| - Archaeologist is an NPC.
- Archaeologist is a non-story related achievement from the 2013 series reboot Tomb Raider. It can be obtained by finding 75% of all relics scattered around the island.
- Archaeologists in the Koprulu Sector study alien artifacts and other relics of vanished alien civilizations, such as those of the xel'naga. Scientists even investigated space platforms for signs of intelligent life. Prior to the discovery of the protoss and zerg, archaeologists spent most of their time digging up the remains of the supercarriers and those of the earliest settlers. However, they did find a few xel'naga items, enough to keep them searching for more. Prominent archaeologists are eligible to win the Flinders Petrie award.
- The EverQuest II team is happy to announce the inclusion of a new character class in Game Update 34. This class will be the first class to allow players to start new characters in Haven as an exile. We now introduce you to the Archaeologist.
- The Archaeologist is one of the only men, from his era, to examine the ruins of the Old Kingdom. His study of the Focus Sites and Old Kingdom passages put him at odds with Jack of Blades, and as a result, he has become rather reclusive, hiding wherever he can. The Hero first meets him on a mission for Maze, who claimed he was an old friend of his, which is unlikely since he was working for Jack, at this point. The Hero later saves him from Jack's minions, only for him to continue hiding. He runs off to the Cities of the West, disguised as a glove trader. He then never stepped near a ruin or opened a book since. According to him, he knows everything.
- Archaeology, the study that these people partake in, appears to be more popular on Planet Earth than it is on Mobius, although it has also been observed in such far-flung locations as Shanazar and Rune.
- An archaeologist is a particular type of historian who ventures out into the field to find ancient ruins and study them first-hand. They are interested in the cultures of lost civilizations.
- The Archaeologist is a Professor of Archaeology that led an expedition to a pre-Incan temple in Peru.
- Archaeologist is a Rare variant of the Scientist in Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare and Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare 2. He was added in the Zomboss Down update.
- An archaeologist was an individual who studied the field of archeology. The Ullian historians Jev, Inad, and Tarmin called themselves "archaeologists of the mind". (TNG: "Violations" ) The Xindi-Avians constructed their stronghold centuries before they became extinct. According to Xindi archaeologists, it was over 4,000 years old. (ENT: "The Council") Archaeologists uncovered evidence that the ancient civilizations in the Beta Portolan system were the first to succumb to neural parasites. (TOS: "Operation -- Annihilate!" )
- Archaeologists are people who search for remmnants of human culture, such as rusty beer cans from keggers dating to the late 1950's. Their objective is the recovery of ancient stuff from dusty cellars and caves in order to put them in dusty museums that are only open on weekdays ending in a T and on the 5th day of the epistle. (Or so they would like you to think. Their true goal is in fact world domination.)
- An archaeologist learns about the long-lost and fallen cultures of the past by studying their remains-their bones, their ruins, their surviving masterworks, and their tombs. Those who practice archaeology travel to the far corners of the world to root through crumbled cities and lost dungeons, digging in search of artifacts that might tell the stories of monarchs and high priests, wars and cataclysms.
- Archaeologist is an achievement in Dragon Age II, which is obtained by finding at least 3 of these notes from the Band of Three in each act. Each note will give you an entry in the Codex entry: The Enigma of Kirkwall. On the PC, holding down the tab key is immensely helpful for finding the more elusive fragments. Note: The second entry during Act 1 in Viscount's Keep is currently bugged on all platforms (fixed on the PC and Xbox 360 as of v1.03, need confirmation on other platforms).
- An archaeologist is a scientist who studies the past human cultures through the examination of remains, artifacts and environmental data. It has connections to the fields of history and anthropology. In the early 20th century, archaeologists often had to compete for the discovery and reclamation of artifacts with treasure hunters, who also sought ancient relics, not for their scientific or historical merits, but for their monetary value. Harold Oxley was also an archeologist, who found the Crystal Skull of Akator.
- An archaeologist is a scientist who studies the material remains of past civilizations, often through excavation of sites, analysis of materials, and research of recorded historical records with the most notable archaeologist being Dr. Daniel Jackson, a member of SG-1. The English approach to learning archaeology and related disciplines is a more regionally focused approach producing specialists like Egyptologists who have great depth in a limited region.