| - Born and raised in the small and relatively unheard of Sukebi Clan, which had nonetheless produced quality ninja for most of it's short lifespan, Zerzuke Sukebi was expected to rise to the high standards that his clan demanded. His father was the clan's leader, and no expense was too much to make sure that Zerzuke had every resource available to him. His skilled teachers instructed him the ways of mastering the techniques he would need as a shinobi. His studies went well, until his teenage years, when his focus on his work started to become less and less. He started to always arrive late to his lessons, and acted belligerent to his instructors when they told him to stay in class longer to make up for it. He spent a strangely large amount of his time just exploring the village in between le
| - Born and raised in the small and relatively unheard of Sukebi Clan, which had nonetheless produced quality ninja for most of it's short lifespan, Zerzuke Sukebi was expected to rise to the high standards that his clan demanded. His father was the clan's leader, and no expense was too much to make sure that Zerzuke had every resource available to him. His skilled teachers instructed him the ways of mastering the techniques he would need as a shinobi. His studies went well, until his teenage years, when his focus on his work started to become less and less. He started to always arrive late to his lessons, and acted belligerent to his instructors when they told him to stay in class longer to make up for it. He spent a strangely large amount of his time just exploring the village in between lessons, instead of studying. His activities were eventually known to the clan in the most direct way possible; Zerzuke was seen chased around by an angry older brother of a girl he had been flirting with. Ever since then, the clan opted to tighten their grip around the boy and tried to get his priorities back in order. In response, Zerzuke rebelled, ditching all of his lessons and hiding out in the village. He was shortly retrieved, but used several Genjutsu techniques to escape again and again. The clan, Zerzuke's father in particular, while outraged at his insubordination, were impressed with his budding ability in Genjutsu. Zerzuke came back to the clan building on a whim, and named his terms; he would learn his lessons, but only the ones he wanted to learn and excel in. Furthermore, Zerzuke would be permitted to take as many days off as he wanted. The clan officials were nothing short of outraged, but after many more failed attempts at bringing in Zerzuke themselves, Zerzuke's father just gave up and let his son have his way. Zerzuke has since grown under his own rules and terms. These events are notable for causing a slight rift between Zerzuke and his younger brother, Kenji Sukebi, who followed the procedures of the clan unconditionally, and a massive one between him and the rest of his clanmates. Despite Kenji working much harder at his assigned studies and missions, he and Zerzuke remain about even, despite Zerzuke only choosing lessons and missions that appealed to him.