| - Privet Drive est le nom d'une rue située dans un quartier pavillonnaire de Little Whinging. Elle dessert un petit lotissement, composé de maisons semblables, à un étage. Au 4, Privet Drive se situe la résidence de la famille Dursley. Ces derniers hébergent parfois leur neveu, Harry Potter, lorsqu'il n'étudie pas à Poudlard.
- Il nome della strada in cui vivono i Dursley è un'allusione al ligustro – in inglese privet bush – pianta tipica dei quartieri periferici che cresce in siepi ordinate intorno a molti giardini inglesi. A J.K. Rowling piaceva l'associazione con la periferia e con il concetto di recinzione, visto che i Dursley sono così orgogliosi di appartenere al ceto medio e così determinati nel prendere le distanze dal mondo magico.
- Privet Drive es una calle suburbana de Little Whinging, el cual se encuentra en el condado de Surrey, cerca de Londres en el sureste de Inglaterra. El vecindario consiste en una serie de casas cuadradas y monótonas. La familia Dursley viven en esta calle, en el número 4.
- <default>Privet Drive</default> Lokalizacja Rok powstania Właściciel Mieszkańcy Rola Przynależność Privet Drive — mugolska ulica w Little Whinging. Pod numerem czwartym mieszkali Dursleyowie, a w 1981 roku wprowadził się do nich czarodziej, Harry Potter.
- Privet Drive was the street upon which Vernon Dursley lived with his wife Petunia and son Dudley, as well as his nephew Harry Potter. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
- Privet Drive is the name of the fourth single by wizard rock band The 8th Horcrux. The song is a parody of "1985" by Bowling for Soup. The song was originally featured on The 8th Horcrux's first album, Potterwatch! with lead vocals from Paul Thomas. However, the band was unsatisfied with this version and re-recorded it for their second album, Accio Awesome, with vocals from Trina Sieg. The latter has become the "official version."
- Privet Drive is a perfectly ordinary street in a Muggle village. Number four, Privet Drive is the home of the Dursleys and Harry Potter.