| - Welcome to version 1.7.1... Locating server at Game connected! (922) ShadowDragon8685 (enter): 17:41 (1) Trithne (enter): 17:41 (847) Orion (enter): 17:41 (908) Iratus (enter): 17:41 (910) No Name (enter): 17:41 (912) Gorion1928 (enter): 17:41 (920) Gorion1928 (enter): 17:41 Server Administrator-> You have connected to an ">OpenRPG server, version '1.7.1'. OpenRPG Veav I - Now 64-bit! You may encounter adult conversations, concepts and material on this server. If you're under the age of consent, get out now. My arse is now officially covered... parents and watchdogs, take responsibility for your own damn kids, 'cos I sure as hell won't. This is a friendly server. I don't much care what you do, so long as you do it in a civilized manner. This means you can discuss anything you like and say anything you like, using whatever words you choose - so long as you aren't being an asshole. OpenRPG Veav I does not condone or support piracy or intellectual property theft. Moving to room 'Knights of the New Republic'.. (922) ShadowDragon8685 (enter): 17:41 (923) Ferrago (enter): 17:42 (924) Epic Luker (enter): 17:43 (924) Epic Luker: 'lo (928) Kel (enter): 17:45 (922) ShadowDragon8685: Hey. (922) ShadowDragon8685: Sorry, I got entranced. (922) ShadowDragon8685: Some crazy Soviet Canuckis were striking a blow against capitalism by subjecting eight NES cartridges to all manner of evil. (922) ShadowDragon8685: Like, immersion in alcohol, freezing in a freezer, drilling with a drill bit, run over with a car, dropped from a third story parking garage, strapped to a firecracker and stuff. (923) Ferrago: Any particular reason, or were they just bored? (922) ShadowDragon8685: Kel, are you Angelke11y. (922) ShadowDragon8685: They were using it as a way to contrast the frailty of today's data storage media (928) Kel: That'd be me. Hey (922) ShadowDragon8685: All right. Now, you're bringing in... (922) ShadowDragon8685: Saitie, right? (928) Kel: Seiko (Sadie was too grey) (924) Epic Luker: Excellent, a new player! Welcome. :) (923) Ferrago: Hiya. (922) ShadowDragon8685: Right, I couldn't remember the names. Sorry. (922) ShadowDragon8685: Anyway, you need to edit the wiki, make a user page for yourself and a character page for your character. (922) ShadowDragon8685: On that note, Ferrago needs to do that, too, but... (924) Niari: :X (923) Ferrago: I didn't? (923) Ferrago: Oh. (923) Ferrago: Right, I didn't. (923) Ferrago: I still have my sheet up on mythweavers. (923) Ferrago: Hrrm. I should probably go do that. (922) ShadowDragon8685: Anyway, let's see... (922) ShadowDragon8685: Three players, one of whom is new... (922) ShadowDragon8685: No sign of Nico - not unexpected. No sign of Jen - unexpected. No sign of the other new recruit, either. (923) Ferrago: Just missing Jen, right? (923) Ferrago: Hmm. (922) ShadowDragon8685: However, it's not impossible that DST has caught some people off-guard. (922) ShadowDragon8685: Especially since Jen is South African. (923) Ferrago: A very good point. (928) Kel: DST threw me off once today already (922) ShadowDragon8685: I wouldn't have even noticed it if I hadn't been awake at 2 AM when it skipped to 3 AM. (922) ShadowDragon8685: And my cell phone told me. ** (922) ShadowDragon8685 was busy flushing Bowser down his own hopper at the time. ** (922) ShadowDragon8685: Anyway, hrm. (922) ShadowDragon8685: Kel, there's been some confusion on this issue. (922) ShadowDragon8685: What level did you build Seiko to? (935) Hyperion (enter): 18:04 (935) Hyperion (exit): 18:04 (922) ShadowDragon8685: Hello? (924) Niari: Hmm. Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (923) Ferrago... Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (924) Niari... Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (928) Kel... (922) ShadowDragon8685: Folks? (924) Niari: Im here. (922) ShadowDragon8685: Ferrago? (923) Ferrago: Hi. (923) Ferrago: Yes. (922) ShadowDragon8685: Kel? (922) ShadowDragon8685: Helllo? (924) Niari: Maybe he was booted? (922) ShadowDragon8685: I just tried her on AIM. (922) ShadowDragon8685: No response. (924) Niari: Hmm. (923) Ferrago: Weird. (922) ShadowDragon8685: Something might've come up quickly. Probably just AFK for something. (928) Kel: Im here (928) Kel: Was just grabbing a drink (923) Ferrago: How dare you (922) ShadowDragon8685: Ahh, kay. ** (922) ShadowDragon8685 has my drinks behind , ** (922) ShadowDragon8685: Anyway... (922) ShadowDragon8685: Let's start, we can get some downtime stuff done before anything else happens, I suppose. (924) Niari: Works for me. (922) ShadowDragon8685: Kel, get your game name on. (928) Seiko: No character picture today, but ill have one for next week (922) ShadowDragon8685: Okay, the other newbie's coming. (922) ShadowDragon8685: DST kerfluffle. (922) ShadowDragon8685: The newbie's updating, and Jen will be here soon. (922) ShadowDragon8685: But my aunt wants me to look at something she saw. (949) Jen Vadur (enter): 18:27 (924) Niari: 'lo, Jen. (949) Jen Vadur: Heya, stupid power cut last week, sorry guys (952) No Name (enter): 18:30 (952) Vermillion: (( hello all)) (923) Ferrago: Hi. (949) Jen Vadur: Sooo, daylight savings... hehe, doesn't really affect us here in south africa :S (949) Jen Vadur: Heya Ferrago (949) Jen Vadur: Everyone's so quiet... (952) Vermillion: Not much to say apprently... (949) Jen Vadur: Lol, apparently... (924) Niari: Yeah, just working on some stuff until we start. :) (923) Ferrago: Sorry. (923) Ferrago: Reading some stuff. (949) Jen Vadur: Hehe, np (922) ShadowDragon8685: Hang on, sorry. My aunt is making me do something ATM. (952) Vermillion: I am still prepping as well. (949) Jen Vadur: Hehe, ok (949) Jen Vadur: Oh, btw... well met Vermillion, you gonna join us tonight? (952) Vermillion: Hoping to (952) Vermillion: I am finishing up my char now. I had to upgrade to lvl 6 (949) Jen Vadur: That's kewl, should be fun! (952) Vermillion: [1d2] => [2] = (2) (952) Vermillion: Yeah I am really liking this character. I can't wait to try her out! (949) Jen Vadur: Another girl then, should be interesting too, hehe (923) Ferrago: Wait, her? Does this mean... Does this mean I'm the only male character? (928) Seiko: Seems that way (924) Niari: Congrats, Ferrago. (923) Ferrago: Four Girls, a Rodian, and a Jedi Temple? (924) Niari: :D (928) Seiko: Walk into a bar...? (924) Niari: Bow chicka wow wow. (952) Vermillion: Well, she isn't quite a girl... (949) Jen Vadur: Haha! (952) Vermillion: I took on the Kalu'a custom race. (923) Ferrago: Ahhhhh. (949) Jen Vadur: Hrmph, what's that? (923) Ferrago: Hermaphrodite (949) Jen Vadur: Are you also a new player tonight Seiko? (949) Jen Vadur: Aaaahh (928) Seiko: Yup (949) Jen Vadur: Awesome, I like meeting new people, good to meet you! (928) Seiko: Same :) (949) Jen Vadur: ;) (962) Niari (enter): 18:46 (962) Niari: (I see its going to be one of those days...) (949) Jen Vadur: Lol, shame (949) Jen Vadur: Hopefully not ** (949) Jen Vadur prays to the gods of electricity to keep the energy flowing ** (949) Jen Vadur: Hehe! (922) ShadowDragon8685: I'm sorry, I'm sorry. (922) ShadowDragon8685: My aunt was demanding I do some stupid bloody clothes shopping then and now or I'd miss the frigging 99 cents off sale or something. (922) ShadowDragon8685: Anyway, that mess has been sorted out. (949) Jen Vadur: Hehe, shame Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (949) Jen Vadur... Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (952) Vermillion... Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (962) Niari... (922) ShadowDragon8685: Anyway, let's see... (922) ShadowDragon8685: We have Niari, Ferrago, and Jen. We have Seiko, and... (922) ShadowDragon8685: Vermillion, you need to get your character name on. :) (952) Vermillion: Sure (922) ShadowDragon8685: Anyway, shall we get this ball rolling? (962) Niari: Sure thing, boss. (952) Zalana: Um, quick question (922) ShadowDragon8685: Shoot. (952) Zalana: Does anyone have a charater node for me to use, or do I have to hunt around for one? (922) ShadowDragon8685: We haven't been bothering with nodes. (922) ShadowDragon8685: We keep our sheets on the wiki. (952) Zalana: Ah (922) ShadowDragon8685: I made a template. If you're completely hopeless with wiki'ing, I'll teach you how, and if you're still hopeless, I can format your sheet for the wiki for you. ** (922) ShadowDragon8685 has been on a wiki-editing flurry lately. ** ** (949) Jen Vadur can see that ** (949) Jen Vadur: Interesting stuff though (949) Jen Vadur: Always nice to read that is (952) Zalana: Nah I got it for now. Thanks though (922) ShadowDragon8685: All right, anyway... ** (922) ShadowDragon8685 cuoghs ** (922) ShadowDragon8685: I'm going to narrate some, I hope you don't mind. (949) Jen Vadur: ((Be our guest, hehe)) (922) ShadowDragon8685: Things have been going hectic lately. In the aftermath of the election of Borsk Fey'lya and the subsequent cutting of all official Republic support, the Jedi Order has continued to try and perform their duties as the guardians of peace and justice in the galaxy, whilst at the same time grappling with their sudden lack of resources; most critically the lack of a Shield generator for the Academy, and the lack of fuel and money. (922) ShadowDragon8685: Money continues to be a problem, but thanks to the efforts of Jaden Korr and R2-D2, a large, bulk freighter with fuel handling systems has been aquired, and thanks to the efforts of Jen Vadur, Niari, Ferrago, Morco Jocra and Nico Vallis, fuel in abundance has been secured in the form of not one but two platforms orbiting gas giants with fuel-refining systems. (949) Jen Vadur: ((Yeah baby!)) (922) ShadowDragon8685: Other Jedi have been busy as well. Zalana and Seiko found themselves on Courscant before the fuel crisis went down, without a ship; having hitched a ride there on their mission with one of the transport ships. Their mission involved tracking down a crime lord who was, among other things, responsible for a burgeoning sale in the slaves from Courscanti underprivledged families. (949) Jen Vadur: ((Bastard...)) (922) ShadowDragon8685: They did lay their hands on him, a male human, but this happened just after the revocation of official support. When they tried to turn him in, they, too, were arrested for vigilantism, and ordered by the Jedi Temple to stand down and wait for the mess to be sorted out. (922) ShadowDragon8685: In the intervening time, without the word of Jedi as being almost incontrovertible cause to hold someone without bail, the slaver made bail and (rather predictably,) fled Courscant. (949) Jen Vadur: ((Gaaahh!)) (952) Zalana: (( Son of a.... )) (922) ShadowDragon8685: Then Jedi Knight Leia Organa-Solo showed up to bail them out, and upon learning that the criminal they had brought in had fled, went into full-on... Well, Leia mode. (922) ShadowDragon8685: Suffice to say the charges were dropped immediately and your lightsabers were returned in short order. (949) Jen Vadur: ((Oh he's gonna get it...))) (949) Jen Vadur: ((Crappy crap!)) (922) ShadowDragon8685: ((Oh yeah. That guy? Who do you think was responsible for Kya winding up in Crack-Tooth's hands?)) (923) Ferrago: (>:T) (949) Jen Vadur: ((Omw, he's really gonna get it!)) (922) ShadowDragon8685: Anyway, Zalana and Seiko at least got to hobknob out of this all; they returned to the Academy with the rest of the crew of the Millenium Falcon: Leia Organa-Solo, Jedi Knight, Kyle Katarn, Jedi Master, Han Solo, space captain, Chewbacca, spacer, and C-3P0, annoying golden git. (949) Jen Vadur: ((Lol!!)) (922) ShadowDragon8685: After having gotten at least one good night's sleep in the metal pra-fab quonson huts currently serving as dormotiries while the Jedi Praxeum is repaired, Zalana and Seiko recieve orders to report to the ">Phoenix Sunrise, a red and gray Dynamic-class space transport on the landing pad, sitting in a row of space transports: a big, white Lambda-class shuttle whose wings are too large to fit in the hangar, the Millenium Falcon, the Phoenix, and the Raven's Claw. (922) ShadowDragon8685: Meanwhile, aboard the Phoenix, there's some commotion; both Morco Jocra and Nico Vallis are cleaning their things out. (949) Jen Vadur: ((Sad to see Morco leave...)) (922) ShadowDragon8685: ((Yeah, me too. Good luck to his wrastlin' bro.)) (949) Jen Vadur: ((Yeah, hehe!)) (922) ShadowDragon8685: ((Besides, I'm only putting him on a bus, not dropping a bridge on him. He can come back if his schedule permits.)) (928) Seiko: Seiko would show up, if a few minutes late and looking less then thrilled to be there. She wore the traditional brown jedi robes, keeping the hood up, and lightsaber concealed inside. Though hidden away, the short metal hilt shaped object would be just barely visible through the cloth when it would get caught up on it, when she walked or turned just right. Aside from that, she seemed to lack any other possessions to speak of. (922) ShadowDragon8685: Seiko, as you're attempting to board, you're almost knocked over by two human males carrying two crates down the boarding ramp. They apologize, as you see more people closing in: a red Lethan Twi'lek with two lightsabers, a green Twi'lek girl who looks to be a young teenager wearing a tool-belt and spacer clothes, a human female, and a Rodian male (carrying a third crate,). (922) ShadowDragon8685: You and Zalana would recognize these as the other members of the crew of the Phoenix Sunrise; Morco Jocra and Nico Vallis, Niari, Kya, Jen Vadur, and Ferrago. (949) Jen Vadur: "Erf..." (924) Niari (exit): 19:16 (962) Niari: "Hello?" Niari inquires as she approaches Phoenix Sunrise, an eye quirked in the direction of Seiko, "Are you looking for something?" ** (952) Zalana follows along, mystified by the....bundled up stance of her compainion. She waves a polite little wave, not really fazed by their recent issues. ** (922) ShadowDragon8685: Jen, you recognize Seiko, and the tall Kalu'a as Zalana, as their pictures were sent to you over the night and Benign delivered them promptly. None of the rest of you do, as T3-TT was being schitzo last night and paranoidally encrypted every single file. (952) Zalana: "This is the Phoenix Sunrise, is it not?" (949) Jen Vadur: ((Lol!)) (949) Jen Vadur: "Yes it is, you must be Zalana?" ** (949) Jen Vadur gestures for a shake of the hand ** (952) Zalana: "Yes I am! Oh I am so happy we made it here to meet you!" (923) Ferrago: "Certainly is." Ferrago sets his crate down for a moment and turns to the newcomer. "And I'm its owner. Well, one of its owners, but the other one's leaving." ** (952) Zalana happily grabs the hand and shakes it vigorously ** (949) Jen Vadur: "Then it's a pleasure to meet you." (922) ShadowDragon8685: The landing pad is a hive of activity; as you watch, an Incom T-65B X-Wing wearing red markings hovers out onto the landing pad with an ASP-series labor droid waving it out with glowsticks. There's no pilot in the cockpit, but the faimlar silver dome, blue-edges, of R2-D2 is sitting in the astromech socket. (949) Jen Vadur: "And I take it you are Seiko?" (928) Seiko: "Arent we all?" she replied to Niari, putting one hand up on her hip as she looked up at the Phoenix Sunrise with a heavy sigh. Turning her gaze back to meet the eyes of the Twi'lek, she forced a smile "Seiko. Who're you?" (922) ShadowDragon8685: Big, bulky, with a chunky forward cockpit, the Phoenix Sunrise looks like something from another age. That's because it is, being almost four thousand years old. (962) Niari: Niari looks warily at the two newcomers, while she is comfortable enough around her companions - she has always been somewhat closed off to others. "Zalana and Seiko," she repeats quietlu, etching those to her memory. "I'm Niari, and this," she indicates the younger green-skinned Twi'lek next to her, "Is Kya." (952) Zalana: "Let me see...don't tell me...you are Jen? And he is....Ferrago, right?" (923) Ferrago: Ferrago turns and glances at Jen as she addresses the two Jedi, apparently expecting them. "I feel out of the loop." (922) ShadowDragon8685: The green-skinned girl looks a bit... Conflicted, waving at Zalana and Seiko. (949) Jen Vadur: "That's right" Jen smiles (923) Ferrago: "Did I miss a memo?" (962) Niari: "Myself as well," Niari nods to Ferrago. (922) ShadowDragon8685: As Ferrago is wondering if he's missed a memo, you catch ear-shot of raised voices. "Look, kid, take her! She's the fastest ship in the galaxy, you'll need all the help you can get." (949) Jen Vadur: "Their pictures were sent to me last night, it seems they are to join us" (952) Zalana: "Indeed!" (928) Seiko: "More or less. Ive been assigned to be a replacement crew member for this bucket of bolts here." She said, motioning to the Phoenix with an obvious distake for the apparent condition of the ship (922) ShadowDragon8685: The Phoenix is old, but she's in great condition. (922) ShadowDragon8685: She's clearly been beloved by all her owners over the centuries. (928) Seiko: (Well, AGE of the ship then. Sorry) (922) ShadowDragon8685: ((Heh, right)) ** (949) Jen Vadur gives a sideways glance to Ferrago ** (952) Zalana: "Forgive my dour companion here.. She has a real attitude since we got released. well, before then too." (949) Jen Vadur: "I see." (922) ShadowDragon8685: ((If this one's the nice sister, I'd hate to have met the mean one.)) (949) Jen Vadur: ((I tell you!)) (923) Ferrago: "Just don't let me catch her badmouthing the Phoenix again." (923) Ferrago: He's half-joking. (949) Jen Vadur: ((Lol!)) (922) ShadowDragon8685: There's a short astromech droid at the top of the ship's ramp - not an R2 unit, far, far older, it beeps annoyedly. He has much the same opinion of bad-mouthing the Phoenix. (952) Zalana: "Oh no sir. It is a beautiful ship. I do wish to discuss it's capabilities at some time, if that isn't a bother." (928) Seiko: "Fine, you wont catch me bad mouthing it again." She said with a smug smile on her face, arms now in a crossed pose. Her self generated entertainment seems to fade quickly though, as she puts her hand on the back of her neck "Seriously, though, why did they assign me to this group? What exactly do you guys do anyway?" (923) Ferrago: "Kick ass and take names." (949) Jen Vadur: "Of sorts" (922) ShadowDragon8685: As you're talking, you notice that Morco is walking to the X-Wing on the pad, and his (few) things are being loaded into it's cargo bay; the cockpit opens. Between it and the Phoenix, you see Jedi Master Luke Skywalker and Han Solo apparently discussing something - Solo is gesticulating wildly towards the Falcon, while Skywalker is complaining that he can't take her because she's Solo's ship. (962) Niari: "Something like that," Niari shrugs, "Whatever Master Skywalker asks of us, really." (923) Ferrago: "I like mine better." (952) Zalana: "You downplay your work! You are the stewards of justice and peance throughtout the galaxy!" (952) Zalana: "Sorry, I sometimes think faster than I speak." (922) ShadowDragon8685: "He's got something planned for you," you hear from behind you - walking under the ship, arm full of ordinance, towards the ramp on the Raven's Claw, is Kyle Katarn, with Jan Ors pushing a hover-sled full of similar ordinance. Ors continues on to the Raven's Claw, while Kyle stops to pause at the side of the ramp. (949) Jen Vadur: "We try to take less pride in our work, but that is true" (952) Zalana: "Oh my...it's Kyle frekain' Katarn...." (922) ShadowDragon8685: The gruff, human Jedi Master wears a full beard, trimmed short, and has brown hair going to gray. He wears padded adventuring kit typical of Corellian spacers. (949) Jen Vadur: ((Hehe!)) (922) ShadowDragon8685: "Hey, Zalana," Kyle says, freeing a hand to wave. You met him before; you flew back from Courscant with him, after all. (928) Seiko: "Well, it was nice to meet you all, but if you'll excuse me I have things to do. When its time to leave you can contact me on my comlink, alright?" ** (952) Zalana tries to keep her composure. Earthings would consider her current actions as a geekout of epic proportions. ** (923) Ferrago: "Sure thing, sunshine." ** (949) Jen Vadur looks at Seiko as she walks off ** (922) ShadowDragon8685: "Just hold on a bit, Luke wants to talk to you all," he says to Seiko. (949) Jen Vadur: "Strange one" (922) ShadowDragon8685: "he's just arguing with Han about taking the Falcon out on something." (962) Niari: Niari glances uncomfortably between Seiko and Ferrago and takes a step away from those two. ** (949) Jen Vadur looks over to Kyle ** (923) Ferrago: Ferrago shakes his head at her as she walks off, then turns to Kyle. "Of course, Master Katarn." ** (952) Zalana manages to act like she has met these people before. It is a difficult battle. ** (923) Ferrago: He glances over at them. "Do you know what they're arguing about?" (928) Seiko: Seiko holds her ground at Kyles request, she cant exactly walk away from a jedi master now can she? (922) ShadowDragon8685: Kyle waves back at Jen, too. "Yeah. Han is insisting that Luke takes the Falcon, and Luke doesn't want to take it from him. They'll go back and forth for a few more rounds, then Luke will promise not to return with a scratch on her, and Han will say he has Luke's word, not a scratch. And of course, she'll come home blasted half apart and Han will pretend to have forgotten." (923) Ferrago: The end of Ferrago's snout twists into the Rodian equivalent of an amused smirk. (922) ShadowDragon8685: "They go through this every time, like clockwork." Katarn chuckles. "Anyway, I should give you kids a bit of a briefing. Here's what's going on." (962) Niari: "Right..." Niari purses her lips thoughtfully as she turns from Han and Luke to look at Master Katarn. (922) ShadowDragon8685: "Jan and Jaden are taking the Raven's Claw on some misison. I'm not sure how bad it'll be, but since we're loading the heavy artillery, we can guess it'll be pretty rough. Nico is coming with me, and Han, and Corran - all the Corellians here are getting on that big Lambda shuttle you guys brought back and going to Corellia to see if we can scare up any more support, and maybe dig up some old friends - and there's some rumor we need to investigate while we're there." (922) ShadowDragon8685: "Luke and Leia are going back to Courscant on the Falcon with Chewie and 3P0 to see if Luke will have any more luck convincing the Senate to back us than Leia did. But I wouldn't hold my breath on that." ** (949) Jen Vadur nods ** (922) ShadowDragon8685: "Now, Jen, since you did so well working with the Phoenix and her crew on Jeel - and that was a hell of a job - you're being stuck with them. Seiko, Zalana, you two did great work on Courscant, tracking down that slaver. Pity he got away, but you can't win 'em all. You two, too, are going with the Phoenix's crew." (928) Seiko: "Understood..." She said with a grumble and a nod (922) ShadowDragon8685: "Problem," the older human asks, raising an eyebrow. (952) Zalana: "Thank you sir" (923) Ferrago: "Got it." (949) Jen Vadur: "Alright" (923) Ferrago: (wait, he didn't say anything to me) (962) Niari: (Question: what do Seiko and Zalana look like anyways?) (922) ShadowDragon8685: ((You're already on the Phoenix, that's staying the same)) (922) ShadowDragon8685: "And Morco, well..." Katarn looks to Morco Jocra, who is closing up the hatch on the X-Wing. "Luke's lending him his X-Wing and Artoo to go to Dagobah. I'm not sure why, but I'd bet it has something to do with places on Dagobah that Artoo knows about, which means Yoda's hut at the least." (928) Seiko: "No..... well...Im just wondering why I was picked, out of all the available jedi, to get assigned to an old clunker of a ship like this...." (923) Ferrago: "What did I say about the badmouthing?" (922) ShadowDragon8685: "Judge her by her age, do you," Katarn asks, with a smirk, leaning on the Phoenix's ramp. (949) Jen Vadur: "Apparently" (949) Jen Vadur: "I've seen her in action Seiko, don't underestimate her just yet..." (928) Seiko: "Well no... maybe a little... but surely there are plenty of newer ships out there? Why is something like this even still in service?" (923) Ferrago: "I've been gunning on this ship since we got her, and she hasn't failed me yet. And we've been in some tight spots." (922) ShadowDragon8685: "Just because a ship - or a lightsaber, or a Jedi - is old, doesn't mean they're past it. This ship will fly rings around most pirate starfighters, let alone space transports of her weight size. And she's heavily armed; anything she can't outrun, she can outgun." (962) Niari: Niari takes another step away from Seiko and Ferrago, putting some distance between them. (991) Luxor(charlie) (enter): 19:44 (923) Ferrago: "The Temple is a little short on resources right now. We need to use everything we can get." (991) Luxor(charlie) (exit): 19:44 (922) ShadowDragon8685: "Here..." He sets down his armful of ordinance. "Why don't you walk inside." (928) Seiko: "Its fine. Thats not even what really has me annoyed to begin with. Lets just get down to business instead." (923) Ferrago: (To defeat the Huns?) (994) Captcha (enter): 19:46 (922) ShadowDragon8685: "Then what is bothering you, Seiko?" Katarn tilts his head. "You've had a chip on your shoulder since Courscant. I know it can be annoying, being thrown in irons for doing the right thing, but believe me, that's hardly the last time it'll happen." (922) ShadowDragon8685: "Trust me, you don't want to let that kind of feeling eat at you." (928) Seiko: "I know I know. Its not that either. I just work better alone is all. Or in a pair at most. So why would the temple assign me to a group like this then, one thats obviously so closely knit..." (923) Ferrago: "Maybe they thought it would do you some good." (922) ShadowDragon8685: "Maybe because you need to learn to work in a group," he says, raising an eyebrow. (949) Jen Vadur: "Don't worry, we're friendly enough" Jen smiles (928) Seiko: "I didnt say you werent, just...Well.. lets just get on with things already. Maybe if I can 'wow' them enough in the temple, they'll let me work by myself one day..." She said, another heavy sigh (952) Zalana: "Well, for now they want us here, now stop sulking." (922) ShadowDragon8685: "Easy now. You're acting like this is some kind of a punishment, or indictment of your ability to get things done." (922) ShadowDragon8685: "It's not. Believe me on that." (949) Jen Vadur: "We're all still learning Seiko, don't worry too much... everything will work out fine." Jen smiles again (922) ShadowDragon8685: He picks up his armful of ordinance, as the Raven's Claw hisses with compressed gas releasing from her systems. "Looks like Jan and Jaden are getting ready to go, and it looks like Luke and Han are done with their customary argument." He nods his head at the Jedi Master approaching the ship. "I'll let Luke fill you in on the rest of the details." (962) Niari: Niari nods to Katarn in thanks, "Have a safe trip." (922) ShadowDragon8685: Katarn clears out with a laugh, wishing you the same, as the Jedi Grandmaster approaches, wearing his typical black outfit; not the large, formal robes of the old Jedi Order (as most Jedi these days don't wear them,) but simply black, loose clothes, easy to move in, comfortable to wear. "Hello. I'm sorry if there's been any confusion, things have been rather busy around here." He gestures to the ship. "Please, we should go inside. It's going to start raining soon, and I'd like to brief you indoors." (923) Ferrago: "Thanks, Master Katarn. By the way, the launcher works great," he adds, patting the rifle holstered at his hip. (922) ShadowDragon8685: Kyle nods at Ferrago, glad for the vote of approval as he leaves. ** (952) Zalana eagerly bounds into the ship ** (949) Jen Vadur: "Alright" Jen follows Luke (923) Ferrago: Ferrago turns and enters the ship with the others. (922) ShadowDragon8685: Skywalker leads you to the main hold of the Phoenix Sunrise, sitting on one of the chairs. The main hold is full of chairs and couches, with a holoprojection table in the middle. The ship humms alive with power running vigorously through it's systems. (928) Seiko: Seiko follows last, giving the jedi temple one final longing look before she walks up the ramp (962) Niari: After a moment, Niari heads up the ramp as well, moving into the main hold and plopping herself down in one of the seats. ** (949) Jen Vadur goes to sit beside Niari ** (949) Jen Vadur: *whispers to Niari* We had better keep an eye on Seiko, I think... (922) ShadowDragon8685: "I have a mission for you, and it's a mission which you might see as being somewhat... Odd," he begins. "I recieved a letter a few days ago, from an old friend. It wasn't like any of his writings at all; long, rambling, questioning everything he's ever done. It's not like him, and it's disturbing." (962) Niari: She shook her head at Jen, replying in hushed tones. "It will be fine unless she gets under Ferrago's skin. In which case - we should be glad that we've both got our own ships to put as much distance as possible," she grins. (949) Jen Vadur: *whispers to Niari* That's true... ** (949) Jen Vadur listens intently now ** (994) Captcha: Disconnecting from server... (994) Captcha (exit): 20:05 (922) ShadowDragon8685: "His name is Ackbar, and you're probably familar with him from the history of the Rebellion and the New Republic." ** (949) Jen Vadur nods ** (962) Niari: "Admiral Ackbar?" Niari blinks. She didn't really know of him, but the holodisks she spent her downtime pursuing to catch up on history did mention his name often. (922) ShadowDragon8685: Skywalker nods. "Just Ackbar, now. You may not have heard during the recent commotion." (922) ShadowDragon8685: "Chief-of-State Fey'lya has Ackbar brought up on charges of misuse and misallocation of military resources when Ackbar ordered the Lusankya and her fleet to aid us with rebuilding after the Shadow Academy's attack. He was aquitted resoundingly, but he resigned in protest." (923) Ferrago: "Somebody needs to do something about that Bothan-..." Ferrago descends into Huttese under his breath. (922) ShadowDragon8685: "Regardless of what we think of his policies, Ferrago, Borsk Fey'lya is still the lawfully-elected Chief-of-State of the New Republic; of which we remain the guardians, even if the Chief-of-State doesn't wish our guardianship." (923) Ferrago: He sighs and nods. "Yes, Master Skywalker." (922) ShadowDragon8685: "But that's not the matter at hand. Ackbar is; I felt a disturbance in the Force when I was reading his letter. I fear something bad is going to happen." (922) ShadowDragon8685: "I have a feeling that it's as if he's on the verge of turning his back on his destiny. That would be Bad, for everyone. I have the feeling that Ackbar's yet has an important role to play, but that if left alone, he may lose heart and fade into obscurity." (923) Ferrago: "What did his letter say?" (928) Seiko: "So he needs a motivational speaker, it sounds like" (922) ShadowDragon8685: "It was long, rambling. He said how he'd been given an undeserved gift by the Mon Calamari people, and how he was thinking of giving it back and going to fish forever. That's a Mon Calamari phrase that the old use when they feel they're past relevance in the galaxy." (949) Jen Vadur: "Well that does not sound like him at all, from what I've heard." (922) ShadowDragon8685: Skywalker shakes his head. "If I thought a pep talk was all he needed, I'd take a side-trip to Courscant, but this goes deeper than that. When an old being starts to feel obsolete and irrelevant, he doesn't need other old beings to reminisce about the glory days again. He needs the young to show him that he's still nessessary." (922) ShadowDragon8685: ((err, from courscant)) (949) Jen Vadur: "That makes sense." (962) Niari: Niari leans forward slightly, listening but not saying anything else for now. (922) ShadowDragon8685: "Ackbar is old, and he's very wise. There's a lot that young people like you - or I - can still learn from him. That's why I'm sending you. I don't know what you'll find when you get there, but I have faith that with the group assembled here, you should be able to handle it. This will be very different from your prior missions," he cautions. "In the past, we've given you specific tasks to carry out; investigate a rumor, apprehend a crime lord, scout out a pirate haven, retrieve a missing shield generator." (928) Seiko: "You want someone who doesnt want to be here, to go and cheer up someone who doesnt want to be here?... are you sure you've thought this through?" (949) Jen Vadur: ((Very good roleplay Seiko!)) (928) Seiko: (thanks :p ) (962) Niari: There is a sharp intake of breath, as Niari turned to look at Seiko. Who was this woman who decided she could speak this way to Master Skywalker? (922) ShadowDragon8685: Skywalker raises an eyebrow. "Being a Jedi is voluntary, Seiko. If you feel your destiny lies elsewhere, we'd be happy to take you to Courscant, or any other world any of the Jedi ships leaving Yavin are going to, or on the way to our destinations." ** (952) Zalana drops her shoulders and shakes her head ruefully. ** (922) ShadowDragon8685: ((Yeah, seriously. You're not playing the 'nice' sister at all, you're playing a recalcitrant stranger.)) ** (949) Jen Vadur wonders how this will play out ** (928) Seiko: "If I didnt want to be a jedi I would have left long ago. Im just making an observation is all." (991) Luxor(charlie) (enter): 20:19 (923) Ferrago: "I'm sure Master Skywalker wouldn't send us on a mission if he didn't feel it was important." (991) Luxor(charlie) (exit): 20:20 (923) Ferrago: "The rest of us want to be here, and I'm sure this is more than a matter of 'cheering him up'." (922) ShadowDragon8685: "Seiko, we certainly won't force you to go if you don't wish to be here." He gestures for the door. "The boarding ramp is that way. If you'd rather leave, we can find something else for you to do." ** (949) Jen Vadur looks at Seiko ** (923) Ferrago: (I'll be back in a minute or two.) (962) Niari: Niari leaned back, gnawing on her lower lip in thought. She wanted to get back to the matter at hand, not deal with some girl throwing what amounted to be a little better than a temper tantrum. She hadn't met any other Jedis who behaved that way, and she hoped she wouldn't meet any more. (928) Seiko: "Dont look at me. The sooner we go the sooner we can finish." (949) Jen Vadur: "Well are you staying with us then?" (922) ShadowDragon8685: "Impatience ill-suits a Jedi, Seiko. Take it from me," Skywalker says, holding up his right hand - the one with a black glove. "I got off easy; you can lose much more than a hand and a lightsaber by being impatient." (928) Seiko: "I did say we, right?" She says to Jen (949) Jen Vadur: "Good." (922) ShadowDragon8685: "This task is going to be neither simple, nor straightforward. There won't be any clear-cut objective to achieve; I don't know where you'll go, or how long it'll take." (922) ShadowDragon8685: Skywalker clears his throat. "On this mission, I can't give you any clear, decisive objective. You need to go and see Ackbar, talk him into doing something, but what that is is up to you. I can't tell you where you'll go from there - but you should stay with him, see what he has to teach you, and see what you have to teach him. I can tell you that you will be travelling very far; you're going on a journey on this one. You might wind up roaming. Don't try telling Ackbar straight-up that he's still relevant, that sort of talk always rings hollow. You need to demonstrate it; convince him to prove it to himself." (949) Jen Vadur: "From what I hear, Ackbar is a strong personality, so we'll have much convincing to do..." (922) ShadowDragon8685: "You could try asking him about the past, all the important things he's done. You could try asking him about the present, or the future. As Jedi, we tend to focus mostly on the present, and it is true that minding the past or the future can blind you to present threats -" he says, indicating his prosthetic hand again, "but failing to mind them completely can lead you headfirst into a worse present." (922) ShadowDragon8685: "He is a strong personality, which is why that letter worries me so much. It doesn't speak much of a strong-willed person." (928) Seiko: "Maybe hes uncertain of his decision? If hes teetering on the edge, then it should make it easy to convince him." (922) ShadowDragon8685: "If Ackbar loses his will to act, feels as if he can no longer be a force of positive change in the galaxy, if he no longer has a purpose to serve, I fear things will be much worse for us all in the long-run." (923) Ferrago: (back) (922) ShadowDragon8685: Skywalker nods. "I fear he is teetering on the edge - the edge of a great many things. If left alone, the choice he will make will be one of hopelessness, he will settle what he feels to be his cosmic accounts and vanish into obscurity. The last time he tried that, after he believed he'd caused the death of hundreds of innocents, we had an almost impossible time finding him to bring him back, and even though we had proof that it was sabotage, not an error on his part, he was still wracked with guilt over it." (1020) Luxor(charlie) (enter): 20:35 (922) ShadowDragon8685: "He won't turn you away if you go to him. Mon Calamari have a strong tradition of hospitality and friendship. He won't turn away a Jedi, or any friends of mine. I want you to go to Mon Calamari, I want you to find him. It shouldn't be too hard to find him." (949) Jen Vadur: "Alright." (962) Niari: Niari nodded quietly, "Is there anything else you'd like us to look into while we're there if we have the chance?" (922) ShadowDragon8685: He shakes his head. "Not at the moment, but if something comes up, I'll send you a comm, or someone will. If you see anything unusual, though, you should mention it." (922) ShadowDragon8685: "I don't know what he meant when he said that the Mon Calamari people had given him an undeserved gift. Honestly, I can't think of any gift that could be given to Ackbar that he hasn't earned twice over, so I don't know what exactly is going on, but I know that Ackbar is current;y sitting on a shatterpoint; the decisions he makes, the things he and you see and experience in the immediate future will have broad ramifications." (928) Seiko: "Im not even sure what to say to the guy, ive never met him, and my history is a bit rusty so I cant really quote the details of his famous battles... I hope someone else has a good idea." ** (949) Jen Vadur hopes for the same ** (922) ShadowDragon8685: Skywalker chuckles. "As it happens, I've had a full history of the Rebellion and the New Republic, as well as Ackbar's own history, uploaded to the Phoenix's databanks. You might want to review it. As to why you've gone to him..." He puts a data-pad on the table. "I've wrote him a letter, explaining that I wanted to send a few of my young Jedi to stay with him a while, to learn from him, and to aid him in anything he needs aid with." (949) Jen Vadur: "That will certainly help a lot." (922) ShadowDragon8685: "As far as your resources... Well, you have this ship, and the vessels you brought back from the last mission, at your disposal, less the Khar Ashim. We're bringing back droids from that space station you captured to crew the Khar Ashim, and we're going to put it in service hauling and storing cargo." (922) ShadowDragon8685: "For what it's worth, those two old Jedi vessels you brought back from Naboo look nice. I was thinking of taking one of them to Courscant, before Han insisted I take the Falcon." (928) Seiko: "Whats that about some old jedi vessels? Swagger from the last mission?" (922) ShadowDragon8685: "But you don't have to take them - you don't have to take any of them. I'll leave it up to you to decide what resources you need to take out of those available." (922) ShadowDragon8685: Skywalker nods. "Yes. The manifest is on the Phoenix. They brought it back from the mission when they recovered our missing shield generator." He stands. "Do any of you have any further questions?" (923) Ferrago: "No, sir." (1029) Niari (enter): 20:45 (1029) Niari: (Ahem.) Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (1029) Niari... (949) Jen Vadur: "None." (928) Seiko: "Cant think of any." (949) Jen Vadur: ((Double Niaris)) (928) Seiko: (clone wars?) ** (952) Zalana shakes her head ** (949) Jen Vadur: ((Haha!)) (922) ShadowDragon8685: So, that's no questions? (922) ShadowDragon8685: Niari, none? (1029) Niari: "None here," Niari shook her head, her lekku shifting slightly. (922) ShadowDragon8685: Skywalker nods. "Very well." He bows his head to you. "May the Force be with you, then." He looks at Kya, and smiles softly. "Here." He takes a long, slim box from a pocket. "Jaden said you should have this." He hands it to the wide-eyed, mute girl, and departs as she opens it. (949) Jen Vadur: "May the Force be with you Master Skywalker" ** (949) Jen Vadur bows back ** ** (952) Zalana bows deeply ** (1029) Niari: Niari glances to Kya, a quizzical look on her face befoe turning to the others. "First things first, who is flying in what? I'd like to take my X-Wing, but I am unopposed to helping Ferrago fly this ship if necessary..." (923) Ferrago: "Seems like Sunshine over there is taking over for Nico." (923) Ferrago: Ferrago nods toward Seiko. (922) ShadowDragon8685: ((I need to AFK for a bio, you guys hash out who's doing what. Remember, you don't have to all fly an individual ship. Knowing you guys, ships seem to fall into your laps at a prodigious rate)) (949) Jen Vadur: ((Hehe, kewl will do)) (952) Zalana: "I will just ride along with someone if that is okay." (949) Jen Vadur: "I think I'll leave my N-1 here, and ride along with Ferrago if that's fine with him..." ** (949) Jen Vadur looks over to Ferrago ** (1029) Niari: Niari let out a low whistle, "Alright," she tapped her lips thoughtfully, unsure of the wisdom of putting the rude newcomer and Ferrago together. "I'll take my X-Wing then." (923) Ferrago: "I wouldn't object to that." (928) Seiko: "I dont happen to have a ship of my own, and so ill be riding along in the Phoenix Sunshine or whatever its called." (949) Jen Vadur: "Settled then," Jen says smiling (1029) Niari: "Sunrise," Niari corrected absent-mindedly. (923) Ferrago: "Sunrise." (928) Seiko: "Cute. Did you guys practice that?" She asked, as they answered in unison (1023) Mikal (enter): 20:55 (1029) Niari: Niari looked at Seiko for a moment before pointedly turning away to the others, "I'm going to go get my ship ready with Diver. I'd suggest Jen bring Benign along, just in case. Doesn't hurt to have more droids." (949) Jen Vadur: "That's a good idea." (1029) Niari: "I am looking forward to getting to you know you better, Zalana - was it?" She smiles warmly at her. (952) Zalana: "Yes, me too!" (952) Zalana: "And we are to have droids as well? Excellent!" (922) ShadowDragon8685: ((And now Nico shows back up...)) (922) ShadowDragon8685: Well, droids come with the starfighters, usually... (923) Ferrago: (Figures.) (922) ShadowDragon8685: Jen's droid was a gift to her with the N-1, which was given to her by the Royal House of Naboo.)) (1029) Niari: "T3 will take good care of you," she grins at Zalana, "He's exceptionally capable." (949) Jen Vadur: ((What's Nico up to?)) (1029) Niari: "...if there's nothing else?" she looks to the rest of the group, again ignoring the rude one. (922) ShadowDragon8685: ((Apparently he was living with a mate for a week)) (949) Jen Vadur: ((Ahh ok)) (923) Ferrago: (Nice of him to tell us) (922) ShadowDragon8685: ((Well, he didn't realize until too late that said mate had no internet)) (949) Jen Vadur: ((What's he planning on doing now?)) (923) Ferrago: (Ohhh.) (949) Jen Vadur: ((Sounds fair I guess)) (922) ShadowDragon8685: ((So he's coming... Great.)) (922) ShadowDragon8685: ((I need to figure out how to get him elegantly off the bus I put him on)) (949) Jen Vadur: ((Isn't his char flying off to Coruscant?) (949) Jen Vadur: ((I see)) (922) ShadowDragon8685: ((He was flying off to Corellia.)) (949) Jen Vadur: ((Poof! always works too... oh yeah sorry)) (922) ShadowDragon8685: ((But it's easy enough for him to decide he just can't bear to leave - or rather, for another Corellian Jedi to show up and volunteer to take his place.)) (1029) Niari: "...nothing?" Niari inquires, brow furrowed. (928) Seiko: "It'd seem that way. Where'd you get an X-wing from anyway? Was it given to you by the council?" (949) Jen Vadur: "I think we're set to go..." (923) Ferrago: "Nothing." Ferrago returns to the Phoenix, grumbling. "Why'd Nico have to leave?" (922) ShadowDragon8685: Well, they needed Corellian Jedi. (949) Jen Vadur: ((Ah)) (1029) Niari: If Niari heard Seiko, she didn't bother answering. Nodding to Jen and Ferrago, "Alright then - I'll go have Diver fire up the X-Wing and tell Benign to head your way, Jen." (923) Ferrago: He casts a glance back at Seiko. (922) ShadowDragon8685: ((You guys sure you'll be okay? If a space battle breaks out, several of you will have nothing to do, even if I let the Phoenix's quad-laser turret split into two dual-laser turrets.)) (928) Seiko: (I dont have a ship) (922) ShadowDragon8685: ((You were offered your choice of several.)) (928) Seiko: (I was?) (923) Ferrago: (Seriously, we have ships coming out the wazoo) (1029) Niari: She turns and heads off the Phoenix Sunrise, disembarking and heading to the X-Wing to begin launch prep with Diver. (922) ShadowDragon8685: ((there are two Eta-2s, two MandalMotors Reeks, and a MandalMotors Nexu available.)) (928) Seiko: (I just said I didnt have one of my own and no one offered or said anything.) (923) Ferrago: (And I mean that literally, the Wazoo is the name of our capital ship where we keep all our other ships docked) (949) Jen Vadur: ((Bleh, I guess I'll be taking my N-1 then... sounds like there might be some sh*t)) (949) Jen Vadur: ((Lol Ferrago)) (952) Zalana: (( It's fine with me. I am still kinda rookie when it comes to vehicular comabt. i will ride along for now. )) (922) ShadowDragon8685: ((That works, Zalana. You can always split the Quadlaser function of the Phoenix's top-and-bottom twin turrets into two dual-lasers. (949) Jen Vadur: "I've changed my mind Ferrago... I think I'll take my N-1 just in case, no offense meant." (923) Ferrago: "I'm wounded." (922) ShadowDragon8685: ((Literally. Rodians' backs split open in response to emotional stabs)) (928) Seiko: "An X-wing and an N1? Dont know what that is but it sounds like you're all fairly well prepared afterall, if a bit unaccomodating." She said, motioning to the moody Niari as she departs (949) Jen Vadur: "I'm sorry..." (949) Jen Vadur: ((Yuck!)) (1020) Luxor(charlie): Disconnecting from server... (1020) Luxor(charlie) (exit): 21:07 (923) Ferrago: (That's right, Jen) (923) Ferrago: (You cut me open and I) (923) Ferrago: (Keep bleeding, keep keep bleeding love) (922) ShadowDragon8685: Actually, this group has quite a bit of experiance with flying fighters and a transport on long voyages. They have a manual of it, which they've been adding to. (949) Jen Vadur: "Extra firepower might come in handy, don't you think?" (1029) Niari: (:D) (952) Zalana: "I will be more than happy to ride on your ship sir." (949) Jen Vadur: "You see, you won't be alone." (949) Jen Vadur: ((Lol!)) (922) ShadowDragon8685: ((Rebel-rouser, Hellraiser-in-chief!)) (949) Jen Vadur: ((Huh?)) (928) Seiko: "Maybe I can see about getting the council to loan me a ship in the meantime..." She says, thoughtfully (922) ShadowDragon8685: ((Nevermind)) (922) ShadowDragon8685: Seiko, this isn't the Prequal days. (922) ShadowDragon8685: There is no Jedi Council anymore. (922) ShadowDragon8685: They haven't gotten around to using one yet. (928) Seiko: (ah. my bad.) (1029) Niari: Niari sets about working with Diver to prepare the X-Wing for its first official flight, though her comms are still on in case anyone needs to contact her. (922) ShadowDragon8685: ((Will one of you please mention to her in character about the ships she could pick from)) ** (949) Jen Vadur exits the Phoenix and heads to her N-1 Starfighter ** (949) Jen Vadur: ((Didn't Ferrago already do that?)) (928) Seiko: (no one said a thing IC about ships to her) (923) Ferrago: (sorry, nah) (949) Jen Vadur: ((Eeps, my bad)) (962) Niari (exit): 21:13 (923) Ferrago: "So, Seiko, need a ship? We've got quite a collection." (922) ShadowDragon8685: ((Nico's reinstalling Open... >_<)) (1029) Niari: (...) (949) Jen Vadur: ((Erf, could take a while then...)) (922) ShadowDragon8685: ((Don't ask me why)) (928) Seiko: "So I hear. An X-wing and an N1. Not sure what an N1 is though. What else you got sitting around?" (949) Jen Vadur: ((Those little yellow starfighters in Ep 1)) (928) Seiko: (I know, Seiko doesnt :p ) (949) Jen Vadur: ((Lol, nvm)) (922) ShadowDragon8685: Anyway, other than the starcraft question, what else are you guys taking along? (922) ShadowDragon8685: You got a fair share of ground vehicles last time. Anything of that crop you need? (1029) Niari: (Forgot about those - I think Niari will make use of Morco's old speeder - the walkers aren't her style.) (1029) Niari: (Thats assuming Morco didnt take it with him.) (922) ShadowDragon8685: ((On an X-Wing?)) (922) ShadowDragon8685: ((That'd be a hell of a trick)) (1029) Niari: (Well, I thought it'd be stored on the Sunrise like the rest of Niari's gear...) (923) Ferrago: (One of those walkers is still miiiiine) (923) Ferrago: (I have not used it yet) (1029) Niari: (Oh, right, forgot Morco went on the X-Wing. :D) (1029) Niari: (Reading comprehension fail.) (928) Seiko: "Well...?" She said, to Ferrago, waiting for some kind of reply from him (922) ShadowDragon8685: There were two walkers, two speeder bikes, and a landspeeder with a light cannon on it. (923) Ferrago: (sorry, I'm looking to see what we've got) (923) Ferrago: (as well as being bothered by like 3 other people) (949) Jen Vadur: ((Lol!)) (923) Ferrago: (We've got the Reek, the Nexu... I think the vehicles page is out of date) (1029) Niari: "There's the Reek and two Actis for use," Niari offered over the comms with a sigh. She left the Reek out, as she had grown slightly possessive of it thanks to spending plenty of time aboard it with Morco, and she didn't want this rude newcomer to sully it with her negativity. (922) ShadowDragon8685: ((The Vehicles page is a bit. Check the 'Jedi Assets' page)) (1029) Niari: (Er, she mentioned the NEXU not the Reek.) (928) Seiko: "The Reek, and two Actis? Care to explain what those are..?" (1029) Niari: "Did I say Reek? I meant Nexu." she grunted noncomittedly. (923) Ferrago: "Starfighters." (923) Ferrago: "We've also got a Lambda shuttle..." (928) Seiko: "Im surprised you named starfighters you arent actively using..." (923) Ferrago: "We didn't name them. They're model names." (922) ShadowDragon8685: That shuttle's going away, rememb er? (923) Ferrago: Oh yeah, sorry. (923) Ferrago: I forgot. (923) Ferrago: "Oh, scratch the Lambda, it's leaving..." (928) Seiko: "I see. Not familiar with any of them. What do you think i should use then, Niari?" (922) ShadowDragon8685: In fact, you see it launch out of the windows at the top of the main hold of the Phoenix. (923) Ferrago: (As is the X-Wing, right?) (922) ShadowDragon8685: ((No)) (922) ShadowDragon8685: ((Morco is taking Luke's X-Wing)) (922) ShadowDragon8685: ((Not Niari's)) (923) Ferrago: (AHHHH) (923) Ferrago: (Sorry, sorry) (1029) Niari: "Take the Actis," Niari muttered. "I don't care. Just don't break it." (928) Seiko: (I see the nexus and reek on the wiki page. What are the Actis under?) (923) Ferrago: (922) ShadowDragon8685: ">Here's the Jedi Assets page. (922) ShadowDragon8685: It's not completely complete, I haven't listed the speeders. (928) Seiko: "Hmm, lets see...." She says, pulling up the readout on the Phoenix Sunrises console "Hmm.... No. Not to sound ungrateful, but I think I'd much rather something with shields..." (923) Ferrago: "Uh." ** (949) Jen Vadur reflects in her cockpit ** (923) Ferrago: "Well..." (923) Ferrago: "There's the Phoenix..." he says quietly. (1029) Niari: "Too bad," the Lethan Twi'lek didn't relay that over the comms, though Diver most certainly head it. (928) Seiko: "I suppose then, that means either the Nexu or the Reek." (the reek requires two crew?) (922) ShadowDragon8685: ((Well, you can rig it all to the pilot's station)) (922) ShadowDragon8685: ((It loses a lot of flexibility with only one)) (1029) Niari: "Yes," Niari replied, her voice betraying her annoyance. "So take the Nexu and let's be on our way." (923) Ferrago: "Call me crazy, but I think you rubbed her the wrong way," Ferrago says to Seiko after Niari's rather sharp reply. (923) Ferrago: Not over comms, of course. (1029) Niari: (Of course. :D) (928) Seiko: "The Nexu it is." She said with a nod. She looks at Ferrago and shrugs "Well feel free to go rub her the other way if thats how you feel." (949) Jen Vadur: ((Wow she's stubborn!)) (923) Ferrago: Ferrago takes a deep breath. "Listen, kiddo. I know maybe you think it's not fair to get stuck with a ragtag group like ours, because you're too good for us, or what ever your gripe may be. But truth be told, I don't think most of us are too keen being stuck with a schutta. So as long as you're sticking around, and that could be a while, you might try lightening up." ** (952) Zalana takes a seat on the Phoenix and begins to absent-mindedly fiddle with ther recently-reacquired lightsaber. ** (922) ShadowDragon8685: ((Not very tactically-minded, either. She took a clearly inferior starfighter based solely on one metric of measurement - a metric measurement that could have been easily modified)) (923) Ferrago: "'Cause I just met you, and I already had it up to here." (928) Seiko: "...what in the world is a Scutta?" (1074) Angelica (enter): 21:40 (922) ShadowDragon8685: Do you speak Rodian? (928) Seiko: Seiko asks, blowing past everything he said (928) Seiko: (nope) (922) ShadowDragon8685: Best not to ask, then. (923) Ferrago: "Look it up." (949) Jen Vadur: ((Lol)) (928) Seiko: (Well, she took the nexu starfighter cause its obvious they didnt want her to use the reek.) (1074) Angelica (exit): 21:42 (928) Seiko: "Nah, lost interest in it already. Anyway, if you mean for me to go have a talk with her, I think it'd pretty much be pointless." (923) Ferrago: "You know something? You're probably right. Sorry to have taken up your time." (923) Ferrago: He turns and walks back to the Phoenix. Jedi thoughts, Ferrago, Jedi thoughts... (928) Seiko: "Not at all." She said with a smile, as she boarded the Nexu (952) Zalana: [1d4] => [4] = (4) (952) Zalana: (( whoops )) (1029) Niari: "Ready to go, Ferrago? Jen?" (949) Jen Vadur: "Ready!" Jen replies through her commlink (923) Ferrago: "Ready as I'll get." ** (952) Zalana looks up a bit from her fiddling, not really noticing when she activated the weapon. ** (952) Zalana: "Whoa..! Um, sorry! my bad!" (922) ShadowDragon8685: Alone and unloved, companionless, the companion cube weeps in the cargo bay.... J/K.. (928) Seiko: "Never piloted a ship quite like this before, but im ready." ** (952) Zalana tries to clean the brun seat as best she can. ** (1029) Niari: "Alright, Dive - off to Mon Calamari," as usual - Niari is the first to lift off from the landing pad once she has clearance - taking off into orbit around Yavin IV to wait for the others. (922) ShadowDragon8685: The green-skinned Twi'lek has been watching this display, mute as always. She looks as if she's giggling when she sees Zalana scorch the seat with a lightsaber. (949) Jen Vadur: ((That re-installation is taking quite some time... should we wait for Nico or not?)) (922) ShadowDragon8685: ((Nah.)) (922) ShadowDragon8685: ((He's having to purge all of Python. (949) Jen Vadur: ((I see)) (923) Ferrago: (Oh, ugh.) (922) ShadowDragon8685: Anyway, I guess Zalana is flying the Phoenix Sunrise? ** (952) Zalana quickly shifts over to sit on top of the burn. ** (949) Jen Vadur: "Here we go Benign, Mon Calamari this time around... set coordinates." Jen takes off and waits in orbit with Niari (923) Ferrago: "Still waiting for that mission to Zeltros..." (923) Ferrago: "One of these days..." (922) ShadowDragon8685: ((Keep it up, I'll give you a mission to Zeltros...)) (1086) Niari (enter): 21:56 (1086) Niari: (One of these days I'm going to have a stable internet connection.) Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (1086) Niari... (922) ShadowDragon8685: All right, any way... (949) Jen Vadur: ((Hehe, shame)) ** (949) Jen Vadur holds thumbs ** (928) Seiko: Seiko settles into orbit along with the other two, just waiting for the Phoenix (949) Jen Vadur: ((OOC oof course)) (949) Jen Vadur: ((*of)) (923) Ferrago: Ferrago settles into the copilot's seat with Zalana. "Like the ship?" (922) ShadowDragon8685: Anyway, Seiko, you get the brown starfighter and a bright yellow R3 unit; R3-H7, feminine programming, nickname "Heaven" (952) Zalana: "Oh fvery much sir! It is wonderful!" (922) ShadowDragon8685: The long, tall bomber's got a twin-laser cannon under the nose, a big, booming demi-turbolaser cannon, and a pittance of proton torpedoes. (923) Ferrago: "No need to call me sir. It's Ferrago." (923) Ferrago: "You're a lot more chipper than your friend." (952) Zalana: "I tlike to take life pretty lightly" (952) Zalana: "besides, I'm a Jedi now! Helping people all over! I can't be sad knowing that!" (923) Ferrago: Ferrago has to hold back a chuckle. Her good mood is infectious. "Nice to meet someone with such a zest for life. Truth be told, the life of a Jedi can take you to some dark places at times." (922) ShadowDragon8685: Anyway, plottig a course to the Mon Calamari system isn't hard. (952) Zalana: "I don't doubt it. My old job was a lot like it. So I had to find a way to deal with it. " whispering to Niari, You get a text message on your screen, not from Diver. It's Kya, wondering if she can speak to you telepathically across hyperspace. (923) Ferrago: "Old job? What did you used to do?" (952) Zalana: "I was a peace officer back home. It was 90% boredom, with 10% abject fear." (952) Zalana: "I had to keep reminding myself that I had to keep pushing ahead." (928) Seiko: "Hmm..." Seiko says over the comms, as she runs through the ships systems "This thing sure has alot of firepower. Any reason you had this in storage up till now?" (952) Zalana: "If I let myself slack because of self-pity or fear, then the bad guys win, and nobody wants that." (952) Zalana: "But enough about little ol me." (923) Ferrago: "I wish I had your disposition." (922) ShadowDragon8685: As you familarize yourselves with being in space again, your sensors read launches from Yavin IV. Niari, Jen and Seiko (and then the Phoenix) joined the shuttle in orbit, navigating through the field of orbiting supplies. (922) ShadowDragon8685: The Raven's Claw and Millenium Falcon and Luke's X-Wing with Morco aboard seem to be rubbernecking in a race out of Yavin IV's gravity well, catching up the Phoenix. ** (952) Zalana smiles. ** (922) ShadowDragon8685: It seems, by the way, that the heavily-modified hyperdrive rings that came with the Eta-2s - the ones with onboard astromechs - have been put to work cargo shepherding. (1086) Niari: Niari opens up a quick comm channel to Morco, having spent quite a time with him aboard the Reek, "Good luck, Morco. May the Force be with you," she offers before jumping into hyperspace to Mon Calamari. (1086) Niari: "Well, at least we're getting some use out of them," Niari tosses back to Diver as the astromech does his work. (922) ShadowDragon8685: They only seem to be the tip of the wave of launching vessels; you soon lose track as all the ships begin to launch - the Y-Wing from the hangar, a smaller space transport bearing the markings of the Royal House of Hapes, three, four, five more of the Yavin Runner Shuttles... (922) ShadowDragon8685: Seems that with the fuel crisis resolved, the Jedi are heading out in force again; even the Khar Ashim and that tanker are breaking orbit; crewed albiet mostly by droids, and most likely on a supply run. (928) Seiko: "A party and they didnt invite us? How thoughtless..." (922) ShadowDragon8685: Everybody seems to be going in different directions. (922) ShadowDragon8685: Which would mean you were in fact, the first guests invited. (922) ShadowDragon8685: very soon, once aligning and setting your courses, your astromechs make a last double-check of the courses as ships start to leap out of the Yavin system; the Falcon makes the jump to lightspeed first; whomever was at the stick was really hot-dogging it, followed shortly by your coordinated group-jump. (1023) Mikal: Disconnecting from server... (1023) Mikal (exit): 22:15 (922) ShadowDragon8685: From Yavin IV, the hyperspace trip to Mon Calamari isn't actually all that far, thankfully; with the class-1 hyperdrives on all your vessels, you easily make the trip in handful of change over a day, long before anyone really needs to get out and have a stroll 'round the Phoenix, hence, you don't need to pull a mid-flight stop and dock. (1095) King of Spades (enter): 22:18 (923) Ferrago: (I'll brb) (928) Seiko: Clicking on the comm "Well now, that wasent so bad. This things got a bit of speed to it too, it seems." She says, stretching her arms and legs inside the cockpitt, best as she can, anyway." (922) ShadowDragon8685: It's a tall cockpit built with the understanding that it might be used by people who aren't strictly human, so it's got relatively a plethora of room for you to stretch in, especially with no gunner. (1086) Niari: Niari continues to ignore Seiko, her mind elsewhere. Every now and then she adjust the consoles, trying to familiarize herself with the new ship after spending the last two weeks with the Reek. (949) Jen Vadur: "You see, you're gonna fall in love with her." (922) ShadowDragon8685: Anyway, the Mon Calamari system is hugely busy; no-where you've ever been before as Jedi has had this kind of population. (949) Jen Vadur: ((To Seiko)) (922) ShadowDragon8685: The orbital shipyards are vast, and more; they seem to be full past the brim. (949) Jen Vadur: "Would you look at that..." (922) ShadowDragon8685: There's one huge space station central to it all - an Alliance Space Station Mk. 5, with rows upon rows of stardocks and construction yards stretching around the planet - you pass huge hull after huge hull of the beautiful, organic-looking Mon Calamari built vessels, from the relatively small MC30 frigates all the way up to the MC 80s. (922) ShadowDragon8685: It soon becomes interesting to note that all of the MC30s and MC80 star cruisers are broadcasting IFF tags belonging to the Mon Calamari Defense Fleet; but there's a huge number of them! (922) ShadowDragon8685: More, it seems, than one would think the legendary shipbuilding world would have to itself, even. (949) Jen Vadur: "These guys seem to be readying for something... or pirate numbers are high here." (928) Seiko: "Or both." She adds (922) ShadowDragon8685: No pirate activity could explain this - this is enough firepower to fight off a Super-Star Destroyer and it's escorts. (923) Ferrago: (back) (1086) Niari: "I was just about to say the same thing," Niari's agreed with Jen. (922) ShadowDragon8685: You also note that a lot of them seem to be in low-power mode, many of them being anchored at space-dock. (928) Seiko: "Yeah. So... anyone else want to take a guess how this is connected to that Akbar fellow?" (922) ShadowDragon8685: One in particular at the far end is larger than the others; while most (though not all) of them seem to be of the winged sort, this one is a bit larger than the other tubular ones, and it's IFF is indicating that it is Home One. (1029) Niari (exit): 22:26 (949) Jen Vadur: "Somehow I feel too feel this is connected to Ackbar." (949) Jen Vadur: ((Lol, typo)) (949) Jen Vadur: ((Somehow I too feel...)) (922) ShadowDragon8685: So, where would you like to go - to the space station, or to Dac City? (1086) Niari: "No use in making assumptions," Niari murmurs. "Ferrago, want to open the comms to see if Ackbar is on the station?" (923) Ferrago: "Let's not jump to any conclusions until we get down there." (923) Ferrago: "Can do." Ferrago opens a comm channel. (928) Seiko: "Anyone got a hint as to where he is? Station or the City?" (949) Jen Vadur: "We'll find out soon enough." (922) ShadowDragon8685: "This is Dac Station 1 Traffic Control. We have you and your escorts on our scopes, Phoenix Sunrise. What can we do for you today?" The voice speaking is that of a droid, but a very high-quality voice. (923) Ferrago: "We're looking for someone. Can you tell us if Ackbar on board?" (923) Ferrago: *is (922) ShadowDragon8685: ""Unfortunately, due to the high volume of traffic, I cannot take the time to research your querry, Phoenix Sunrise. Would you like to land and querry our command personel in person, or would you like me to transfer your comm-call?" (949) Jen Vadur: ((Hmmm, tough call... maybe we should speak to the command personnel)) (949) Jen Vadur: "I think the command personnel might know where to look..." (922) ShadowDragon8685: He was offering to transfer your comm-call to them so you didn't have to land to ask. (923) Ferrago: "Alright, we'll land. Will the command personnel have time to see us?" (923) Ferrago: oh, fine then (949) Jen Vadur: ((Erk)) (922) ShadowDragon8685: Okay, so... (922) ShadowDragon8685: You want to wait for the call, or meet in person? (923) Ferrago: Call. (922) ShadowDragon8685: "Affirmative, Phoenix Sunrise. Please proceed with your escorts to the holding pattern." They give you navigational data leading you to a high holding pattern above the shipyards to the starboard side of the station, assuming it's front is facing away from the planet Dac, below. (1102) Niari (enter): 22:40 Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (1102) Niari... (1102) Niari: (>.>) (1102) Niari: (Grr.0 (922) ShadowDragon8685: You have a wait of about a half an hour before your comms light up with a vid-screen call containing holo data. You can take it in the main hold or at the bridge or in the comm room. (922) ShadowDragon8685: You could also have docked the fighters and boarded their pilots for the time being. (922) ShadowDragon8685: Which seems like a good idea. (922) ShadowDragon8685: Any objections to that? (949) Jen Vadur: ((None)) (949) Jen Vadur: ((I'd like to be present)) (923) Ferrago: (Nah, sounds good.) (1102) Niari: (None here, Niari'll follow Ferrago's lead.) (922) ShadowDragon8685: T3-TT routes the holoprojection communication to the main hold of the Phoenix Sunrise. An image of a Mon Calamari male wearing a blue uniform appears, from mid-chest up, in the air above the holotable. "This is Commander Dacar," he introduces himself. "I apologize for the wait; what search may we assist you with?" (923) Ferrago: "Thank you for taking the time to speak with us, Commander. We're looking for Ackbar. Is he on board the station?" (1095) King of Spades: Disconnecting from server... (1095) King of Spades (exit): 22:45 (922) ShadowDragon8685: "Ackbar." The MonCal blinks his large, wide-set eyes. "You're seeking Ackbar. May I ask why?" (1102) Niari: Niari has seated herself on one of the plush chairs up against the main hold's walls, leaning forward as she watches Ferrago and Dacar. (923) Ferrago: "We're Jedi, from the Academy. Master Skywalker sent us to speak with him." (923) Ferrago: "I'm sorry, Commander. Is that a problem?" ** (949) Jen Vadur leans against the wall with her arms crossed ** (922) ShadowDragon8685: Dacar's eyes don't go any wider, but he seems slightly surprised, and nods. "Very well, let me -" He's interrupted by a shout from behind him, as a vessel hyperspaces in close to the station, an MC30 frigate with an escort of A-Wings. "Damn," the commander complains, and orders a subordinate to find them a berth. "I apologize, things are rather busy at the moment. Ackbar is not aboard the station, but there is a comm-code you can reach him, and -... Oh, pardon me," he says, looking down. "High priority call, give me a moment." ** (952) Zalana shifts uneasily ** (923) Ferrago: "Of course." (922) ShadowDragon8685: He mutes the sound, and you get to see him turn to his left, addressing someone else. This time he definitely shows surprise, and nods, saluting the person or call. When he turns back to you and unmutes it, you recieve a data transmission. (928) Seiko: "Whats got you so busy anyway? You guys just brought out the toys to play or did you decide to throw a party without telling anyone?" Seiko asks (922) ShadowDragon8685: "That was Ackbar; he was monitoring the call. He's willing to meet you." (949) Jen Vadur: ((Lol)) (949) Jen Vadur: ""That sure is interesting..." (923) Ferrago: Ferrago looks a little surprised. "Uhh, well, good." (922) ShadowDragon8685: The flight data you were given directs you to land in the port-forward landing bay of Home One. ** (949) Jen Vadur exits the Phoenix and heads for Home One in her N-1 ** (922) ShadowDragon8685: The station commander bows, seeing that you have what you came for, and ends the call with "may the Force be with you." (928) Seiko: "Very interesting. Now what about my question?" (922) ShadowDragon8685: Oh, no you don't. Sorry. (922) ShadowDragon8685: "Returns," he says. "All the vessels we built for the Alliance are being returned." (928) Seiko: "Because... they wouldnt loan you their lawnmower till you returned that fleet you'd borrowed..?" (922) ShadowDragon8685: He looks quite offended by the flippancy. "We have recalled the vessels. I apologize, but I have pressing matters to attend to." He severs the communications call. (1102) Niari: "What is your problem?" Niari glares at Seiko. (949) Jen Vadur: ((Lol, here we go)) (928) Seiko: "Oh cmon. Have you no sense of humor?" (1102) Niari: "I do. I also have manners and tact." (923) Ferrago: "It was a little funny," Ferrago says quietly. (1102) Niari: "Not when it reflects poorly on the Academy, Ferrago." (928) Seiko: "Oh lighten up a bit..." (922) ShadowDragon8685: Well, perhaps you should be glad she only offended a mere space station commander, and not, say, the guy you came here to visit? (949) Jen Vadur: "I think Niari is right Seiko, fun can be had elsewhere." (922) ShadowDragon8685: Unless, of course, he was still monitoring the call... (1102) Niari: "You lighten up and lose the attitude, it's already grown tiring." She rises and storms out of the hold - heading for her X-Wing. (949) Jen Vadur: "Oh my," Jen thinks, luckily in her ship already (1102) Niari: She stews for a moment in her cockpit before disengaging with the Sunrise and heading for the port-forward landing bay of the Home One. (1108) Joe (enter): 23:02 (928) Seiko: "Well, I guess we should go do what it is we came here to do!" (923) Ferrago: "Just try to keep your mouth in check." (923) Ferrago: "I don't wanna offend any more people today." (928) Seiko: "Alright alright, ill let you guys do mots of the talking..." (922) ShadowDragon8685: Hey guys, question. (922) ShadowDragon8685: Y'all wanna break and grab dinner and bring it back? (928) Seiko: (im good either way!) (1102) Niari: Break sounds good. (923) Ferrago: (I just did.) (923) Ferrago: (But a break is good.) (952) Zalana: (( Yeah )) (922) ShadowDragon8685: Okay, let's take a break. (949) Jen Vadur: ((Break's fine with me)) (922) ShadowDragon8685: Meet back here in, say... (922) ShadowDragon8685: How long do you think it'll take to grab something? (949) Jen Vadur: ((Busy with some music stuffies anyway...) (922) ShadowDragon8685: I certainly won't be more than ten minutes. (949) Jen Vadur: ((20...)) (922) ShadowDragon8685: Well... (949) Jen Vadur: ((Ok 10 it is)) (922) ShadowDragon8685: Mmmh. (922) ShadowDragon8685: Nah, let's go with the long estimate. (922) ShadowDragon8685: Will twenty be enough time for everyone? (1102) Niari: (I'll be here. Got my snacks all ready.) (949) Jen Vadur: ((Right then)) (952) Zalana: (( yeah, plenty )) (952) Zalana: (( okay brb )) (922) ShadowDragon8685: All right. For the Jedi, it is time to eat too. (949) Jen Vadur: ((Lol, I wish)) (949) Jen Vadur: ((Hehe, yum!)) (1086) Niari (exit): 23:09 (922) ShadowDragon8685: All right, I'll be back in a bit. Running to go grab something at the store. (928) Seiko: (guess ill go grab a quick snack myself) (923) Ferrago: Must be nice to live in civilization. Me, if I went to get something at the store, it would take an hour and a half at the very least. (1102) Niari: (Where the heck do you live?) (923) Ferrago: (Middle of scenic nowhere. My only neighbors are a couple of cattle farmers.) (923) Ferrago: (I wish I were joking.) (949) Jen Vadur: ((Wow, but where though... even though I suck at geographical America)) (923) Ferrago: (In Mississippi, near the border into Tennessee) (1102) Niari: (:D) (949) Jen Vadur: ((Kewl man)) (923) Ferrago: (That's down south, if you didn't know) (949) Jen Vadur: ((Ok... now I do know, hehe)) (928) Seiko: (Im the complete reverse. I dont even drive most of the time here) (949) Jen Vadur: ((What's it like there... hot?)) (928) Seiko: (Everything is walking distance) (949) Jen Vadur: ((Where you Seiko, in Canada?)) (923) Ferrago: (No, I do not have a Confederate flag, I do wear shoes, and I... Well, I do own a shotgun. That's practically a necessity though, given all the wild animals down here.) (949) Jen Vadur: ((What?!)) (949) Jen Vadur: ((That's scary...)) (923) Ferrago: (Speaking of which, I am not looking forward to cleaning up that mess of horse feed... Something got into their food. I'm guessing opossums, could be any number of things though.) (949) Jen Vadur: ((Whoa, culture shock!)) (949) Jen Vadur: ((So where are you Seiko?)) (949) Jen Vadur: ((That's to say if she hasn't gone walking yet...)) (1102) Niari: O.o (923) Ferrago: (Probably the scariest wild animal encounter I've had was when a couple of stray pitbulls came after our dogs. One of them got his jaw shot halfway off and still didn't run away.) (949) Jen Vadur: ((Holy effing sh*t... that's scary man!)) (923) Ferrago: (Yes, yes it is) (928) Seiko: (Sorry. Back. I live in NY) (949) Jen Vadur: ((Ah, the big apple... lots going on there)) (949) Jen Vadur: ((I'm officially the only one not in the US, apart from Nico who's in England, hehe)) (923) Ferrago: (How's it over there in South Africa?) (922) ShadowDragon8685: Sorry, the GM is back (949) Jen Vadur: ((It's really hot these days)) (949) Jen Vadur: ((WB)) (928) Seiko: Wb (922) ShadowDragon8685: TY. (949) Jen Vadur: ((But all's good thanks)) (1102) Niari: (Still here. ;) ) (922) ShadowDragon8685: I has a bagel with egg of chicken, meat of pig and dairy product of cow. (1102) Niari: (Wb, btw.) (922) ShadowDragon8685: Thanks (949) Jen Vadur: ((Lol!)) (922) ShadowDragon8685: Anyway, you guys all present, accounted for, and ready to land? (949) Jen Vadur: ((For a second there I thought what the hell's milk doing on that bagel... hehe)) (949) Jen Vadur: ((Yep!!)) (922) ShadowDragon8685: Heh. Processed dairy product of cow. :) (923) Ferrago: (Yuppers.) (952) Zalana: (( back )) (922) ShadowDragon8685: WB, Zala. (922) ShadowDragon8685: Anyway, *ahem* (922) ShadowDragon8685: It's a given that you've all seen Home One before, in history holos - if not as children, than on this journey. It would be impossible to not notice the connection of Ackbar and the ship, which he retained as his flagship even after larger and more powerful vessels were available to the New Republic, such as the MC90 cruiser class, or the captured Star Destroyers, any of which he could have made his flag. Hell, he could easily have taken Lusankya itself. (922) ShadowDragon8685: For some of you, this is, amazingly, not the largest capital vessel you've eer been on. Ferrago and Niari were present aboard Lusankya when the crew who flew back from Tatooine with the Phoenix Sunrise chose to land on Lusankya to get the injured Niari the best medical treatment available, whereas Zalana has almost certainly had an opportunity to tread her hooves on the deck of a Kalum Mining Corporation Planet Cracker, a starship as large as a Super-Star Destroyer, and whose function is pretty damn obvious. (922) ShadowDragon8685: Nevetheless, Home One is a huge behemoth of a vessel, easily dwarfing your small snubfighters and space transport, and easily the largest vessel currently in the Dac system. (928) Seiko: '"Home one huh? I cant imagine that name isnt relevant..." ** (952) Zalana whistles long and low ** (922) ShadowDragon8685: You are guided by the navigational data into the port forward hangar bay; within the hangar bay, which it lit but eerily barren, you are directed to land by labor droids wielding glowsticks, wihle R-series astromechs wheel around; notably, there are R4 units with large flashing lights atop their tall, pyramidal heads delinating your landing spaces. (922) ShadowDragon8685: Notable is the apparent lack of sentient crew. No fighters, no hangar techs, just a mess of astromechs... And one Mon Calamari, wearing a bright white spacer's outfit. (949) Jen Vadur: "Set down over there Benign," Jen indicates to a space close to the Lusankya (922) ShadowDragon8685: .... Wait, what? (949) Jen Vadur: ((Erm...)) (922) ShadowDragon8685: Reading fail. :) (923) Ferrago: What (923) Ferrago: Home One (949) Jen Vadur: ((Confusion!!)) (923) Ferrago: or (923) Ferrago: We're landing IN the Home One (922) ShadowDragon8685: Home One is a capital starship which you're landing on. Lusankya is a much bigger vessel which is not present. (922) ShadowDragon8685: I was mentioning it because Niari and Ferrago have been aboard her (949) Jen Vadur: ((Lol... sorry about that)) (949) Jen Vadur: "...onto Home One it is Benign." (928) Seiko: Seiko lands and departs from the Reek, eyeing the Mon Calamari dressed in white "Could that be Akbar..?" She wondered softly aloud to herself (1102) Niari: Niari carefully maneuvers her X-Wing (still spotless, thankfully), down to one of the landing spaces. With a quick set of instructions to Diver to adjust a few more of the console functions (as Niari was being very particular about things), Niari slides opent he cockpit and lightly hops out. (1122) Blek (enter): 23:46 (922) ShadowDragon8685: Diver beeps in the affirmative, as does Diver. As you exit your starships, the Mon Calamari standing in the bay bows to you. "Hello," he says, his voice thick. "Welcome to Home One. You have come to see me, I heard?" (922) ShadowDragon8685: The ship is cool, and feels humid. (923) Ferrago: Ferrago helps Zalana set the Phoenix down, and extends the landing ramp. (928) Seiko: "Admiral Akbar I take it?" Seiko says, nodding as she approaches (923) Ferrago: er, exit ramp (1102) Niari: "Yes sir," Niari nodded to the Calamari. "Master Skywalker said we could learn from you..." (923) Ferrago: He leaves the transport and goes to greet Ackbar with the others. (1102) Niari: (*Mon Calamari) (1122) Blek: Disconnecting from server... (1122) Blek (exit): 23:49 ** (949) Jen Vadur moves to stand beside Ferrago and Niari and nods in greeting ** (922) ShadowDragon8685: "Just Ackbar," the old Admiral answers, holding flippered his hand up. "He did, did he?" The old Mon Calamari chuckles quietly. "Well... I don't know what he expects an old fish like me to know that you young ones would find useful, but my home is that of my friends, and my friends' friends." He bows his head. (922) ShadowDragon8685: ((err, as does Beingin, I meant)) (949) Jen Vadur: ((Hehe, that's ok)) (949) Jen Vadur: "The pleasure is ours..." (1102) Niari: "My thanks, Master Ackbar." She returns the bow and gives a start, "Oh, my apologies - I have forgotten to introduce myself. I'm Niari." (922) ShadowDragon8685: Ackbar nods to Niari. "And I am pleased to host the pupils of my friend. I am afraid my home, such as it is, has not been prepared for guests, but I will have that remidied most hastily." (928) Seiko: Seiko glances over at Niari and then bows slightly herself "Seiko, Jedi Knight in Training." (923) Ferrago: Ferrago gives a slight bow. "I'm Ferrago. It's an honor to meet you in person." (1102) Niari: "And this is," she glances around for the younger, mute Twi'lek. "Kya?" ** (952) Zalana bows, then does a little wave. ** (922) ShadowDragon8685: Kya's behind you, as usual. She nods, bowing to the Admiral, who bows back. "Welcome, welcome," he says, (1097) Veiled (enter): 23:59 (922) ShadowDragon8685: "Please, come. I will have quarters made ready for you most hastily," Ackbar says, turning to lead you. It's pretty obvious he's not moving as fast as he once could have. (922) ShadowDragon8685: He also speaks sidelong to a red-edged, white R3 unit, who whistles in acknowledgement, ** (949) Jen Vadur follows Ackbar ** (1102) Niari: Niari moves along after Ackbar, eyes scanning the surroundings curiously. (928) Seiko: "If you dont mind my asking, why do you have so many droids, and where is the rest of the Mon Calmari crew?" (923) Ferrago: Ferrago follows. (922) ShadowDragon8685: "I am the only one," Ackbar answers, heavily, sounding weary. (922) ShadowDragon8685: "I bought the droids to keep the vessel in good repair," he adds. ** (952) Zalana stares at the droids, trying to get a beter look at their designs without interrupting their tasks. ** (1102) Niari: Niari bites her lower lip thoughtfully, unsure of what to say. (928) Seiko: "I know. My real question was why are you the only one?" (923) Ferrago: Ferrago doesn (923) Ferrago: 't comment, but he's glad someone asked. He wondered the same thing. (922) ShadowDragon8685: They're standard R-series astromechs. Many of them seem to be -4s, -5s and -6s, with R2s and R3s apparently serving as regulators and controllers for the generally-considered-less-capable models. (922) ShadowDragon8685: Ackbar takes in a deep breath, and sighs. "When the new Cheif of State had me put on trial, it infuriated the Mon Calamari people," he says, sadly. "After my aquittal, the Mon Calamari defense forces decided to revoke their good graces in allowing the New Republic to continue to use the vessels we built for the Rebel Alliance, and repossessed them." (922) ShadowDragon8685: He takes another breath, seeming embaressed. "They chose to give Home One to me as a gift." (928) Seiko: "That sounds like a bit of an over reaction to me. I take it you feel the same way?" (1102) Niari: "It seems your people take great pride in you, Master Ackbar," Niari offered kindly. (949) Jen Vadur: ((Hard questions Seiko... might get interesting)) (922) ShadowDragon8685: Ackbar sighs, again, and nods. "I feel the situation is... Unfortunate. And yes; the gift of the vessel is... Embaressing, though I've worked my entire late life aboard her." (922) ShadowDragon8685: He's led you to a meeting room aft of the bridge, with a broad, oval table in the middle. Like all of the vessel, it's painted a bright white; the heat comes up, and the room's moisture content starts to go down a moment after he enters. "Please, sit. Would you care for refreshments, or something to eat?" (949) Jen Vadur: "That would be most kind of you." (949) Jen Vadur: ((Can't turn him down just because we've already eaten, hehe)) (922) ShadowDragon8685: ((Heh.)) (1102) Niari: Niari followed along behind, staying quiet. She was still unsure of the finer intricacies of the nature of people, which is why she tended to trust Ferrago's judgement in convincing others. She makes herself comfortable at a seat around the table, "A glass of water would be fine, Master Ackbar," she glanced at Kya, lekku moving inquisitively. (923) Ferrago: (Since when did Ferrago become the talker?) (928) Seiko: "So what is it you plan to do now?" (922) ShadowDragon8685: Ackbar nods, and sits at one end of the table. "I'll see to it," he says, and the red-edged astromech (apparently serving as a secretary or aide,) beeps appropriately. When Seiko asks that question, he sighs, heavily. "I don't know," he answers, wearily. (928) Seiko: "I dont suppose yoy would mind mentoring us for a short time...?" She asks, raising an eyebrow (923) Ferrago: "Well, I'm glad Master SKywalker sent us here. Surely a legend like you has a lot to teach us." (923) Ferrago: *Skywalker (922) ShadowDragon8685: Ackbar nods. "While I don't know what an old fish like myself has to teach a pack of young Jedi, I would be remiss as a host to fail to impart what knowledge you may find useful," he answers. "As for what I was planning to do... I still have not decided. I've been thinking of converting her back into an explorer. (1102) Niari: "Hrmm," Niari recalled Luke's thought that there might be something else going on here. She inhaled deeply and stretched out her thoughts. (922) ShadowDragon8685: ((Zalana's ORPG just crashed out on her)) (1102) Niari: "Tactics," Niari replied to Ackbar - her voice somewhat distant. "I don't think any of us are well versed in large-scale tactics...." (923) Ferrago: (Aw, that sucks) (923) Ferrago: (Can she get it back up?) (922) ShadowDragon8685: ((Yeah, she's working on it)) (949) Jen Vadur: ((Shame man)) (928) Seiko: Seiko looks at Niari, as she takes the obvious route "Well theres more to it then just that really..." (922) ShadowDragon8685: "Oh?" Ackbar asks at Seiko, whilst answering Niari, "While I've no doubt there are other, more qualified teachers, I've been in a few such engagements. I might have some pointers to give you," he says. (1133) Zalana (enter): 00:23 (1102) Niari: (Wb, Zalana.) (1133) Zalana: (( thanks )) (949) Jen Vadur: ((Wb)) (922) ShadowDragon8685: ((Sorry, hang on. I missed a PM)) (928) Seiko: "Theres always more to it, nothing ever simple nowadays... hopefully while we're here, maybe we can try and clear things up with this whole conflict as well.": (1108) Joe (exit): 00:26 (922) ShadowDragon8685: "Mmmmh. That would be a feat," Ackbar replies, with a sigh, as food and refreshments arrive from the galley, born by an ASP-series labor droid awkwardly functioning as a waiter. It's brought trays with a deeply delicious-smelling seafood soup, bread, and glasses of water, quite cool. It moves very, very slowly, as if handling ordinance, but dispenses the meals to everyone and departs. (922) ShadowDragon8685: "I fear the new Chief of State seems to have his heart set on offending a great many people. He didn't even raise a protest when the Mon Calamari people announced they were reclaiming their vessels. I believe his words were "good riddance to those money sinks."." (928) Seiko: (whos the new head of state again?) (1102) Niari: "I guess he is of the erroneous belief that the Galaxy is safe now that the Empire is gone," Niari frowned. (923) Ferrago: "I still have no idea how Fey'lya got elected. He has a lot of nerve attacking the heroes who brought down the Empire. Without people like you and Master Skywalker, there would be no New Republic for him to ruin, after all." (949) Jen Vadur: "This much is true..." (922) ShadowDragon8685: ((Borsk Fey'lya, a bothan pursuing an aggresively libertarian policy - when he's not funneling money to Bothan interest.)) (928) Seiko: (and how DID this hack get elected anyway?) (922) ShadowDragon8685: ((That's a mystery to everyone - including Leia Organa-Solo)) (922) ShadowDragon8685: ((Deep corruption and a promise of vastly cut governmental taxation and tarrifs most likely)) (922) ShadowDragon8685: Ackbar sighs. "No-one is above reproach, Ferrago... But his choice to rapidly downsize the military is a mistake. His choice to revoke the Republic's support for the Jedi order is also a mistake." (1136) Sith Happens (enter): 00:33 (922) ShadowDragon8685: "He ordered me placed on trial for 'misallocation of military resources,' which meant that I had chosen to allocate them in a way he would not have approved of. This is true; I knew that there was only a limited amount of time before he was elected, and if elected, he would order all aid to the Jedi ceased. Hence, I ordered the Lusankya fleet to support the Jedi's reconstruction as hard and as long as they could, up until the moment he could issue countermanding orders." (928) Seiko: "We're a huge part of why theres even a new republic to begin with..." (1102) Niari: "Have you considered serving as the Mon Calamari representative to the Republic as a forum to make your own argument against these policies?" (1136) Sith Happens: Disconnecting from server... (1136) Sith Happens (exit): 00:35 (922) ShadowDragon8685: Ackbar sighs. "I know this, we all know this, Seiko. But I believe that Fey'lya considers myself and the rest of the 'old rebels' to have outlived their usefulness, much like the Alliance to Restore the Republic had once the New Republic was founded." He then looks at Niari, and closes his eyes. "I fear I am not a very good politician. I would not wish to impose upon the people of Dac by asking them to send me to the senate only to poorly serve them." (949) Jen Vadur: "How do you think we can make Fey'lya approve of our use to the Republic?" (952) Zalana (exit): 00:37 (1102) Niari: "Not a good politican?" Niari scoffed in good jest, "And yet you read Fey'lya well enough to realize what he was going to do, and acted before he had a chance to issue a counter-order." (949) Jen Vadur: "I agree to that, you make quite a politician if you can outwit someone like that." (923) Ferrago: "Convince him to approve of our use? Oh, but that we did not have to kowtow to that monkey-lizard..." (922) ShadowDragon8685: Ackbar chuckles softly. "When you've been in the military a long time, you determine a sense of which way the current flows. as for Fey'lya... I imagine he has no wish to see any more of me." (928) Seiko: "Im starting to feel the same way about him honestly...." (1102) Niari: "Which is all the more reason to join in the political fight, Master Ackbar. After all - a position would force him to listen to you. And when the people hear your views - they'll quickly realize he isn (1102) Niari: 't what the Galaxy needs..." (922) ShadowDragon8685: Ackbar nods. "In truth, I would be glad never to see him again." (923) Ferrago: "Just recently, we had to go on a mission to retrieve a stolen shield generator, just so we would have some basic means of defense. All the enemies we've made for this Republic, all the times we've stuck our necks out, and Fey'lya leaves us high and dry? There are children at that Academy." (1135) Eric N. (enter): 00:41 (949) Jen Vadur: "As would we all." (922) ShadowDragon8685: Again, the old admiral takes in a deep breath, and blinks. It takes him some time. "I know, I know. Withrawing the Republic's support for the Jedi was a horrible mistake. Believe me," he says, drawing in a labored breath, "I know all about how much the Jedi have done for this New Republic." (922) ShadowDragon8685: "But, like the rest of the military, he considers the Jedi to have... Outlived their usefulness. He believes that there are no longer any threats remaining which require the Jedi - or a vast military - to counter." (1102) Niari: "Perhaps we should let Master Ackbar get some rest, it's been a long day..." (928) Seiko: "Whats the harm in keeping us around anyway? If hes right, no big deal... if hes wrong, it leaves the republic all but defenseless." (922) ShadowDragon8685: "It is a tragically short-sightedly position of him to take, but he insists that if it is no longer nessessary, it should be excised, to save the funds which would be spent on it..." He blinks, and nods his head. "It has been. I would not care to leave my guests at the table, however," he dithers. (1102) Niari: "I'm sure we can find our way around - besides, I'd kind of like to explore if that's alright with you." (923) Ferrago: "He just doesn't want to finance our needs, nor does he trust us. There are some governments, I'm sure, that also do not approve of us, and I don't doubt he wants to please them." (923) Ferrago: "The man is so greedy, I think his mother must be a Hutt." (1135) Eric N.: Disconnecting from server... (1135) Eric N. (exit): 00:47 (923) Ferrago: "Regardless, perhaps we should not speak of current politics." (923) Ferrago: "I tend to forget I'm a Jedi and turn into a Rodian when I think of it." (949) Jen Vadur: ((Lol!)) (922) ShadowDragon8685: Ackbar takes a deep breath... And nods. He looks to his R3 unit, which beeps affirmatively, and he nods again. "The quarters I ordered be prepared for you are prepared. I shall lead you to them, if you please; and of course, my home is your home, my guests have the run of my castle." (949) Jen Vadur: "Thank you Ackbar, we will make ourselves at home." ** (949) Jen Vadur smiles at him ** (923) Ferrago: "We appreciate your hospitality. We'll try not to be too much of a burden." (922) ShadowDragon8685: Ackbar rises, shakily, and nods happily. Turns out he's put you up in what were undoubtedly officers' staterooms, a pair of decks below the main bridge and to the aft somewhat. (928) Seiko: "We'll treat this place as if it were our own home..." ""Footrace down the main hallway later?" She whispers loudly to the group (922) ShadowDragon8685: He does chuckle at Seiko's stage whisper. (923) Ferrago: "Depends. Force, or no Force?" (949) Jen Vadur: ((Hehe!)) (922) ShadowDragon8685: Once Ackbar has retired, however, his red-edged R3 unit rolls back out into the corridor, beeping and whistling at you. Who speaks Basic? (922) ShadowDragon8685: errr... (922) ShadowDragon8685: Who speaks Binary? (928) Seiko: (Nope) (949) Jen Vadur: ((Nope)) (1102) Niari: (I do.) (923) Ferrago: (Not it) (1133) Zalana: (( nope )) (1102) Niari: (Lucky me.) (923) Ferrago: (I speak Rodese, Huttese, Bocce, and Ryl) (923) Ferrago: (And that's it) (923) Ferrago: (Well, aside from Basic) (949) Jen Vadur: ((Smart guy)) (1102) Niari: (Well, that explains how Ferrago understands Niari's cursing. :P ) (923) Ferrago: (Quite) (922) ShadowDragon8685: ((Come on, none of you speak Binary?!)) (923) Ferrago: (Niari does.) (923) Ferrago: (She said so) (949) Jen Vadur: ((Niari does)) (922) ShadowDragon8685: Okay, I meant... (949) Jen Vadur: ((Hehe)) (922) ShadowDragon8685: Nobody else? (922) ShadowDragon8685: Right, more whispering to Niari, then. (923) Ferrago: (Nada.) (949) Jen Vadur: ((Lol nope sorry)) (923) Ferrago: (I didn't even have mechanics or computer use at first, Ferrago was not intended to be mechanically inclined) (1102) Niari: "Really?" Niari glances at the droid, before turning to the others. "She isn't too happy with Master Ackbar's current mood." (1102) Niari: "The Admiral's been fairly ambivalent and has changed his mind several times... At one point or another there were plans of refitting the Home One into a hospital mercy ship, a deep space exploer, a cruise vessel, or a prison mover..." (949) Jen Vadur: ((Wow, that's contrasting quite a bit)) (922) ShadowDragon8685: No, not a prison mover. (922) ShadowDragon8685: a PERSON mover. (1102) Niari: (Person mover, whoops.) (923) Ferrago: "What about 'flying brothel'?" (922) ShadowDragon8685: As in, a vessel for the non-luxury conveyance of sentients through space. (949) Jen Vadur: ((Lol!)) (928) Seiko: "You dont say. He must be rather upset about things if hes really considering so many different ideas. The whole no crew thing has me rather concerned too." (922) ShadowDragon8685: The droid makes a noise of extreme disdain in Ferrago's direction. (1102) Niari: (Couldn't the droid have just said - transport?) (1133) Zalana: "Hmmm..." (923) Ferrago: "Someone in here doesn't have a sense of humor." (922) ShadowDragon8685: Droids can get quirky over time, and this one hasn't had a memory wipe in a long time. She has a bit of a pecular dialect. (949) Jen Vadur: ((It obviously doesn't have good vocab...)) (949) Jen Vadur: ((Ah)) Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (1133) Zalana... (1102) Niari: "Cate," Niari asks the droid, "Has Master Ackbar ever recieved any offers worth considering from outside sources? Job offers or the like?" (922) ShadowDragon8685: The droid beeps and dithers. (1102) Niari: "Cate believes that the trial had pushed Master Ackbar to thinking more of the past than the present, and he's come to believe he's a relic..." (1102) Niari: "...and he progammed her to filter out and discard such offers..." (928) Seiko: "So basically we've gotta set his sights on the future somehow?" (1102) Niari: "On the present," Niari corrects Seiko. (949) Jen Vadur: ((Gonna get some rest guys... will rejoin next week, ok)) (922) ShadowDragon8685: ((Well, you've got quarters. Go and use 'em. :) )) (949) Jen Vadur: "I am also going to retire for a while, call me if you've come up with a plan..." ** (949) Jen Vadur heads off to her quarters ** (949) Jen Vadur: ((See you guys next week! Have fun!!)) (1140) Niari (enter): 01:09 (1140) Niari: (....) (922) ShadowDragon8685: ((Hold on)) (949) Jen Vadur: ((Oh yes, and girl...)) (949) Jen Vadur: ((...)) Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (1140) Niari... (923) Ferrago: (G'night!) (1140) Niari: "I wonder if we could convince Master Ackbar to serve the Academy? His relationship with Master Skywalker, and the need for a strong deense and a larger fleet..." (1140) Niari: (*defense) (922) ShadowDragon8685: How in the world would the Academy crew Home One (922) ShadowDragon8685: How in the world would the Academy crew Home One? (949) Jen Vadur: ((Did you want me to hold on?)) (922) ShadowDragon8685: By way of comparison, the Republic Cruiser you have needs a crew of about 150. Home One needs a minimum of ten thousand. (1140) Niari: "The Bridge controls have been revamped to be useful for a non-Mon Calamari crew, according to Cate..." (1140) Niari: (O.O) (922) ShadowDragon8685: ((Err, no, you can go.)) (1133) Zalana: (( I am gonna have to cut out too. )) (949) Jen Vadur: ((Lol, ok... cheerio!)) (949) Jen Vadur: Disconnecting from server... (949) Jen Vadur (exit): 01:11 (1140) Niari: "I think we need to find Master Ackbar someplace that needs him specifically..." (1140) Niari: "Any ideas?" (928) Seiko: "Ok, such as...?" (1142) Monkeh (enter): 01:13 (922) ShadowDragon8685: The droids whistles softly. (1140) Niari: "Do you have any backups of the deleted job offers?" (1140) Niari: She glances at the droid, "And it does appear that telling him directly will only cause him to deny it." She pauses reflectively, "So - we need to find somplace or some situation that needs his talents and somehow figure out a way to get him to take it on himself." (922) ShadowDragon8685: Cate bobbles happily, whistling and 'nodding' her red-trimmed body. (1140) Niari: "You do? Can you bring it up on a screen somewhere for us to look through?" (1140) Niari: (scratch that.) (1140) Niari: "Cate suggests we convince Ackbar to try out the ship's new droid crew - and travel somewhere else with the Home One. And I agree - I don't think seeing all these past Rebel ships is helping his mindset any. (1140) Niari: "...thoughts? Ferrago?" (928) Seiko: "Why would using the droid crew help at all...? Convince him he needs an actual crew?" (922) ShadowDragon8685: Cate beeps rapidly. (923) Ferrago: (sorry) (1140) Niari: "Well," she glances at the droid, "Apparently he bought the droids to avoid burdening the Mon Calamari people by hiring a crew..." (923) Ferrago: "More importantly, where would he go?" (1140) Niari: "That is the question," Niari pursed her lips thoughtfully. "And don't say Zeltros." (923) Ferrago: Ferrago stops himself, as he was obviously about to speak. (923) Ferrago: He clears his throat. (923) Ferrago: "...I wasn't going to say that." (922) ShadowDragon8685: Liar, liar, robes on fire. :P (1140) Niari: "Oh," she huffs disbelievingly, "What were you going to say then?" (923) Ferrago: "Oh, uh... well, what are your ideas?" (1140) Niari: "My ideas? I have none. I barely know anything about the galaxy, which is why I'm asking you..." (1140) Niari: She glances at the droid again, "Cate has a few suggestions... She says Ackbar's a history buff and perhaps visiting old friends or historical sites might help." (1140) Niari: "Or simply take the vessel and explore..." (1140) Niari: "Honestly, I feel like we should make use of this ship while we can. We can contact Master Katarn or Master Skywalker to see if they have any other missions to partake of - and if they do, we can bring Master Ackbar along - just moving around and doing something of import might be best..." (928) Seiko: "Wont that make him think MORE of the past, though?" (928) Seiko: "I knew I was the wrong sort of person for a job like this...." (923) Ferrago: "Sure, a little sightseeing couldn't hurt. I've had an itch to see Coruscant again..." (922) ShadowDragon8685: The little droid beeps excitedly at the mention of Courscant. (1140) Niari: "Well, considering Seiko and Zalana's last experience of Corcusant, is that really a good idea?" (923) Ferrago: "The droid seems to think so." (1140) Niari: She glances at the droid, "You think Corcusant would be best?" (1140) Niari: She licks her lips, "I wonder if we can get our hands on that slave trader while we're down there..." (1140) Niari: "She's ambivalent, actually. It's where Master Ackbar was tried..." (1140) Niari: "But on the other hand, she says it's also a place that he fought long and hard to protect." (1140) Niari: "Oh," Niari furrows her brow, "I don't know anything much about him." She turns to Seiko and Zalana, "Cate wants to know more about this slave trader of yours..." (1133) Zalana: (( (**sss**)'m (**sss**)ut f(**sss**)r te n(**sss**)ght, uys. N(**sss**)ssss(**shhhshh**) meet(**sss**)ng y(**sss**)u aya. )) (1133) Zalana: (( (**sss**)'m (**sss**)ut f(**sss**)r te n(**sss**)ght, uys. N(**sss**)ssss(**shhhshh**) meet(**sss**)ng y(**sss**)u aya. )) (922) ShadowDragon8685: ((Heh. Good night, Zala.)) (1133) Zalana: (( g(**sss**)(**sss**)dn(**sss**)ght )) (923) Ferrago: (G'night! Nice meeting you.) ** (1133) Zalana says g(**sss**)(**sss**)d n(**sss**)ght (**sss**)n (**sss**)(**sss**)C ** (1140) Niari: "Really?" she blinks in surprise. "Ackbar was a slave once?" (922) ShadowDragon8685: Zalana says good night. (928) Seiko: "Your going to ask me advice now?" She said, giving Niari a skeptical look (1133) Zalana: Disconnecting from server... (1133) Zalana (exit): 01:34 (1140) Niari: Niari folded he arms across her chest and lifted an eyebrow, "Well?" (1102) Niari (exit): 01:38 (1145) Eric N. (enter): 01:39 (928) Seiko: "Well, its a bit complex. Evidently he was running a scam, a really dirty one too. He would arrange for eligible children to suddenly become orphans, and then foster them using fake credentials to trick an overworked system." (922) ShadowDragon8685: The quiet girl hovering behind Niari seems suddenly taken aback, her face one of surprise and anger (1140) Niari: Niari frowned, glancing back at Kya. "Is that so?" Her face turned dark. (922) ShadowDragon8685: Kya nods at Niari. (1140) Niari: "I think we should go to Corcusant..." (923) Ferrago: "Agreed." (1140) Niari: "The rest of you okay with that?" (923) Ferrago: "I guess that decides it, then. Now to let the most important person know." (922) ShadowDragon8685: R3-C8 whistles negatively. (1140) Niari: "I think we should let him sleep. And in the morning...?" (922) ShadowDragon8685: He is, after all, asleep. (923) Ferrago: "Well, I didn't say right this second." (923) Ferrago: "Let's all get some sleep. It really has been a long day." (1140) Niari: Niari nods at Cate, "If we mention that Leia and Luke are there - Ackbar will be tempted to go." (1140) Niari: "Well, at least that's what Cate says." She tapped her lips, "Plus according to the droid - and I agree - it would piss off Borsk Fey'lya." (928) Seiko: "I was regreting not simply finishing off that slaver when we finally got him cornered and he surrendered... I guess not at least we can do something useful about it though." (1140) Niari: "Corcusant it is," Niari said with some finality. "Let's get some rest - and in the morning we'll get Ackbar to fly us there..." (928) Seiko: "Dont forget, we gotta actually convince him to do this in the first place." (923) Ferrago: Ferrago doesn't say anything to Seiko's remark about finishing the slaver off. On the one hand, it's not a very Jedi thing to do... on the other hand, it's what he might have done. (1140) Niari: "Shouldn't be too hard," Niari replies, somewhat over-confidently. (923) Ferrago: "Well, if it comes down to it, there's always the Jedi mind trick," Ferrago says, jokingly. (1140) Niari: "Alright," she nodded, "Sleep then." She makes her way towards the officer's cabins to select a good bed for herself, imagining tomorrow is going to be a long day. (922) ShadowDragon8685: Ackbar's had rooms provided for you all, with nameplates quickly (but precisely) fabricated and affixed to the walls beside the doors. When you walk in, the rooms are chill and a bit moist, but the controls are accessable to change that. (922) ShadowDragon8685: They're all identical staterooms, somewhat austere in that they're largely open space, but the furniture, while not ornate, is quite comfortable. (928) Seiko: "Hey" She says to Niari "Whatever problem you have with me, theres an easy way to settle it, ya know." (1140) Niari: She turns just as she is about to enter a room, "You mean you're going to apologize?" (923) Ferrago: "I doubt that's what she has in mind." (928) Seiko: "Actually I was suggesting a race down the hallway" She replied with a grin (923) Ferrago: "And here, I was hoping for a catfight." (1140) Niari: "Do I look like I'm twelve?" the Twi'lek frowns before turning and heading back into a room with Kya, shutting the door behind her. (922) ShadowDragon8685: The young Twi'lek stands her ground, shaking her head and looking bemused. (928) Seiko: "She took me serious? Jeez, she really does have no sense of humor huh..." (923) Ferrago: "Niari may not have appreciated it, but I give you points for trying, Seiko." (1145) Eric N.: Disconnecting from server... (1145) Eric N. (exit): 01:56 (1140) Niari: Despite the fact Kya didn't follow, Niari sets about making the room as comfortable as possible - turning the heat up to a slightly warmer temperature and the moisture down." (922) ShadowDragon8685: The green-skinned girl takes a datapad from her belt, and writes something on it, handing it to Seiko. Then she turns and follows Niari, slipping into the olderTwi'lek's quarters. (928) Seiko: "Hmm? Whats this? Next weeks lotto numbers I hope..." She says, unfolding the paper (923) Ferrago: "Please, do you have any idea what your chances are at winning those things?" (923) Ferrago: "I'll give you a hint: Not very good." (922) ShadowDragon8685: ((A datapad, not a paper)) (928) Seiko: (Sorry. 2 AM and all :p ) (928) Seiko: "What, you thought I needed to see this in writing to figure that out? Actions speak louder then words, kiddo... bonus points if you pick up on the double meaning." She says, passing back the now blank screen data pad (922) ShadowDragon8685: Kya looks quite annoyed at being called 'kiddo', folding her arms into her jacket sleeves and vanishing into Niari's room in a huff. (928) Seiko: "Ah cmon, whats wrong with Kiddo?" (922) ShadowDragon8685: The girl is gone, and obviously, can neither hear nor answer (928) Seiko: "Everyone tells me to lighten up while acting so hyper serious.... go figure." (928) Seiko: (well I'd say it WHILE shes walking away, obviously :p ) (922) ShadowDragon8685: She still walks away, ignoring it. (923) Ferrago: "You're pissing off everyone today, aren't you?" (928) Seiko: "Not my fault if everyone is overly sensitive, if they say lighten up you think they'd be easy going themselves, you know?" (922) ShadowDragon8685: Technically, Kya didn't advise Seiko to lighten up, she advised her to apologize (928) Seiko: "Well lets go knock, see if we cant get them to quit sulking." (922) ShadowDragon8685: You could do that... (923) Ferrago: "I'm afraid we'll wake them up and piss them off further. Besides, I'm a little tired..." (922) ShadowDragon8685: Heh, looking to cut? (923) Ferrago: I figured you were. Me, I could go a little longer. (928) Seiko: "Its been like 3 minutes, they havent fallen asleep yet." (922) ShadowDragon8685: Nope. I can go a little longer. (923) Ferrago: Though I am kinda distracted. (922) ShadowDragon8685: Seiko, Niari? (928) Seiko: Im fine till whenever (1140) Niari: (Im good either way. Got a nap beforehand.) (928) Seiko: Normally not the case but tonigfht is special (922) ShadowDragon8685: all right. (922) ShadowDragon8685: Well, you could always knock on the door. (928) Seiko: Well we cant advance the plot with people missing, right? (923) Ferrago: Yeah, I was thinking that too... (922) ShadowDragon8685: No, but you can always do characterization roleplay with the other characters. (923) Ferrago: Well, true... (928) Seiko: That'd be the plan! hence the door.... (923) Ferrago: Alrighty. (1140) Niari: (Like I said, Im good with whatever. Knock on the door if you feel like it.) (922) ShadowDragon8685: ((Yeah, go on.)) (928) Seiko: She shrugs and walks over to the door, pausing outside to listen for a second, before knocking (1140) Niari: After a few moments the door opens, a none-to-pleased Niari looking disdainfully at Seiko. "What?" she asks flatly. (928) Seiko: "As you may or may not have noticed, we dont get along very well." (923) Ferrago: (I am going to go get candy) (923) Ferrago: (om nom nom nom) (1140) Niari: Niari doesn't respond, instead the Twi'lek crosses her arms over her chest - fixing Seiko with a level stare. (922) ShadowDragon8685: Behind Niari, the girl has shucked her shoes and her large gloves, and is sitting on the bed, curled up, clutching a pillow tightly to her body. (928) Seiko: "....Now it'd normally be your turn to say something. Unless they changed the rules of conversation since last I checked." (1140) Niari: Niari quirks an eyebrow, still not having anything to say. (1150) Sparky (enter): 02:27 (923) Ferrago: Ferrago watches from a distance, hoping a cat fight breaks out. (1140) Niari: (:D0 (928) Seiko: "Well your no fun. See if you dont say anything, how can I set myself up for witty comeback comments?" Rolling her eyes "Anyway, my point is that infighting is very un-jedi like, no?" whispering to Seiko, You hear a voice in your head - high pitched, female, young, and beautiful; but annoyed. You're not going to get through to her with even more irreverence. You rubbed her too raw for that. (1140) Niari: Niari doesn't even so much as move a muscle, her stare still fixed and level. (928) Seiko: "Sarcasm aside, theres a valid point there." (1140) Niari: "Well," Niari responded, choosing her words carefully, "You should do something about it. Like, perhaps, apologize." (928) Seiko: "And lets say, oh, hypothetically I did. Would you be planning to reciprocate?" (1140) Niari: "If you have to ask that, then you apology carries no weight. An apology is just that, expressing remorse without expectation of anything in return." (922) ShadowDragon8685: On the bed, the teenaged Jedi rolls her eyes and throws up her arms, flopping back on the bed. The pillow lands across her stomach, and she hugs it tightly, annoyed. (928) Seiko: "True. But I was going somewhere with that, so hypothetically, if I hadnt asked and outright apologized then would you have?" (923) Ferrago: Ferrago holds out hope that one of them is about to throw a punch. (1140) Niari: "No." Niari shrugs, "Because I don't want your apology. What I want is for you to apologize to Masters Skywalker and Katarn and to Commander Dacar." (928) Seiko: "Because you think I offended them?" (1140) Niari: "Because you treated them with an utter lack of respect. THAT is unbecoming of a Jedi." (928) Seiko: "Wouldnt it be more sincere to show something through ones actions rather then meaningless words?" (1140) Niari: "If words meant nothing, no one would talk, Seiko." (1150) Sparky: Disconnecting from server... (1150) Sparky (exit): 02:42 (928) Seiko: "People do meaningless things all the time. They say meaningless things all the time too." (1155) Joe (enter): 02:44 (928) Seiko: "Also, if I wanted to insult someone or be rude to them, I wouldnt dance around the issue either." (1140) Niari: "You're supposed to be a Jedi. Both your words and your actions carry weight, you need to realize this. What you do and what you say may be the only impression someone will ever have of our Order. And I loathe to think that you might be the only Jedi a person meets." (928) Seiko: "And what about you? I apologized to you in my own unique way and you pretty much shut the door in my face. Your not exactly in a position to talk down to anyone." (1140) Niari: "Really?" She felt a flush of anger color her cheeks, "Your own 'unique' way? That's your response? I told you I don't want your apology, you have nothing to apologize to me for. I want you to realize that you did wrong Masters Katarn and Skywalker with your attitude and the entire Academy when you spoke to Commander Dacta that way. Not me, I could care less what you say to me or about me." (928) Seiko: "I hardly said two words to any of them. At worst I insulted the quality of your starship back when I first saw it." (928) Seiko: "An insult which I take back by the way. She actually flew quite smoothly." (923) Ferrago: "Actually, it's my starship," Ferrago interjects. "But, carry on. This conversation is so interesting." (1140) Niari: Niari blinked, "Seriously? You upset Master Skywalker enough for him to point you to the door with your snide remarks. You had Commander Dacta severe communications with us - communications he took time out of his busy schedule to work in..." She shook her head, disbelieving, "Are you really that blind?" (928) Seiko: "I seriously doubt a jedi master got upset about something I said, im not even a jedi knight yet." (928) Seiko: "As for the Mon Calamari on the view screen, apparently he doesnt appreciate my humor. Its not surprising, I guess his race would have lawns." (1140) Niari: "It doesn't matter whether or not he was upset, Seiko. What matters is that you did not conduct yourself in a manner becoming of someone of his stature. He saved the galaxy, several times over. He founded the Academy and gave you a place to live and learn. He shouldn't have to ask for your respect or politeness. You should give it to him." (928) Seiko: "Now thats where your wrong. I never said I didnt respect him." (1140) Niari: Niari slapped her forehead. (1140) Niari: "By the Force..." she breathed. (1140) Niari: "Ferrago, do you want to try and explain this here? I seem to failing miserably." (928) Seiko: "Since you seem to be in a bad mood ill refrain from a humorous, but undoubtly misunderstood comment...." (923) Ferrago: "I'd rather not, but, to that last point, there is something I have to say. I you don't show any respect, there's no point to it at all. Regardless of what you may feel, it's how you conduct yourself that makes the difference. You're the one talking about actions speaking louder than words all the time. You may say you have respect for them, but that's not something you've shown." (923) Ferrago: "Regardless, aside from the Commander, who seemed pretty miffed, I'm sure you didn't hurt their feelings. It's more about you than it is about them." (928) Seiko: "Like I said, I show it through actions. I stayed abord, I came here as requested. Did I not?" (1140) Niari: "Thank you Ferrago," Niari smiles at the Rodian before glancing at Seiko. "I give up." (923) Ferrago: "But why were you asked to stay here? What do they want you to learn? You gain nothing from just following orders if you're missing the point of them." (923) Ferrago: "This isn't a military. The Academy doesn't just want simple results from you. Being a Jedi is a mindset, a philosophy. You're here to learn, as well as do." (923) Ferrago: "Sure, you'll do as you're told, but you don't seem to have an open mind." (1142) Monkeh: Disconnecting from server... (1142) Monkeh (exit): 03:05 (928) Seiko: "Thats actually why I came. To keep an open mind." (928) Seiko: "Between that and the fact that I respect the masters and they asked me to, what other reasons would I have?" (923) Ferrago: "Well, you're trying (and failing, mind you) to mend the situation with Niari, at least, I've got to give you credit for that." (1140) Niari: Niari sighed heavily, looking down at her feet before glancing back at Kya, lekku shifting slightly. (922) ShadowDragon8685: Kya has her feet up the air, balancing the pillow on them, watching Niari as she balances the pillow. She looks annoyed. (928) Seiko: "That I am" She said, looking back at Ferrago "I keep saying actions speak louder then words, dont I?" (1140) Niari: "Are you going to apologize to them, then?" (1140) Niari: "That is all I am asking. I'm not asking you to bring me the head of a rancor." (928) Seiko: "If you think I plan to do it by walking up to them and humbly confessing thats ive been disrespectful and beg their forgiveness, your going to be sorely disapointed." (1140) Niari: "..." (923) Ferrago: "Ah, well. I'm done arguing, for tonight, at least. Me, I'd only ask that you try to exercise a little restraint in the future. We've got enough problems without people being biased against us." (922) ShadowDragon8685: The girl on the bed sits up, looking quite frustrated. She picks up the pillow, and looks sorely tempted to heave it at Seiko. (1140) Niari: Niari stared slack-jawed at Seiko for a moment more before turning on her heel and storming back into the room. She waves one hand ove her head, telekinetically slamming the door shut. (923) Ferrago: "Well, I think that went nicely, don't you?" (922) ShadowDragon8685: Only if your name is Captain Jack Sparrow... (928) Seiko: "Well based on her reaction, I think she completely misunderstood my last comment." (1140) Niari: (:D) (928) Seiko: Seiko sighs, and knocks again "I think you got that last part all wrong." (923) Ferrago: "Don't take this the wrong way, Seiko, but you strike me as the kind of person who is very easy to misunderstand." (1140) Niari: Niari doesn't bother to open this door, as she is attemtping (and failing) to meditate to try and excise some of the rage she is currently experiencing. (928) Seiko: "Im trying to be sincere here. Really." (923) Ferrago: "Of course, if you get tired of arguing, my people always preferred to settle matters more physically..." (1140) Niari: (In other words - if anyone's going to open the door, it's going to be Kya, not her.) (928) Seiko: "Yeah, I know. Based on the way you've been watching, you've been itching to see a fight the whole time." (922) ShadowDragon8685: The girl does - this time with her hand on her hips, annoyedly staring up at Seiko. (923) Ferrago: "Maybe. I won't apologize for my culture." whispering to Seiko, You again hear a voice in your head, asking if you're trying to piss off everybody and everything, or just naturally talented. (1140) Niari: In the back of the room, sitting cross-legged on the bed is Niari, eyes shut, lips pursed tightly, and literally seething her red skin is nearly crimson with anger. (928) Seiko: "She misunderstood my last comment." She says down to Kya "So did you. Kiddo wasent an insult, its what I got called when I was small. Thought I'd pass along the tradition, ya know?" (922) ShadowDragon8685: ((Hey, be fair... Niari's skin is already cherry-red. :P )) (1140) Niari: (:D Well, she's a much darker shade now.) (922) ShadowDragon8685: Kya looks, if anything, even more pissed off. whispering to Seiko, Don't call me that. I don't like it when people remind me about it. (928) Seiko: "Well it wasent anything personal, if you dont like kiddo thats fine. It was a term of endearment really. I thought you'd find it amusing" (922) ShadowDragon8685: Kya crosses her arms, her brilliant eyes all-but-glaring into Seiko's. whispering to Ferrago, You know nothing about me, about any of us. You're loud, abrasive, and rude, and you act like more of a little girl than I am! (928) Seiko: "Even when im being sincere your getting mad at me? I said I wont use the name if you dont like it." whispering to Ferrago, Err, MT. whispering to Seiko, You know nothing about me, about any of us. You're loud, abrasive, and rude, and you act like more of a little girl than I am! whispering to Seiko, You get a sensation along with Kya's telepathic contact that she's quite angry, and a sensation of fear and pain, like you've dragged up some evil memory. (922) ShadowDragon8685: ((Do you have the Telepathy force power?)) (922) ShadowDragon8685: ((Kya's using the Telepathy power to speak. (928) Seiko: (I figured if she was sending she could also recieve.) (922) ShadowDragon8685: ((She can't.)) (922) ShadowDragon8685: ((It doesn't work that way)) (928) Seiko: "Anyway, you misunderstood what I was saying earlier." She said, looking over at Niari (1140) Niari: Niari hasn't budged an inch, though her lekku are pratically quivering, undoubtedly a sign of anger. (928) Seiko: "Im trying to make nice here. No need to get all upset." (922) ShadowDragon8685: Kya looks over her shoulder at Niari, and frowns, her own lekku twitching and curling in response. whispering to Niari, Kya signed 'calm down'. (1140) Niari: "If the next words out of your mouth are not, 'Yes - I will apologize to Masters Skywalker and Katarn and yes I will apologize to Commander Dacta' - I'm not interested in anything you have to say." (928) Seiko: "Now, see, I already said that before you slammed the door." (1140) Niari: She glanced sideways at Kya, lekku moving insistently. (922) ShadowDragon8685: Kya throws up her hands, shaking her head and sighing. (1140) Niari: "No, you didn't." (928) Seiko: "Yes I did. You just didnt understand it that way." (1140) Niari: "Then maybe the problem is the way you say things." (922) ShadowDragon8685: The teenager walks over to the bed, climbing on behind Niari and hugging her, tightly, rubbing the top of her smooth head, slowly. She closes her eyes, not looking at Seiko (who it seems only aggrevates her). (1140) Niari: She looks to Seiko, waiting for a response. (928) Seiko: "Hmm, yeah, I wouldnt rule out that possibility entirely. Afterall, I as good as apologized to Kya there for the kiddo comment, and she still seems upset." (1140) Niari: "Really?" Niari growls, "Because at no time during your conversation did the words 'I'm sorry' leave your mouth." (928) Seiko: "Thats because I didnt use those exact words." (923) Ferrago: "Oh, for the Force's sake..." (1140) Niari: "You see? Any person with a decent bone in her body would have said right there - "You're right - and 'I'm sorry'. But no." (923) Ferrago: "Really, Seiko, how hard is it to just say you're right? (923) Ferrago: (uhh) (923) Ferrago: (that was weird) (928) Seiko: "Im not in here because im trying to be your best friend. All I want to do is to be able to work along side you for as long as we're assigned to the same group and mission." (923) Ferrago: *sorry?" (1140) Niari: "You know what? Just... leave us alone." Again Niari waves at the door, this time more defeated than angry - closing it again. (923) Ferrago: (I must have accidentally mistyped something, and then OpenRPG finished the word for me... I hate it when it does that) (928) Seiko: Seiko blinks at the door as it slams behind her, cutting off Ferrago from the conversation (1140) Niari: (Uhm, Seiko would not be in the room...) (923) Ferrago: (Wait what?) (1140) Niari: (And Ferrago, same thing happens to me all the time - I turned the auto-complete off.) (923) Ferrago: (How did I get cut off? I was out in the hallway with you.) (1140) Niari: (Yeah, that's what I thought too, Ferrago...) (928) Seiko: (I stepped into the room when kya opened the door, I didnt really think about it too much at the time though) (923) Ferrago: (Beyond that, how are we slamming doors on ships? I thought they slid, all futuristic like.) (922) ShadowDragon8685: ((Well, you can yank a door in and out. It's not good on the motors, though)) (1140) Niari: (...no you didn't. I see no such thing up above.) (1140) Niari: (No, probably not. Thankfully there is a surplus of droids to fix things.) (928) Seiko: (Hmm, I dunno. somewhere I typed stepping in. Anyways...) "Its not like I can apologize immediately to either Jedi master right now anyway." (922) ShadowDragon8685: Kya sighs, throwing up her hands again. She picks up the pillow, and flops backwards, wrapping her legs around Niari's waist, utterly annoyed. (1140) Niari: (Well, if Seiko is in the room - then the door is not closed.) (1140) Niari: (Though everything Niari said still holds.) (1140) Niari: (So, uh, final verdict - is she in the room or not? I don't care either way.) (922) ShadowDragon8685: (May as well, since Kya arleady acted like she was.)) (928) Seiko: "I think they understand that I respect them in my own unusual way." (922) ShadowDragon8685: ((So tempted to have Kya pull a 'silent bob'...)) (923) Ferrago: Ferrago is leaned against the wall, arms crossed, watching silently and rather nonchalantly at this point. In his opinion, both parties are stubborn as eopies. (1140) Niari: "...please, leave." Niari remarks quietly. (923) Ferrago: He foresees no real resolution to this argument. Not tonight, at the very least. (923) Ferrago: And he doesn't need to use the Force to see that one. (928) Seiko: "Ah cmon. You think im here because im trying to annoy you? Im trying to be sincere here. This is about as serious as I get." (1140) Niari: "Ferrago, can you please get her out of the room? I don't want her in here anymore." (923) Ferrago: "Me? How? Telekinetically?" (928) Seiko: "What else do you want here? I already said I plan to apologize and respect them in my own way?" (922) ShadowDragon8685: Kya finally loses it, and sits up, pointing straight at Seiko, gesticulating wildly. (1140) Niari: "However you please, Ferrago." (922) ShadowDragon8685: It looks like she's in a full-on "lost it" rant, except... With no audible ranting. (928) Seiko: "Calm down. Im not lying about being sincere. Its what you both wanted, right?" (1140) Niari: "Leave." (928) Seiko: "What? I finally do exactly what you wanted and now your telling me to leave?" whispering to Seiko, "Listen, you rude schutta, your way is insufficient. Your supposed way of 'respecting' people is most people's way of telling them to fuck off! You're pissing everyone off now, all your abrasive irreverent complaining that you are apologizing is acomplishing is pissing people off further!" (923) Ferrago: Ferrago stands from his leaned position. This might get violent after all. (1140) Niari: She inhales deeply through gritted teeth, fists clenched at her sides. "Please. Leave." (922) ShadowDragon8685: Kya's wild gesticulations come very close to smacking Niari in the face - twice - but the older, red-skinned Lethan Twi'lek seemingly senses them coming both times and leans out of the way. (923) Ferrago: "Now, everyone, let's all keep our heads..." (1140) Niari: "I am, very, very, very close to losing my temper. I am trying my hardest to remain calm. And I am asking you again to please leave." (928) Seiko: "I guess ill go stretch my legs and explore the ship. (923) Ferrago: (Aww, it was just about to get interesting.) whispering to Seiko, Again, you hear Kya's voice in your head. "You always have to have the last word, don't you? You can't admit to being wrong, can you? You're an insecure little girl in a grown woman's body! (928) Seiko: "If you want stress relief, theres always that race. Alternatively, ill be in the cargo hold practicing my lightsaber combat at some point." (923) Ferrago: "A little sparring sounds like a good idea," Ferrago says, genuinely interested. "For now, though, I think everyone is exhausted." (928) Seiko: "Another time then." She said to Ferrago. Seiko steps outside, shutting the door behind her if Niari has nothing left to say. She'll spend the next few hours doing as she said, exploring and sparring with an invisible opponent! (923) Ferrago: Ferrago sighs. Geeze. (1140) Niari: As the door shuts, Niari drops her head forward into her hands - trying to calm herself down. (922) ShadowDragon8685: Kya frowns, placing her hand on the back of Niari's head, rubbing it softly. (923) Ferrago: As Seiko leaves, Ferrago walks slowly up to the door, leaving it closed. "Jedi thoughts, Niari," he says quietly. (923) Ferrago: "She'll learn. Eventually." (928) Seiko: Seiko would eventually get some sleep, and start again fresh in the morning! (1140) Niari: There isn't any sound from behind the door, though he does feel a telepathic wave of extreme annoyance that was slowly ebbing as Niari attempted to get her emotions under control. (923) Ferrago: "Woah. Well uh, if you need anybody to talk to, I'll be in my quarters." He walks off. (1140) Niari: (:D) (928) Seiko: (next morning?) (922) ShadowDragon8685: No. This has got to stop. (922) ShadowDragon8685: You're officially bordering on pissing us off. (922) ShadowDragon8685: I mean IRL. (922) ShadowDragon8685: I've been pissed off since the start. (928) Seiko: No one else is upset IRL (922) ShadowDragon8685: And you're gradually working the others over to my point of view. (1140) Niari: (*hand raise* I'm very annoyed, actually.) (928) Seiko: You should said something over AIM while we were chatting! (923) Ferrago: (I'm staying out of this one) (1140) Niari: (Im not saying anything.) (1160) Luke (enter): 04:05 (1160) Luke (exit): 04:07 (922) ShadowDragon8685: So... ** (922) ShadowDragon8685 sighs. ** (922) ShadowDragon8685: Anyway, I guess it's time for XP. (922) ShadowDragon8685: I suppose 650 seems reasonable, considering there was no battle, except one threatened against each other. (923) Ferrago: Geeze louise. (922) ShadowDragon8685: However, this monumental assholery is really, really aggrevating me. (923) Ferrago: I still think that one should've happened (1140) Niari: If she didn't leave at that point, it would have happened. (928) Seiko: Shes not an asshole, just has an aversion to the words "sorry" is all (922) ShadowDragon8685: Also, Seiko, I'll point out that I've actually been asked to kill off your character in some ridiculous way. (922) ShadowDragon8685: A stampede of tauntauns through your stateroom was preffered. (923) Ferrago: Now, now... I think what we've got here is a failure to communicate. (928) Seiko: Highly dubious :p (923) Ferrago: Whoa, who asked? (922) ShadowDragon8685: No, it was quite specific. (922) ShadowDragon8685: Tauntauns. (928) Seiko: Stop making up animals :p (922) ShadowDragon8685: Empire Strikes Back fail? (923) Ferrago: Tauntauns were those things in Empire Strikes Back (922) ShadowDragon8685: Han cut one open with Luke's lightsaber? (928) Seiko: Obscure video reference fail :p (1140) Niari: Still over 2k experience to level. :( (923) Ferrago: But, did Niari ask, or did another person here also get pissed off tonight? (922) ShadowDragon8685: ...... (922) ShadowDragon8685: Wha? (923) Ferrago: Oh, she was referencing Red vs. Blue I guess? (922) ShadowDragon8685: How the hell is ESB obscure? (928) Seiko: I dunno what its from. Something funny I heard ages ago (922) ShadowDragon8685: I'm not going to say. However, I will say that if many more people get pissed and ask for you to be removed, you will be removed. (923) Ferrago: Then it was Red vs. Blue or something ripping it off (922) ShadowDragon8685: The last few times I tried to run this game it went down in flames because of character issues.