 PM - 4:30 PM, Coffee Society Attendance: Aaron Chavira, Aaron Wilcher, David Wright, Hien Tran, Leo Romero, Lynn Austin Note taker: Hien Tran
* Brainstorm
* Bring up clearness of Mission as a group – Aaron W. What are we all about? – Hien – Discuss at 3/18 event
* Networking
* Projects for nonprofit community
* advocacy project for the future
* advertise nonprofits
* do-gooder fair
* National organizations to emulate (Lynn/Aaron W.)
* Foundation Center of San Francisco
* Interaction (organization)
* Silicon Valley Volunteer Center
* Commonspace in St. Louis: Aaron W.
* Circle of life
* What makes us different?
* Online : too much confusion on different tools. Discuss at 3/18 meeting. Digest listserve email weekly, post to Yahoo group and wiki – Aaron w.
* Matrix for networking– Lynn, Leo, Aaron C.
* By area of interests
* By skills/experience
* Create a catchy phrase: “Making the world a better place at one party at a time”
* Officers
* Board of advisors?
* Organizer of organizers: Leo has to step down. Unanimous nominee: Curt Beckmann. (He was notified and is thinking about it).
* Have a monthly meeting (at a certain time/date) – Aaron W.
* Venues/Events in area:
* Martin Luther King Library (conference) - Hien
* San Jose State University - Hien
* Brooks College (Sunnyvale) – David
* California History Center, Deazna - Aaron W
* National Hispanic University – Lynn
* Volunteer opportunities
* Beach clean up volunteer and start change?
* Listing of volunteers
* Research for idealist.org and volunteermatch for volunteer opportunities for our members – Aaron w., Aaron C., Hien
* Agenda for 3/18 meeting
* Introductions/networking:
* 30 minute intervals; 3 iterations
* Split into interest groups - tables
* Answer these questions: (1) What have you done, (2) what are you working on now, (3) where do you hope to go in the future?
* Switch tables - Aaron W. will bring Gong
* Our online tools – Leo - these are tools/these are what we’re using, how to use them.
* Do-gooder fair - Leo
* Purpose/description
* Dates: June/July (outdoor)
* Locations: Fremont / San Mateo (coordinate w/SF meeting)
* List nonprofits/partners
* Best wishes for the future – pictures
* See revised agenda Next organizers meeting: Sunday, March 4, 2007 at 7pm venue TBD