| - Formerly known as the High and Chivalric Order of Deserved Rest, the Raven Knights get their more common name from the device that they commonly wear on their shields and surcoats. While the Mourners' Guild works primarily in the cities, protecting the dead and preventing the misuse of their remains, the Raven Knights are a militant arm of the cult of Mórr and travel widely in the Old World to do battle with necromancers and their foul creations. Like the Mourner's Guild, the Raven Knights require a character to have completed the career of Initiate of Mórr before admission to the order. From that point on, the character has a number of career paths to choose from. The order's clerics, templars, witch-hunters, and exorcists are famous in song and story, but they are by no means the only kinds of Raven Knight. A substantial academic and logistical organisation exists to support their efforts and to develop new ways of detecting and counteracting the cult's enemies. In the larger cities, the Raven Knights will be given some space in the guildhouse of the local Mourners' Guild or Temple of Mórr and will share resources such as scribes and chapels. Elsewhere, they may make their base in fortified temples owned by the cult of Mórr. On rare occasions, they have been granted fortress-monasteries with lands to support them in bequests from noble members or sympathetic landowners. A newly-initiated brother or sister of the Order has a number of career options. The Order normally takes the postulant's background and existing skills into account before assigning them to a particular function within the organisation and is generally sympathetic to a new member's ambitions, believing that a character with strong motivation is likely to be able to overcome their initial lack of suitability for a particular role within the Order. Provided that the normal rules for career progression are followed, a character entering the order may receive training in the following roles: